Watch my eyebrow BEFORE & AFTER in the video below! (I had way bigger, Brooke Shields style brows before!)
One of the most amazing things to transform the face: eyebrows!
You face can look skinnier, more angled, just plain, more attractive from a good eyebrow tweezing!
I am an eyebrow perfectionist. I love to shape, tweeze, pluck, and prefect everyone's eyebrows!
So here it your at-home eyebrow perfection instruction.
AND as a sidenote: I think waxing is great for backs, legs, bikini zones...but not precise enough for your eyebrows. (it's like if you went to eyeline your eye, but using something the size of a lipstick...too much!!!)
SO let's do an eyebrow make-over...
what you need for bombshell eye brows:
curved cuticle scissors like this:
An eyebrow / eyelash comb brush combo!(click here for where to find one)
and one of these AWESOME eyebrow razor!
(my FAVORITE is the TINKLE, and I love their name! Gives, "do you have to TINKLE?", a whole new meaning! ha ha ha)
click here for where to find them!
and a business card or anything with a straight edge!
and last but not least, a pair of unruly lashes! ha ha ha

so let's get ready to get some super fab brows that will get you some eyebrow compliments!
watch and enjoy, huge love and tweezers, your kandee
the first time i ever got my eye brows done, i had them waxed and she messed up and left my eye brow with like a slash in between the hairs and ever since then my hair does not grow there. I've gotten them treaded i loved it because they werent as thin as waxing them but like a 2-3 weeks ago i went in and they did my eye brows so thin im so sad so now i am trying to let them grow out but they look so ugly and im going to have to do them next week because its my best friends birthday
I've always been scared to try the razor! I think I'll try that next time!
It looks so easy!
I wanna make my eyebrows like amy macdonalds the singer's.
Do you know her!
Notice how her eyebrows used to be and how they are now! Her eyebrows and her face looks tottaly different! It was so good to her.
The problem is that i am growing them in the middle cause when i was younger i tweezed them too much! They look really good now but not as amy's . I am trying to make this shape it is awesome!
Also u can make a tutorial about her change of eyebrows it is huuuuge!
p.s: u are so cute!
keep up the good job!
kisses from Greece!
however, if you shave, as opposed to plucking/waxing, you have the 5 0'clock shadow (well, some of us) and you have to do it ALL THE FREAKING TIME.
Too many women I've seen with the five o'clock shadow at the end of the work day... yeah, just pluck or wax. The rest of this? Excellent!!
I personally would never recommend or Do the shaving part.
Haha! That old guy has eyebrows just like my dad has! Unfortunately, I inherited my dad's brows... :-( I've been tweezing mine since I was 11! And I still look at my pics as a kid and think my mom should have started tweezing them for me even earlier than that! Thanks for the vid! I use all of that stuff...except I've never tried the razor...but I will now that you recommended it! :-)
thank you.. i'll try it..:D
You know what's so strange? I've been following your blog for more than a year (I actually don't wear much makeup, but I adore you- so I watch anyway!) and I just looked you up on youtube because I was looking for an eyebrow video. I watched this video (assuming it was a very old one) and I thought, "Man! Kandee is seriously the BEST, I should go pop over to her blog..." And I see that you just posted this, how funny!
You are such a great resource. I just whitened my teeth this morning, after your video, and felt so much better about my smile.
I think you deserve all the best things. Hope the leg is feeling a little better.
All the best, Rachael
great video, but when you show where the beginning of your eyebrow should be, yours doesn't start there. it starts more inward, especially your right eyebrow. i think your eyebrows would look nicer if they didnt have such a big gap in the middle, like in the megan fox video.. :]
I REALLY wish I could watch this video... for some reason my last automatic explorer update is not letting me view videos. UGH!!!
I've been using cuticle scissors on my eyebrows for a while! Yay me! Thanks for all the other tips, I've used many of them in the past and they work fantastic!
Wow. I need a brow extension (or maybe a toupee), but definitely not tweezing. I just wanted to tell you that I spent the entire 8 years of the Bush presidency shouting at the TV, "Won't somebody DO something about those unruly brows". Hee, hee, hee. It must have really driven you nuts.
This was really helpful, however I disagree and I think waxing IS precise enough for eyebrows. I get mine waxed every other month - and tweeze for the month in between to save money. Whenever I get my brows waxed I find them SUPER defined. Think it's because they tweeze a little afterwards xxx
Thanks for the video Kandee!! You're the best.
a big Thank you!
that's the best video that I have ever seen about eyebrows.
finally I know how to bring them in form, because i have big eyebrows and i always wanted them thinner but I've never managed it.
I love your videos and tipps. =)
Hey Kandee,
Your eyebrow tweezing video makes a lot of sense, I just have one question. Where do you draw your guide with eyeliner? I understand using your nose as the pivot point, but do you apply the dot above the brow, in the middle, or below?
nice one Kandee. I also think ayebrows are very important, and it is a pity some very pretty girls don't tweeze 'em at all and look not as nice as they could've...
haha! It's funny you posted this today...a few months ago I was doing a search for eyebrow shaping and I found you! Since then I have followed your blog and LOVE IT! Well, I have the "Brooke Shields" eyebrows as well and my husband LOVES them...clearly he is insane...but anywho thanks for sharing this because it has really been a work in progress for me. I keep mine a little thicker than you show but I am trying to use some of the things you have shown in your video. Thanks, thanks, thanks!!!
OMGosh! Kandee I wrote you a few weeks ago, telling you how I am a Bio major, and its crazy how life can pull you in different directions, but anyways, I just want to tell you that I am accepting PAID shoots!!!!!!!!!!! Makeup is actually making me money!!!!!!! I'm so exited, and stoked that I am making a living from something I really really enjoy!!!! And you have helped me soooooooooo much. My girl friend sent me a link to your Cruella DeVill tutorial and I have been following you ever since! Thank you so much for all the advice and tricks!!!! Oh and the paid shoots I've been taking are for Spanish soap opera actress! I didn't know they were celebs until after the shoot!!!! hahaha What a blast!!!!!!!!!! Follow your heart, it will lead you the whole way!!!!xoxox
Sorry, I forgot to ask, I;m assuming (I could be wrong) that you make a living soley on makeup, just cause your work is so super awesome. Um, so how long was it before you decided to only do makeup. Now that I'm accepting paid shoots, I really only want to do makeup, and not bartender to pay the bills. Going back to the employee game, is aweful, I want to stay in the business owner game. I guess one step at a time tho, right? NEwho, any advice?
Thanks Kandee you are the Beessttttt!!!!this days i was looking for how to shape mi eyebrows in the internet...and now when i enter in your blog y saw your video...thanks thanks.......i will follow your steps for have great eyebrows...Gracias:D...Pupici...
I went and got my eyebrows shaped for the first time, last week and LOVE them! hahah The woman who did them actually does tattoo makeup (my mom has her eyeliner done and loves it) and she said I had good shape to them already, I was one of the lucky ones, but she thinned them out a little bit. I love them and when I was in her office I was telling her about you and how I loved the shape of yours. :) heheh
Hope your leg is doing well!!!
~Cassidy Z.
Thanks so much :) I can't afford to go to a beauty place to get my eyebrows done and whenever I tried to do them they didn't look right (I swear they looked like I hadn't touched them when I was done). Now they are so much better :D
Hehe... it would take a week to tweeze that man's eyebrows.
I NEVER know how to do my eyebrows correctly - either too thin or too short - or they are not balanced. They are seriously a hard part of my "grooming" time - I have messed them up a few times to the point, I am scared to even go near them with tweezers so I go to a professional to wax them off. I think I will try this method and see what happens. :) Hey, at least I don't have that man's eyebrows. Heehee. Would look ridiculous on a girl. Haha!
The first time I had my eyebrows plucked I let my friend do them. So they're really small and basically a straight line. That was about 3 years ago and they still havent grown fully back, but since they grow so slow if I try to let them grow out they look terrible and gross.
Is their anything I could do to fix it? Would this video still work fine for it?
This video is such a great help and im obsessed with watching all your advice. They're great!
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