here's she lies...the last make-up look of 2009!!!!!
This is the new year's look I will be wearing if I have any plans to go out tonight! ha ha ha ha..it's a smokey, sultry look, that just looks gorgeous, and doesn't look lik eyou have 20 pounds of make-up on! ha ha ha ha...and I get compliments like crazy every time I do my make-up like this....
this is also my "rant" about new year's too! ha ha ha ha
this new year will be even more amazing, fresh, new and filled with hope than this year! whatever you do, know in your heart that this could be the year that your dreamd come true, no matter what they are! huge love.....kandee
love the makeup vid... i gotta try it! ^-^
LOVE the rant video, too... hahaha New Years is so frustrating.
It´s just not fair! First of all-you are soooo beautiful and second-your fingers are golden. I try too mimic your looks and I end up looking like somebody punched me!!! But I follow everything-so please 2010 even mooooooreeee!!!!
Love love love this look! It's so pretty. I may try it for tonight!
Oh Kandee, you look gorgeous! Wish you the best! :) I'm gonna try it RIGHT NOW! he he
Just want to say thank you for being you & for all your positive energy & words that always find me at the right time especially in this very very bad year of mine. I would like to wish you & your family all the best of health & happiness for the new year. I look forward to more blogs & vlogs. xoxoxoxo
OMG your eyes are gorgeous!
Have a happy and safe New Years, Kandee! *hugs!*
Awee.. Kandee.. you're amazin', nd i kno you already kno dat...!
Thank you so much for your make-up video's.. you don't just help us with make-up but you cheer us all up with your sweet words and gigglyness... you're awesome..!
May this comin' year bring much much more happiness than you could ever imagen...
Stay Blessed...!
PS: i loved dis make-up you did, nd specially the eyes...! <3 xox
<3 the video kandee!!! what did you use to highlight your nose? where do you get your brushes from? Thanks for the vid kandee!!!
<3 the video kandee!!! what did you use to highlight your nose? where do you get your brushes from? Thanks for the vid kandee!!!
<3 the video kandee!!! what did you use to highlight your nose? where do you get your brushes from? Thanks for the vid kandee!!!
Love you Kandee, watched both your videos and loved them! Hope you have an awesome time ringing in 2010! BE SAFE!
lol..omg I HATED High School!! It's so true what you say..cuz all those preppy a$$ people are all still friends and are dwelling on the "time of their lives" in high school! I barely ever even went to high school!
PS my worst new years was when my cousin told us we couldnt make noise on new years cuz it was ghetto. so we had to sit quietly in her house!! if i wasnt drunk i woulda drove home!
thanks for being the best. happy new years kandee!
Hey Kandee!
I want to say thank you for being my "online bestie" this year when I really needed support, encouragement and just someone to be there for me. This year was quite difficult for me, but you really added sparkles to those very gray days. For this thank you, I really don't know how much you helped. Happy New Year!!! I wish you and the rest of the Kandee Family a fantabulous one!!!
i LOVE u. i husband works nights on a military base. so he's at work.. i have a 2 year old.. so she'll be in bed... so u are officially my date!!! "awesomer than awesome". hahah i love it!
I've wanted to learn this look for years. Thanks for posting! Can't wait to try it.
I do hope everyone gets to live their dream and that we can all be happy. It sound like a beauty contest desire, but it's really my wish for everybody that has a good heart and positive dreams to be happy!
Have fun tonight!
Hi Kandee! Thank you so much for this NYE look. I was watching your latest vids this afternoon, and needed to figure out my look for this evening so I did this one. I'm wearing a black sweater with grey leggings, and grey boots. This look is perfect. I tried my best to duplicate what you did. HUGE hugs to you and best wishes for a wonderful new year!
This is so purty!! :) Thanks for all you have done this past year and all your inspirational words. I wish you the most amazing, happy, and healthy 2010!!!
Happy New Year all the way from the Philippines! It's already January 1, 2010 here ANC New Year's eve was a blast!
I love your make-up tutorial! It's so easy to follow! Anyway, can I request for a video tutorial on how to make your PuRple mashed potatoes (Jimmy Hendrix)! I want to make one to encourgmage my sisters to eat potatoes.
Btw I tried your crepe and it was amazing!!!
Thanks and the best!
Hey Kandee,
Okay - first ... I stumbled across your page like three days ago, and let me just say - you're pretty stinkin' great! I've been obsessed with makeup as long as I can remember ... so having you around is wonderful.
Here's my deal though ... I'm getting married August 14, 2010. And he's a marine, and amazing, and I've loved him since we were 13 and all of that junk. It's a real cute story. Sorry - girl moment. I had to gush. Anyway!!!! My wedding dress is very vintage, I'm rocking the birdcage veil, and the 40's"esque" updo. Because it is my wedding I don't want to go all glam - I want to look timeless so when my kids look at the pictures in like 20 years they aren't thinking - "WTFREAK mom?! What's with the purple eyeshadow and massive bangs?!" The bangs were an exaggeration. I have nice bangs. Again - not the point ...
So I'm leaning red lips, browns on the eye (I have hazel eyes), with a simple liner. But you would be amazing if you could do a tutorial on natural-looking-super-simple-wonderful wedding makeup. Just sayin' ...
Okay! Happy New Year! Sorry for the ranting. Middle Child Syndrome - hardcore.
Hi Kandee! Hope you had a really good New year Party. Thank you for the video, your look is amazing.
I wish you and your whole family a Happy 2010 full of love, health and... wanted kisses lol!
hey Kandee!
so i actually stumbled across your videos on youtube and i think you are just pretty darn amazing!! I've read a lot of you're blogs and i think you are just an inspiring person!!
anyyywayys happy new year!!!
Happy New Year Kandee! haha! i remember Y2K! sounds funny now when we talk about it! some of my best times are being at home alone....nothing wrong with that huh? love you girl! xoxo ~patty~
Kandee you are an amazing artist! for years ive worked with artists and none of them are as talented as you are!!!!
Please please please, do a video on covering up acne.
I've come back from a modeling contract with horrible pizza face!
Help Help. I don't know how to cover is seeeeeeeemlessly :)
Dear Kandee,
I have been watching your videos for a while and I feel that I should thank you for making them. You have really inspired me. I never really knew how to use makeup and since I'm not very creative, your precise and straight forward advice is worth a lot. :)) You make me believe that I can actually learn how to do this stuff... Thank you for your positive energy! All the best in 2010!
hahaha i love your rant on new year's, you are so awesome! <3
Awww thats soo pweetty! Kandee your pretty ammaziinn! :)
an soo r you guys leavin comments lol :)
Check out my blog http://xclothesoverbrosx.blogspot.com :)
xoxo -S-
Hi Kandee,
I love all your looks and think you're such an inspiration to not only me but so many others! I just started a blog today and wrote about you... I hope you don't mind but if you don't like it, I'll def take it down. I think the world needs more people like you and hope you go far! Thanks for inspiring all of us and making the world a prettier place :) You can check out my blog here if you like... http://salmanebot.blogspot.com/
you look fantastic!
Happy New Year! Thanks for the video! Love it!
Kandee, I completely agree. I love you and you just made me cry.
Oh my goodness. I was looking for videos on bangs and I found you. Pretty much the greatest thing ever. You crack me up! A true inspiration ...and dare I say a little ray of hope for the future. :)
My high school days were funny, Some ppl just remember me "the girl who have everything but she want to be a looser" .. i was depressed and i hate everything . . . but look at me now & even in my college days . . . IM SUPER COOOL & EVERYTHING . . .
i used to think about this how my life changed & i thought it doesn't happen to everyone but i think i was wrong . . .
Hi Kandee, Can you post the name of the eye shadows that you used for this awesome look? You were talking a little bit fast and couldn't quite catch them...
Thank you so much and you look so beautiful!
kandee you are the best!!! u have inspired me so much i started my own blog with scrapbooking!! thank u for your beautifull tips!! :)
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