i fell in "like" with these shoes the moment I saw them all crooked on a shelf...in Forever 21...
I was like 29 feet all in these babies last night...I felt very super-model-height...or basketball player height! ha ha ha ha
If you want to enjoy the ginormous height of these shoes...click here to get em (they're only $28.50!) hee hee hee... http://www.forever21.com/product
WARNING: so NOT wear these shoes if you will be standing or walking for more than 4 hours! I did...and the balls of my feet felt like they wear the size of pillows from swelling!
Now for the LUST-
Sometimes we are overtaken by something....and love isn't something that is this horrible accident...that you just "fall" into.....love is a decision, a choice......if you accidentally fall in love, chances are you will probably fall right out of it!
When you choose to fall in love, it involves much more thought and care....no careless "falling" involved....ha ha ha...when you choose, chances are that you will be the one that chooses to stay in love.
People fall in lust...you don't choose to be physically attracted to someone, you just feel things...but feelings, you can't let your life be run by feelings. Some mornings I don't feel like working, or I don't feel like cleaning my house, or I don't feel like doing this or that....but if I just operated on feelings....my life would be out of control! ha ha ha
We need to make choices...we choose to clean our house so it looks nice, we choose to fall in love, because someone is worthy of our love...we choose to do the work that requires us to rise to the next level!
Today, may you choose the most amazing options out there for you! Dont' let life just happen to you, choose the life that you want. No matter how hard or difficult, choose the best option out there...don't settle for "just happening".......choose the best!
typed with love for all of your precious hearts!!!! i love you, kandee
Those shoes are awesome! They almost look "Edward Scissorhandsish" hehe Love them
good words! LOVE the shoes. just got some like those. wearin em on new years eve!(=
Thank you so much for this, Kandee!! I love EVERY single blog that I read from you. Just from you being so happy and wanting to help others lifts my spirit as well!!! I LOVE your shoes, but I hope your feeties feel better!! Haha, Love you and God bless :)
I loooove your shoes! So cute & such a good price! You always make me smile! Have a good weekend Kandee!!!
Very inspiring post! I love your pep talks!
You're truly an inspiration!! Don't ever change!!! :)
love! love! love!
Well said Kandee! I'm so glad there is someone like you for women to look up to because you speak such positive things! I 100% agree with what you said about love! It is a choice and it's more than just a feeling, it's a commitment. I love all your blogs!
And omg those shoes, I LOVE them!
I lovve those shoooes. I'm always nervous, though, whenever I decide to wear heels. Anyone who has worn heels for a prolonged amount of time can relate to your pillow feet. hah
and thank you for those wise words.
You speaking of cleaning made me realize how much i reaaally need to clean, though. hah!
I just got home, me and my friend were at her house, eating sushi and watching your amazing make up tutorials on youtube:P
I introduced you to her for the first time and I think she fell in love:) you are a great inspiration and I feel much more enthusiastic about my life and what I do after watching your videos! but the bad thing about it is that each time I watch your videos I want to spend all my money on the most coolest make up products!!:) thank you, Kandee!
Speaking of Forever 21...I just wanted to give you a heads up I went to the Forever 21 in Montclair, Cali last night and they totally have th flower rings you love..I got one in black and they had a purple one too for about 2 bucks....I love your style and all your inspiring words...thank you
I wish you could tell every young girl this. So many just "fall in love" so quickly and think they understand what it is about. You got it right Kandee, everything in our lives are decisions WE make based on what we think we need to do to better ourselves...or at least that's how it should be! I'm glad you understand that and I hope by you (since so many love you!) saying this and writing this in your blog that girls will start to truly believe it! :) Nothing is on accident, God puts things in our life to help us grow and we have to have faith! Right on Kandee you rock!!!
And sorry your feet hurt, you just must not be used to wearing heels!! :) I have many pairs of heels, I wear them often, usually on the weekends when I'm out with friends or my boyfriend but you get used to them! :) I for some reason, must have this amazing adaptation for pain lol because they don't bother me anymore! ;)
Glad you had a fun night and you looked AMAZING as always!
Kandee Girl.....after years to relationship mistakes. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that we do not fall in love we choose to love someone. And while we may have feelings for someone you can realize that person is not right for you and walk away.
In all the years I have believed that you are the first person that I have ever heard (typed..lol) those same beliefs - awesomeness!!!
You are glamtastic and a true artist. I miss your makeup tutorials-hoping to see some holiday looks and ideas!
I have been having trouble getting on your blog from my other computer. Do you have any ideas why? Hopefully it can be fixed so I can check it without going to my husbands computer.
whoa! love the shoes kandee
Such great insight! Thanks for the good advice. :) (one of your subscribers on YT)
Thanks Kandee. I believe in the same and about love. We do chose about love and we have to be careful if we are just physically attracted to someone or if we do love someone, if we do have feelings for someone...
Thanks Kandee!
Great shoes btw!!
With love <3!
Thank you so much for all your inspiration whether it's life lessons, fashion, or makeup! It's been a really bad year, I mean really bad. Sometimes I just want to lay on the couch all day and eat peanut butter and crackers. But it's getting better! And your words of wisdom are truly inspiring! Thanks so much!
I have the same shoes and looove them!
love the shoes... but also that piece of denim round your waist... what is that and where can i get???!!!
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