Friday, December 6, 2013

A Peek Into My Christmas Candyland Part 1:

As you guys know, I love decorating for anything, and Christmas is my favorite....glittery things, sparkly things, and you all know how much I adore twinkly lights EVERYWHERE!!!!

I also have an affection for all things vintage, pink, candy-like, and again I say, glittery! And I'm thinking I'll do a lil peek at different rooms in my house (it would be too many picture to do the whole house at once, and I'm thinking I might do another video tour of my house like I've done in Holidays gone by)....

So Welcome to My Office area AKA my dining room also......

I'll try to say where I got errythang:
Giant Lollipops (on each side of the window): I got them at Michael's last year
Pink Garland: From (I love ALL their colored trees!)
Phone: It's an antique from my dad
Desk: antique treasure I scored

Medium Lollipop Ornaments: Target Year
Gumdrop Garland: Target, many years ago
Tiny Lollipop Ornaments: Michael's last year
Cupcake Ornaments: they were gifts that I love!!!
Pink Eiffel Tower: I got it at Target last Valentine's Day

 I also put up my white tree by my desk, and it looks pretty in the window at night too! I got that the year before and the "ornament garlands" I got at Target a few years ago too!

PS. I cleaned my desk off for you guys, it was covered with DIY goodies like hot glue guns, glue sticks, pipecleaners, make-up goodies...yes a DIY and fun videos are on the way!

 I always hang these giant peppermint candy ornaments from the light in the dining room! I want it to really feel like you are in a candyland, wonderland! That is Ellie's lil' "tall chair", it's an vintage wooden chair that has a tray to make it a high chair or you can flip it to the back and they just have a tall chair to sit at the table with, like a big girl!

And last but not least, our lil reindeer. How cute are these little chair decorations? They just button onto lil chairs. I got him at Pottery Barn Kids last year, there was only one left, so I'm hoping they have his friends this year in stock too!
And in the background I put little green foam-glittery trees in the middle of each window.

And that is our Chrismas cheer in the dining room / my office, or not really an office, it's more like, I just have a desk there!

Let me know if you guys want me to post a different room everyday and if you also want a video tour too!

If you guys wanna get inspired by my OLD Christmas Wonderland House Tour here it is: (you will notice my hair is not the same in this video ha ha ha)

And I'm off to edit my "Holiday Gift Guide For The Girls" get a sneek peek of my house decorations in different rooms in it too...It should be up later today on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL!

Come see all the fun things I post all over the place, just click one:

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