Friday, September 4, 2009

Kandee is weird!

(dancing and singing weirdly in the car)
to me....
weird is a compliment
I'd rather be different and "strangely out of place"
than so "common" that I would blend in
wherever I was.....

Just like each one of us...we are all sensitive (even big tough guys are usually the most sensitive, the get all offended easily, because really they got "hurt" AKA disrespected..ha ha ha), serious, talkative, quiet, calm, excited, happy, then sad, cheery then not....
There have been moments in my life that were sad...and if it weren't for me being raised in a silly, "dancing in the kitchen", singing, laughing, talking in random accents (my mom was the queen of the british accent...even my Nana would tell us the best stories in accents)...I don't know if I would've made it through some of the crappy moments that I did....My great gramma always said I reminded her of one of her many sisters because I'm always smiling and grammy always told me to dance whenever I heard music...and she still makes me laugh to this day!!!

My grandma Barbara...based a whole ministry on telling people how to cope with things through laughter and joy...she helped so many hearts....and I feel blessed to be able to read her written words...because she is wearing her "heavenly" clothes now!

This video was so fun to make...because the quirky side that only my family gets to see (usually)...gets to come out....I laughed because someone commented on Youtube..."you're trying to hard"....ha ha ha ha...if they only knew this is how I really am, when I'm in a silly Kandee-mood...ha ha ha....I wish more people knew how to have fun and enjoy it!

Please spread some laughter and smiles...and be weird and silly for me, if not for you! ha ha ha
Enjoy some silly-weirdsmobile moments with yours truly....K-dazzle


Usagi Chan said...

I loved the video, Kandee <3.
And you're right, is better to be a bit weird than boringly common!

Live.Laugh.Fashion.Beauty said...

Kandee i can totally relate to you.
My family is the same. we are in no way serious (only when needed) i grew up in quirkiness and i love it.
I get called weird aswell cause i also like to dance around in the street and sing even though my voice is shocking.
i'm 18 years old and from australia
i love fashion and beauty. though im not doing beauty next year cause i feel im not good enough, though watching ur videos has really made me inspired.

you have a great personality and i can truly relate.

i hope i continue to be like this and am like you when i am older

not that your old! your still young at heart,

thanks for everything kandee


Unknown said...

Oh my! I had so much fun watching this!! You cannot imagine!!
BTW, What´s your biggest fear...??? LOL

Alia Youssef Photography said...

Dear Kandee,

Yo are an inspiration, your videos highlight my day, your laughter makes me laugh, your smile is contagious! We love you Kandee! Thanks for making fabulous videos :)

Nova said...

Wow! I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long, LONG time! Especially when I'm sitting all by myself :P Thank you SOOO much for that Kandee, that seriously just brightened my whole day! After having watched so many of your videos, I can really see you becoming more and more comfortable in front of the camera and your fun and funny personality is just shining through. Not to mention how AWESOME your editing/cutting/chopping has become too! Keep up the great work :D Love, from the half American/half Australian xox

Unknown said...

I'm a mixture of your personality with a dark side!

Everyone in work sees me as the always smiling, happy, goofy girl...but at home I'm not always like that.

I get distressed/ depressed with my lot (like you I'm a single mom - unlike you I gave up on my dreams), but the moments of goofiness and laughing with my kids are precious to me. I only hope they look back and remember those times more often than when I'm depressed.

Love ya Kandee x

zeinia said...

Love you Kandee,you are not weird,just sweet :d

Tara's Airbrush Spray Tanning said...

Ha, I think we are long lost sisters. Just found your blog.. late night entertainment.

jessicaaxo said...

Kandee i love you:) youre the sweetest person ever.. I would absolutely love to meet you one day. Your sucha inspiration . I love how your always so positive . You give me great motivation ! and you've really encouraged me to follow my dreams !

so here's my question,

Im interested in makeup and Fashion .. is there any schools that offer both? I highly doubt it.. But i just love both of them so much and i dont want to give up either of them.. Do you have any idea on what i should do ?

P.s - Im a senior in high school .

Thank you so muchhh !

love, jess

Anonymous said...

I stopped being so crazy when everyone was telling me I was stupid and constantly asking me if I was drunk! Now I am only crazy with my family and we do all the dancing and the crazy accents. My momma is the queen of accents, she always wanted to be an actress.

Thanks for being crazy too!

Violet said...

HAHAHAHAHAH THAT video was awesome.


Funkiimonkee said...

Hey, i think weird is great! You kinda need to be yourself and not feel like you have to hide in order for you to be truly happy. Who cares wht ppl think? I tell ya now, most ppl will envy you for being different! Who wants to be a sheep? Love your work!

Melissa said...

Dont worry Kandee, I read your blog! All the time! I love it and it's the added bonus of the extra-weird you which is awesome! Hope everything is well, have a great weekend! I would be so so super excited if you checked out my blog, from little wee New Zealand.
Lots of love,

AmberG said...

You are so funny! I love waking up in the mornings and you have posted a video. It always makes me smile :) Kandee will you come to my house and hangout for the day. I want to feel as happy as you do! Keep 'em comin'!!

JC said...

It is awesome to know that I am not the only "weirdo" out there. Thank you so much for making these videos, you don't know how uplifting and inspiring they are. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Keep 'em coming!!! Looking forward to see whatever craziness comes your way. xoxo

rocky said...

OMG Can you say HA-LARIOUS!!!!!!! I loved it! To whom ever hasn't seen your beautiful babies, it's their loss!

zgirlkirk said...

That was make me laugh. Thank you for that! "what the what"..gotta start using that instead of the more common version, lol.

Unknown said...

LOVE it! You made my morning Kandee but then again you usually do :)! Thanks XO

mafer said...

Me encantó ese vídeo, nos hace ver más de tu personalidad que por cierto me encanta, creo que si nos conociéramos en persona nos llevaríamos bien.
Espero que hables español y si no es así... bueno... pues usa el traductor jajaja

mafer said...

Me encantó ese vídeo, nos hace ver más de tu personalidad que por cierto me encanta, creo que si nos conociéramos en persona nos llevaríamos bien.
Espero que hables español y si no es así... bueno... pues usa el traductor jajaja

Glamour Diaries said...

Kandee, you're just keepin' it so real! That's what I LOVE about your videos! You're the best! You're a fun crazy! Someone I'd want to hang out with. Keep it up! :D

Shannon said...

I read your blog Kandee! and it totally makes my day when there's a new post! :D like today--i love this video! oh, and can you believe that Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath ice cream is also my all-time favorite? so delicious but also dangerous--hahaha anyway, have an awesome day! love your craziness Kandee!

Shannon said...

I read your blog Kandee! and it totally makes my day when there's a new post! :D like today--i love this video! oh, and can you believe that Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath ice cream is also my all-time favorite? so delicious but also dangerous--hahaha anyway, have an awesome day! love your craziness Kandee!

Shannon said...

eek! sorry that posted twice! totally didn't mean to!

jstmichele said...

I'm part Dutch too and I just know that is where the silly stuff comes from. Kandee! It's as if you speak our own personal language! I understand you better then some of my longest-best friends! OK, so I'm a random dance anywhere person too! I love that version of Fools Rush In...who's voice is that? I'm searching iTunes and I can't find that guy. And, YES! Those questions... they must be newbees to you and not reading the blog, perhaps now they will.
Hey, will you work on some silly Halloween make-up tutorials? Like, a witch, princess, bloodsuckers? (ha! ha!)

OH!!!! Also, you have to tell me what size your older yellow ring was. I was at the farmers market last night and I totally SAW IT... but I think it was too big, they had 2 of them though. Let me know girl! Love to you are your family ~always, Me

jen said...

you are sooo cutteeee xxx

Unknown said...

I love you haha that was fun to watch

MissHotPants said...

Oh my - time to get out of my hidingplaces and confess I do both watch your videoes and read your blog. This video/entry left me, as many of them do, smiling and feeling so elated.

...and actually watching the credits provided me with an answer to a question I have posed in my head again and again i.e. if and why you most of the times seems to be filming in the bathroom.

Have a splendid weekend and best wishes from a "fellow" Dane (not the sweet even though I am sweet!)

MissHotPants said...

Oh my - time to get out of my hidingplaces and confess I do both watch your videoes and read your blog. This video/entry left me, as many of them do, smiling and feeling so elated.

...and actually watching the credits provided me with an answer to a question I have posed in my head again and again i.e. if and why you most of the times seems to be filming in the bathroom.

Have a splendid weekend and best wishes from a "fellow" Dane (not the sweet even though I am sweet!)

Amber said...

My son sat on my lap while we watched your video. As soon as you were dancing he got up to dance...I think you have some stiff competition!

CJ(my kiddo) and I loved the video. It was a great way to start the day!

Unknown said...

For Your Next FAQ video: what's your favorite musical artist? Any favorite movies? Did you know that you are crazy fabulous?

Kee-Kee said...

hahaha! that was beyond amazing! thanks for a great start to my day kandee!

sarad4 said...

First of all you have a cool famiy. You seem like so much fun!! I also don't like drugs and despise smoking, bleh. But unlike you...I curse like a sailor hahaha.

Ruby Woo said...

You are my hero Kandee <3

Unknown said...

You are the cuttest!!!!! I really laugh out loud when I see/read anything you do!!! And I LOOOVE your make up..Your the one that got me into moore make up..Now you should see my collection..And my new style of doing it..I've dragged my friends into watching your youtube videos aswell!! Lol..Now I know you've done this before...But can you please let me know what colors Selena Gomez uses when she's on her show?? She has like a grayish color and I love it!!! THanks!! Please keep up the good work!!

Unknown said...

This is so funny and playful. First thing I watched this morning, and now I'm ready for a great day. :-) You would be so fun to hang out with! Come to SF!!!!

funkyfashionfever said...

where did you get your shirt?

Unknown said...

Kandee you make me laugh and i love it. Your great and a great inspiration to me. Love what you do and thanks for what you do.....

Anonymous said...

This is my most favorite Kandee video ever! You Rock! It was good to watch on a Friday when I'm at work but not really wanting to be at work. :)


niea999 said...

mouahahaha, I loved the video, had soooo much fun !!! XD
oh, no, I didn't knew about your blog, you would be nice to mention it, at least ONE time on your videos or YT page ! ouch ! I really wanna read it ! pleaaaase gimme gimme ! XDDD

haha, have an awsome day, kandee and everycandy'z girls ^____^

I leave you, I have some childs to adopt, 'cause I wanna be a celebrity myself ;p

beautifullife said...


u r so funny Kandee... love it!

belleza said...

lmao these are hilarious they actually always make my day. You seem like youd be so much fun to be around. i love watching these question ones.

Tisha said...

Kandee, you are definitely an original, and I love it. Your videos always make me laugh, you are just being yourself! Keep on doing what your doing!!

Anonymous said...

i actually LMAFISHO and i usually write that but i acutally did it. THIS WAS THE BEST SO FAR IM LOVING ITT THANKSSS cherry of my day

Kristin Joy said...

Kandee I am curious - this ministry you talk about was your grandma a Christian? Are you a Christian?

CherryRed said...

Hey Kandee!! ♪

Love yr videos, you are so inspiring! Loved to see your goofy side, it’s nice to know I’m not the only person who’s high on life. =)
School started Sept. 2 ( *yeay* I’m a senior!) and yesterday are English teacher gave us a topic, were we had to right about some one who is a hero to us, and how we look up to that person and why,, I haven’t started yet but I chose you!

Well have a super fantastic full of fun Day!!! :D

MissMosh63 said...

Hey Kandee,
I love your awesome videos, keep em coming.
My question: what are those songs you're dancing to in this video?

Juno said...

Hello Kandee!!!
Excuse my english..i'm learning

I want to talk in spanish (i hope thath you can read me)

Solo queria decrte Grrrraaaaaaaaaciassssssssss.Eres tan divertida, amable, fuerte, sensible,generosa,creativa que me enorgullezco de ser mujer!!!No solo eres guapa por fuera, por detro eres mejor todavia .

No hay dia que no este dseando llegar a mi casa para ver tu blog ( aunque como he dicho antes me cuesta mucho entenderlo todo..pero lo intento jejejej)

Un beso desde España (Barcelona)

Juno said...
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Lihsa said...

Keep smiling!!!

Miss Liz said...

You crack me up, Kandee! Great video!

g-girl said...

thanks for making me sooooooooo laughing!!! it was so fun to watch this video! but at this point i have some questions (yeah...really!):
- how can you be soooo funny? it´s great. share your secret....please...
- did you ever been outside of america? i´m from germany and i "just" came around in europe. and you? where have you been on earth (and have they survived?)???
- what´s your inspiration to be creative? your truly an inspiration for me!
- have you some tips to stop cravings??? i just live organic and sooo healthy....but i can´t stop to eat ice-cream, chocolate and sweet things :( you have this problem too?
and last but not least: i must admite that i can´t read. just watch your videos.... *shameonme*
thank for partake on your (private)live :) KEEP AT IT!!!! interactive hugging my dear :)

Unknown said...

hey kandee, just wanted to say that i love your videos, you're just so awesome. Keep being wierd and don't change.

Lucy said...


I've been invited to a party tomorrow but I'm soooo tempted to just stay home bake some of these babies!

I was going to request a video of a typical Kandee-style lunch, but I just read your Facebook status, and apparently you had a muffin for lunch haha!

Well if I can get a body like yours by eating muffins all day then I'll sure give it a try haha :D

I love all your videos and really appreciate the time and effort you put into them, especially on your blog as well. I've always wanted to blog, but I'd have no idea what to write about haha.

Anyway, keep up the wacky work :)

Lots of loveeeeeeeee
(Lucy Fallaize, friend on your facebook :) )

Lucy said...
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Lucy said...
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Eva Van D said...

I give you two thumbs up for your hapiness because of that you make us all smile. I couldn't believe some of the question like for example the drug one haven't they seen your life story!!!!!! Oh I discover lately that whenever I am blue I hear pump music and dance and out come the sun!! Thanks again for your videos!!!!

Unknown said...

Kandee! EFF THOSE HATERS! I feel like socking whoever messes with you sista girl!

freaka said...

hi kandee like ur video :) and when u said doesn't any body read my blog i was like why do they do this to her it's all there if only they read it :D

Jen said...

HAHAHAHA!!! I have never laughed so hard in my life!!! I love the "break" dancing! Keep it up girl... we all love you!

Anonymous said...

sooo fun to watch! i was laughing so hard at one point! i love being silly too ... no matter how old i may be one day .... ill be that granny bustin' a move with her walker!

Alexandra said...

you know, i created blog here, only for one purpose - to say finally, that you make my day brighter! you're so funny!
hello from Ukraine! (it's a wonderful country, where people are almost as cheerful as you) :-)

Unknown said...

omg no joke people ALWAYS ask me if i'm drunk/high/on some special stuff and i think it's a compliment because the energy/silliness is organic and comes from happiness! lol! go kandee! and thanks for making laugh while i'm sneaking YOUTUBE videos at work! lol!!

Go Kandee, Go Kandee, Go Kandee! GOGOGOO!!!

Violet Sky said...

your a cool mom and friend <3

Anonymous said...

i work as an assistant in a hair salon... i have long weeks and long hours...
the thing i look forward to when i get home is coming home and having your funny, goofy personality cheer me up... it reminds me a lot of the way i am with my siblings...

thank you for being so happy, positive, and inspirational. keep it up! we love you. :)

Jennifer Coomer said...

Wait a second Kandee! Barbara Johnson - Stick a Geranium in Your Hat and Be that she your grandmother?!?!?!?????????????

dear internet said...

haha, you are very fun to watch, you always make me smile!

Jennifer Coomer said...
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Jennifer Coomer said...

Seriously! I am still amazed that she was your grandmother! "Stick a Geranium..." is on one of the bookshelves in my house Kandee! She was an inspiration to me! All these months of reading your blog....I'm amazed, but not at all surprised. You have that joy and "dangerous wonder" that she had.

Jennifer Coomer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

oo i forgot : i know you did some makeup on conan o'brien a while again and i was wondering if you remembered what show it was for, like who did he interview so i can check that out and see ur amazing work

TigerLili said...

Definitely one of my Fav videos you've posted! XOXO

abril said...

oh my i love it .... i do read your blog!!! and you should sing girl, you do it soo damn good xD i loved this video!!! so you always :)

Michelle said...

You are hysterical. I wish I was born with just one ounce of your "fun-ness". People ask the most bizarre questions, eh. Love the blog and videos!

Becca said...

i grew up in a place that was lacking a lot of quirkiness so i had to create some of it for myself. i envy the way you can look at life brightly and just dance your problems away haha it's actually really beneficial for me to watch a video of yours when i have time because you're like febreeze! a burst of freshness whenever i need it lol keep on being you! <3

Unknown said...

whats the name of that song you are dancing to? i love it so much but can't track it down!!

Unknown said...

Kandee please post where you got your chain choker/necklace?

Unknown said...

Kandee please post where you got your chain choker/necklace?

Anonymous said...

Ah... someone come kill me!!! wait a minute it's 1am in Singapore and I'm reading your blog AGAIN in the middle of the night instead of sleeping.. OMG >.< Do you put anything to maintain youth on your face?? I don't know, mask or going for facial and all?

You could do up a video on beauty~ Maintaining your looks because so much that you've said, I bet you are 5 years older than what we are all thinking XD

Apparently age don't run in your mentality~

Thanks for the laughs!!

Maria Karla said...

Hahhahaha you're so fun Kandee!

Mo said...

Hey Kandee!

I stumbled across a youtube video instructing how to whiten your teeth and found your blog off it. Girl, you are a trip and a half. Love the video and I couldn't agree more. Weird is absolutely a compliment! I actually say, " Why thank you very much! " I would rather be weird or different then like everyone else and ordinary. rock sista! Keep being true to you...happiness is a choice, laughter is the cheapest medicine, and as the hottie McConaughey says...j.k. livin! Live life to the fullest!

adys said...

hey i knew you had some mexican thing going on on you :D

proud mexican talking ;)

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