like putting your shopping cart back....picking up the hanger that fell off as you look for the right size pants....
I was at Forever 21 (a cheap & trendy clothing store)...and I was dropping hangers of pants on the floor...
and me...who worked in a clothing store, many moons ago (at a Contempo Casuals)...would hate it when people would knock stuff off, and not even have the decency to pick it up- it was their fault it fell! ha ha ha
So as I picked up all the clothes I dropped...the sales girl was amazed AND appreciative...she said, "oh thank you so much! Nobody picks up anything usually!"...
The little things like this, are what make our character...
even if no one is looking, I put my shopping cart back in the shopping cart "cage"...(and heck, you'll burn a few extra calories! ha ha ha)...
When you go the extra mile with the small things...in life...you'll be amazed at the "big" changes you'll start to notice in life...
after all, it's the little things that matter...and help make the big things amazing!
huge love and remember to put your carts back! ha ha ha ha
kandee the cart girl
I wish someone would have done this the other day before a cart slammed into my car and left a huge dent and scratches :( *cries*
I totally agree
Good thinking Kandee! It IS the small things! Many times I take carts back for others who're with their small children in the parking lot too. And I have been known to take them the the store rather than just the cart return but every little bit helps!!
Keep up the good work and thanks for being positive! THAT means the world to me!
Good thinking Kandee! It IS the small things! Many times I take carts back for others who're with their small children in the parking lot too. And I have been known to take them the the store rather than just the cart return but every little bit helps!!
Keep up the good work and thanks for being positive! THAT means the world to me!
I am forever putting my shopping cart back, and even organizing the carts the are haphazardly put back by everyone else. Call me obsessive compulsive, ha ha.
You're right, it's the little things. Like holding the door for someone, or putting an item back in the right place after you realize you don't really want it. Every little bit helps.
I always try to fold the clothes that I pick up from a table or shelf. I never do as good as the associates but I would also never leave the clothing in an unruly pile.
And I ALWAYS put the grocery cart back. Don't want anyone to get their car hit by a runaway buggy. :(
Good girl, Kandee! I do the same things; comes under the heading of doing the right thing and treating others how you would like to be treated. When others see you 'doing the right thing' (whatever that might be at the time) it sort of breeds good behavior in them. It works with picking up a candy wrapper or trash on the ground instead of just walking by it, too...
The same thing just happened with me last week, too. I tried on a jacket, went to show my mum & then put it back when I was finished, and the girl was so appreciative, like you'd said, saying "Oh thank you so much, people just usually leave them anywhere!"
It's not that hard to just put something back where you find it. It's common decency to do it anyway. :)
I work in a fashion store and people always leave the clothes on the floor or unfolded or all messy and it annoys me. ever since I got this job when i go shopping I make sure to put things back in there place.
I love you kandeee<3
Well oh well... For sure "The little things like this, are what make our character" => YOU ARE A GREAT PERSON KANDEE !
Thank you for your delighting freshness and joyfull personnality.
Big hugs from Belgium (Europe LOL) ;)
i put my carts back and pick up the hangers that fell off...
and whenever i do that with my friends they tell me "just leave them.. and 'THEY' will pick it up or put it back on it's place..."
but i don't listen to them because i know that if i were 'THEM' I'd hate it...
oh and another thing.. i hate people that keep talking on the phone or to their friends and don't even look at the salesman.. like he's not from their standing or something...
to me all these stuff are just arrogance from the person that acts like that...
thank you so much kandee for sharing this with us.. you are the most wonderful person I've ever seen.. and i just wish you were my friend :(:(...
Haha, I always have to put everything bag on the shelf because I'm so clumsy and I drop things in every store I go to :P
kiss Kandee :X
I wish that there were more people like you that shopped in the store that I work in. I just started working retail about 2 months ago and I could never imagine some of the mean and nasty things that customers will do or say to employees (since I have never been that type of customer) and I was utterly shocked. We definately need more people thinking the way that you do! Thanks for the post Kandee :)
When my husband and I lived in Sacramento, he used to have to put the carts back at Target. In the wintertime, it POURS in Sac nearly every day, so he was soaked and had to run all over to get all these carts! So that is a sensitive subject for him. But it is so unbelievably helpful when they are put back!!! (esp. during Christmastime)
I totally agree with you. I already do a lot of those things.
My daughter works at Forever 21 here in Dublin, OH. She would love you Forever!!! Oh wait..sorry bad pun!!
By the way...I love your blogs, your videos and you have made me fall back in love with Makeup instead of just slapping something on do it right. I love the black liquid liner.I have worn it since the late 80s. Yeah I am that old. Thank you for making it relivant again...You are amazing.
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