things I didn't do this year:
make a new Kandee Christmas card.....
make a million dollars (ha ha ha ha)
things I did do:
start making videos on youtube
feel so much love from all my new "kandee" family on here
this was my christmas card from last year.....I don't know how, or why, but this year, my december was so busy, I kept thinking...oh I'll make it tomorrow...and nopey nope nope...it's the day after Christmas and I'm still have nothin' but this old "cyber" card to show ya! ha ha ha
I had an awesome Christmas....it was fun, and wonderful...and filled with yummy food..which I am very thankful for!
I remember a Christmas, a very long time ago, where I didn't have any Christmas decorations, but a piece of cardboard I had cut out in the shape of a Christmas tree and taped to the wall, and I drew some ornaments on it! We didn't have any food...and I don't remember what I had to eat....and there weren't any presents in sight....all of these things make me sooooo, thankful for having a home, a tree to decorate, and lots of yummy food to smell and eat. These were all things I dreamed of having that one Christmas....I always had hope that it would be better in the future.
And after all...Christmas is really to celebrate Jesus' birthday.....So merry day-after-Christmas, and let's get ready for an awesome new year!!!!
I'm off to help celebrate my gramma's 90th birthday with all my fam!!!
Huge love to you all, kandee
Hey Kandee! A belated merry christmas! :) I love watchin ur videos and think I've learned so much from you. I'm so glad u had an awsome christmas and wish u never have to spend another horrible one again. Lots of love, Ciara from Scotland xxx
Im happy you had an amazing Christmas! Thats perfect!
Thanks for all youve done and you are still doing. You changed me and my life, the way of seeing things... Thank you so much Kandee.
Have an awesome day celebrating your gramma's birthday!
With love <3!
Thats so nice! Im glad you had your wonderfully Perfekt Christmas .
Happy Birthday to your gramma :)
Looking forward to your next video. we have mist you!
Love from Denmark
Hi Kandee!
I really love reading your posts <3
I came across you on youtube, I was looking for some make-up tips and that was brilliant.
eversince i watched one of your vids i was hooked, looking for more tips and tricks!
Then i found out you had a blog and now im hooked on that too.
I even made my own account, hehe.
You've really inspired me this last week and listening to your stories or reading about them is making me a better person.
So i'd like to thank you & also i'm really glad you had a fab cimbo.
And you look beautiful as ever in your pic!
Thank you <3
lots of love ella :) x
OMG! My boyfriend and I did the exact same thing back in '96 when we got our first apartment and didn't have any money; we made our own Christmas tree out of cardboard also, and we left a stump on the bottom and placed it in a coffee can, and then wrapped lights around the tree part as well as drawing ornaments on it. Then we made a cardboard fireplace to go with it, and we hung our xmas cards on it.We were just starting out and we didn't have much either. It wasn't much, but we were so proud of it. Hahaha! Too funny! It makes me wonder how many other people did this. Anyway, happy holidays, Kandee!
I know this isn't the space to put makeup requests but, I didn't know where to send this so you would see it. :(
Could you do an Ivanka Trump makeup look? I love the how she manages to always look flawless!
Thanks. I'm almost 40 and just learning to apply makeup the right way. LOL! This ole' dog can be taught. ;)
Thank you for sharing Kandee, I remember days like that but when I was a kid. Christmas with no heat no food and my sister and brother freezing in their beds, To having Christmas after my dad got us that the only reason we even had a christmas was thank to our church,family and friends. I may have little or I may have a lot but what matters most is whats in the heart. I am so thankful for just having Christmas to share with my hubby and family that cares every year no matter what I know I have the best one ever. You are so wonderful and glad you and your family had a great and Merry Christmas
Happy birthday to your grandma! In my language "happy birthday" means "long may he/she live", so this is what I'm wishing :)
Thank you for reminding us again how lucky we are to have all the simple things around us and how much they really matter.
have a nice day, kandee!
I hope you and your family had the most fabulous Christmas yet, Kandee! I enjoy reading your blog and watching your YouTube videos SO much! Your personality is magnetic, and you have such an amazing soul - you're so refreshing! The world needs more people like you! :) Keep spreading your joy & inspiring more people than you can imagine!
Hi Kandee,
Yes.. I am reading your blog (referring to your vlog, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75NCOuQprwU&feature=channel)..
Nice makeup skills.... and I like the shirt-cutting lessons from you, though I have not tried it..
Merry Christmas.... and a Happy 2010 year..
Kandee, you are so inspiring! I just love that you came from humble beginnings (me too) and that makes you the sweet person that you are today! It's why so many people connect with you and almost feel like they actually know you, because you're so down to earth! Love you to pieces and everything you do! I hope no matter what, you always stay the sweet Kandee you are!!! Merry Christmas friend!! :-)
Awww 90! How amazing! Hope she has a great birthday!
I hope you had a great Christmas :) and Hope she had a great birthday :)
I really didn't know where to email you. But i wanted to talk to you, and ask you something. So i'm going to just throw it out here, you can delete it, but just please read it. I have been reading your blog for a while. you have so much confidence, and i really don't have any. I created a blog, to try and help me find confidence through makeup, and fashion, and just to make friends who share some of the same things i like. I was just wondering if you think you could comment on my blog sometimes to help me out? or if you could have some of your friends help me? Thanks for your time. The blog is on http://noconfidencetototalconfidence.blogspot.com
You are one of my biggest role models ever!
omg girl you look hard core in your christmas card.hahha i love it. you are amazing you make my heart fuzzy..thanks for the fun...ooxooxoxox
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