real Jem!

Somewhere right before or after GI Joe and He-Man...was the most awesome 80's cartoon, Jem and The Holograms! It was a Japanese animated cartoon, ran from the mid 1980's...and was rock-tastic!!! (talk about girl power...She-Ra....then Jem!...80's girl power!)

I really love the series of looks you've been doing lately!
You're incredible! As an artist and a person. A true inspiration to so many people
&we love you :D xx
Wow! I loved Jem too, great idea for a Halloween look!
you look great kandee!!!
kisses from mexico!!!
You have been such an inspiration to me. I lost my baby in 2007, and since then, I have not been caring so much for myself. Some of your words have struck a chord in me and I've started to see a little glimmer of the "old me" trying to break through. Please keep delivering the positive words and empowering messages. I'm sure you touch so many more people than you know. Thank you.
I love all these looks to get us ready for the Halloween season.
Would love to see you do a Bollywood look with costume and all! ;)
Oh how I loooooooove Jem! I completely adored her when I was a kid, and I still have great memories of the show.
Love your vid, it brings back so many nice memories :).
Keep up the good work babe!
Have a nice day, greetings from the Netherlands.
Kandee you should try to do Smurfette...the wig would look great! but maybe something cutter instead of the whole face blue! haha...
I know he is a guy!! hahaha But the 1st person I thought of was David Bowies character in Labyrinth. His hair in that movie looks alot like this wig :)
This is awesome! Love the wig!!
Do you think you could do a Pocahontas look?!
I like Mel's Idea . . . Smurfette would be great! The only reason I haven't done it is cause I don't want to paint my whole face and arms blue.
Holy flashback to my youth! I loved that cartoon. Then you went and mentioned She-Ra. I had her action figure.
I grew up as the one of the only girls in my neighborhood so Barbie wasn't real big. I only got my brothers to agree to the Jem cartoons by convincing them that the music was good. This was back when there were only 2 TVs in the house and me and the boys would fight for control of the main TV. God-forbid you had to use the bathroom in the middle of your favorite show when you controlled the TV. ; )
Now that I've flashed back to great Saturday mornings....I wanted to let you know that, as usual, you did an amazing job! Makes me want to throw a Halloween party - I would SO win a contest using one of the recent looks you've done!
Love this! Love all your looks, you are super talented :) xo
are you able to cut it and curl it a little?? you could do the MTV Vma Lady Gaga look with the phantom of the opera half face mask! her hair is more bobbed but it does have those light pink highlights in it.
this is a link to the look:
Jarith the Goblin King from Labyrinth!
Dance Magic Dance Magic, Jump Magic Jump Magic....I adore David Bowie, and that wig totally does look like him!
that was just what I expected from you, just so funny and creative, thanks again~
as for the ideas, right now I don't have many with blondy wig, but you could really have a look at pink's videos, some of them are really a piece of art when it comes to hairs, make up and all! I love the U and your hand ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP1GCCS-hrk ), and since you're a brunette I'm sure you could easily make the one in the wood! or use the blond wig for the last look in bed (not very rockstar like that haha)
Hope to see more of your videos soon!!
Plenty of love & kisses
This look is awesome. You could totally use the wig to do a sexy Pink Panther look.
Seriously, I was just singing that theme song to my girls 2 days ago! I loooooooooooooooove this look! Kandee, you are truly,truly, truly outrageous! XOXOXO!
hey kandee,
this is the costume i'm getting for halloween. it's a sugar daddies costume in case the link doesn't work... it's a yellow mini dress with the brown and red sugar daddies label on it. i want to do a really outrageous look for this dress maybe with some sprinkles or sparkles or something... do you have any ideas?
OH MY GOSH!!! By showing me the cartoon I remembered, I had a kiddy book with them in it when i was little!!! Aw, way to take me back, Kandee!!
Can you please do a Pocahontas Halloween look? Thanks so much, Kandee! Love your videos!
kandee this is such an awesome look! wow you outdo yourself time after time... I love your glameos and wach them all the time. you gave me a passion for make-up I didn't know I had before:) you are so inspiring to me!
have a fun day!:)
You are hilarious!
I forgot about Jem and The Holograms! I so wanted to br Jem when I grew up. partly because i've always wanted to be a blonde and she had really cool baby pink high heels - am I a girl or what?
Thaks for this look. We don't have Halloween in Sydney but my next dress up party - i am soooo going as Jem from Jem and The Holograms!
The look is awesome!
I have to agree with what other people have said. I think the Goblin King[David Bowie] from the Labyrinth would be fantastic! I know he is a male character, However he did wear alot of make up and it shouldnt be too hard to put a female twist on it!
Also, I was thinking more on the whole 80's theme. I know her hair wasnt as long, But how about a Debbie Harry look? I just love Blondie and I truly think you could pull it off! :)
Hi Kandee.
You could use this wig for "The Goblin King" in the movie "Labyrinth". You gotta love David Bowie...
I love Jem! <3 was my favorite cartoon!!!!
you always have the best looks! <3
Thanks for bringing back such great memories! <3
your are amazing ....please do snowwhite costume look please please
Jem is Truly Outrageous! lol
Love that show
I used to wake up Saturday mornings, watch Jem and the Holograms and write down all the songs that I liked from the episode. LoL! =) U did a fab recreation. <3 I LOVE your Halloween series.
Goblin King!!! That wig would be perfect for him
This was my favorite out of all the costume looks so far! I really hope you can do an evening look for homecoming soon!
Jems Earrings :)
BTW you rock, I LOVE your vids :)
it would be awesome if u did ultimate warrior for the ladies or one of the kiss members!
With that wig you should do the Goblin King/Jareth from labyrinth! haha David Bowie!!!!
OMG -- I LOVED Jem (I also liked the rival band, but I can't remember their name at the moment)!
Thank you for all of your videos, you've uncovered a new world for me. Your energy is infectious, and your story is so inspiring.
I've got a couple for you -- Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie, and Ginger from Gilligan's Island (you could even sing "You Need Us," lol)
hey kandee i love this awesome glam rock look youve created!
could you do edie sedgwick next? ive always wanted to learn how to do her rad eyes...
Thanks so much Kandee. This was simple and truly outrageous. The Fred voice is too cute :)
the wig reminds me or Daryl Hannah's character Pris from Blade Runner
Oh goodness!! I was HOPING you'd do JEM! She and Betty Boop are my all time favorite cartoons! I got season's 1 & 2 on dvd for Christmas last year and I'm 23!!!! You could use the wig and do another character from Jem though, I think Roxy had white hair. Personally, Stormer's make up was my favorite though!! Awesome job so far!! BTW- You could do Betty Boop, but I'm thinking that would pretty much be the Pin up tutorial plus a black wig! It'd be adorable though!!
I'm with Eliza, I'd love to see a glittery, ethereal fairy look!
You are so awesome! Beautiful inside and out. I love all that you do. I was wondering if you can possibly do an ice princess look. I would love to see what you come up with! XD
I am loving all the looks!!! you rock!!! Can you do a sexy crazy vampire look!!!
Loved this video. I made an account just then so i could tell you this whole costume make up series you are doing is brilliant. I loved your other videos, and now these ones are spectacular!
I like how you have a range of videos from costume make up to normal every day to celebrity and then all your style tips!
So handy! Never stop :)
Your such a nice sweet person!!
it's funny, cause when i watched your tutorial and didn't know who jem was... but then i looked it up on the internet all realizes i used to love that series, and all my childhood memories came rushing in! thanks you kandee, it looks amazing!
hey kandee..so i just thought of a look you could do that i think would be awesome..if you could do kind of a geisha look...thatd be super coool :) and you already have black hair..so you wouldnt need a wig
this is super cute! I thought of another look you could use the Jem wig for...Dee Snider of Twisted Sister! or any 80's hair rock band! Those guys had crazy make up and I know you have male followers too! Hope this helps! Keep up the cheerfulness it ROCKS!!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhh i totally loved JEM!!!!!!!!!!
OMG jem was my favorite cartoon of all time. you look so amazing replicating her look, great job!
Absolutly LOVE this look!
How about a glittery, sparkly Tinker Bell look?
omg omg omg!!! Duuuuuuuuuuude LOVE the Jem. SO happy to see her making an appearance. I wonder, what are the chances of a Pizzazz tutorial? I'm planning on getting my Pizzazz on this halloween cuz c'mon, I get to wear a zebra print dress.
Kandee- keep on keepin on. You rock.
You could totally do Dolly Parton with that wig!!
Thank you so much for the makeup how to for the Jem costume!!! That is what I am for Halloween this yr & now I am totally going to take it to the next level. You're awesome!
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I loooooove Jem!!! She is truly, truly, truly outrageous
when she wasn't rocking out, she was contributing to her community with that orphanage!! Unfortunately the Jem dolls looked like trannys next to barbies
That blonde wig would work well with the Japanese ganguro look.Its like the California beach bunny taken to an extreme that is characteristic of Japan.
LOVELY!! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! can my blog feature you and your work ASAP (miseducated.net)? wow. really. <3 love it!
Hey, Kandee,
I will be dressing as JEM tomorrow and going to a Halloween party. I looked up JEM makeup on YouTube and came across your WONDERFUL tutorial! Thank you so much for helping me learn how to complete my look!
Hi Kandee, my daughter was thinking Hannah Mantana? but pink?
OMG. I am, like, the only person who knows who Jem is. I'm so glad you posted this tutorial, I'm gonna use it for next halloween. You're my fave youtuber and love your blog! :)
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