Monday, December 30, 2013

How to Party Like Your 94

Yesterday was my great-grandma's 94th birthday! My grandma is more youthful-minded, fun, funny and positive than most young people I know. She has been through many hard things in life, has never complained and is always making people laugh. She had a stroke when I was younger, and she couldn't use her right side anymore, so she taught herself to crochet, only using her left hand. I love her so much...

(This awesome rainbow cake is from Costco, and they make the most delicious cakes ever.)

My Grammy has always given me great advice, and one of my favorite things she told me when I was in high school was:
"If anyone makes fun of what you're wearing, you just tell them: Well, just be glad you don't have to wear it then!"

and this is what I chose to wear to go get my grandma's cake, pizza, flowers, and to party late until 6 o'clock when it's my grammy's bed time...ha ha ha

I tried to do my grandma's make-up and give her a birthday make-over, but she got too sleepy, so we said we'll play "grandma make-over" later this week. I'll try to film it and upload it, because my grandma is hilarious and adorable!

My turquoise kimono, I got from WAYF  (turquoise is my favorite color, well and pink too), my favorite black leggings, because they have a fold over part that doubles as a skirt, the Raffi Legging from All Saints,
my earrings are "vintage" aka I got them at a flea market, and my hat is from a hat shop in Canada, that I can't seem to find anywhere, plain old men's Hanes tank top, and the turquoise hoop earrings I got at these boots, oh these boots......
I am in love with these Freebird Drover Boots. They are a cool boot line, that are all one-of-a-kind, hand made, hand distressed to look like you've been wearing them for years, and they're juts stink in cute! I bought them for myself for Christmas...I love when I buy myself a present! ha ha ha

 And this was my make-up of the day:
I went for a nude-with hints of plum-grey eyes and a pinky-nude-rose mouth:
On my lips:
Too Faced Lip Liner in Perfect Pink (get it here)
with Naked Lip Pencil From Urban Decay on the outside (get it here) and the lipstick I ave on top, which also makes me upset, was a limited edition collection color (Those drive me crazy! If you like a color, you can't go back and buy it!), it was called Beauty from MAC and it's a glaze, and I don't have anything that looks like it to compare. It's a very cool nude-pink, much pinker than Myth.

And in summary, I ate about 7 slices of pizza and 5 pieces of cake to help celebrate my Grandma's birthday. Oh and I ate a bunch of English Toffee she had too. Oh it was a delicious, high calorie day.....

I love my Grammy, and I hope as as fun, happy, and full of life and youthfulness as my Grammy is at 94, when I'm her age....

huge hugs, your virtual pal, Kandee

PS. I filmed a "What's in my Purse" video that will be up soon on my Youtube Channel!

Come see all the stuff I post every-web:

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