Thursday, June 17, 2010

How to Deal with Haters & Mean People

I thought high school was bad...mean girls, people saying mean things about how I dressed, that I wouldn't drink...Then after high school more mean people, beauty school had more mean people...and then doing anything online opens a whole new world of any random person can say anything they want.
Then if you're online...oh brother! Anyone can make up anything they want, post it, and other people will think it's true! I get so many mean comments on Youtube, some really sad and mean people write all kinds of mean things about me online. But the good news is, none of these people really know me. They sit behind their computers, acting really brave and bold, and gossip. Gossiping is one of the worst things you can do! We should all be finding good things to say about people, kind things, speaking words that will make people feel better. Not tearing people apart.

There are a lot of sad, hurting people in the world, and all they can do is spread their hurt, by hurting others with their words. It really is amazing to think, if someone is so upset by you, that they devote all this time and energy to being's kind of funny really! If you really don't care about someone you wouldn't even spend the time writing a mean comment, thinking of something mean to say or do...obviously these people have no lives! I am too busy to read all the mean comments people leave...I just laughed one day, when one of my friends read this post where all these people were leaving me mean comments, and one of them said, "yeah, I bet it's Kandee posting all these comments because she's mad!"....ha ha ha ha...if they only knew, I never even read any of the junk they wrote and my friend had to tell me how silly these people were that thought I even took the time to read all the garbage they wrote about me!
I have a life, and I don't have time to waste listening or reading what any hater says. Keep your hate to yourself. It's like if someone is screaming all kinds of stuff to don't have to listen, you can walk away...then what, they look like a FOOL yelling all by themselves!

HA! HA! HA! HATERS! The thing they never realize is, the joke is on them, they look like the fool who is devoting all this time to you. How special, they have nothing better in their lives than to spend their precious lives on you.

Next time you have a delete, turn on the IGNORE sign in your head, and forget whatever it is they are saying or have said. Don't read it, don't even let it come into your head. And remember, HURTING PEOPLE, HURT PEOPLE. They really are sad and pathetic, hurting, hurt, and all they have in their heart is the ability to hurt others. IT really is sad. I feel bad for them, it's like they have a disease.
And we, my precious Kandee family, know truth, celebrate kindness, and happiness...and we have the power to say: "I'm strong, wonderful, and no matter how you try to hurt's not going to work. God knows the truth about me, and that's all that matters!"

You are wonderful, beautiful, talented, creative, have a good heart, and it doesn't matter what anyone live your life amazingly! Haters are nothing more that hurt, hurters...sad, and they will NEVER have happiness in their hearts that way.

BE HAPPY! Know that people have said all kinds of things about me that aren't doesn't even bother me because I know how ridiculous their lies are. If someone said, "you're a crazy clown with a red nose!", it wouldn't bother me because I know it's NOT TRUE! Same thing goes with HATERS, I don't care what they say, because I know it's not true!

Sorry this is so long, but I had a LOT I  wanted to say to your heart! Let's be lovers not haters!

typed with love, your friend, kandee


Unknown said...

I really appreciate you putting this on here. I just started a youtube account and its sad when someone (your own family member) talks down on you saying "your too old to be doing those" 28 by the way. but im going to continue making them because it makes me happy :) luv u!!

Karlie said...

I may not know personally but you mean something to me.
I see you as a tutor and a role model.
You genuinely inspire me and you transmit ur joy and jolliness to me!
And not everyone has that gift.

Keep doin what u do girl.
And rememer

U mean something to most of us!


Unknown said...

SPoeken from the heart. I love how you always stand up for yourself, and everyone else thats ever felt low. People ARE mean. Never give up Kandee! Your truly beautiful, inside and out. Your inspirational. And I love all of your blogs and videos! Thank you for remiding us all that is doesn't matter what anyone says about you, as long as you stay true to yourself and spread positivity. :)

Amber said...

You are a sweetheart. They are jealous of your beauty, your heart, your strength and your talent. The only way jealousy can be fixed is if the jealous individual realized that what they are hating is the very thing they wish they could do. Pursuing what they want in life would be better spent time.

Anonymous said...

kandee honey, don't worry about the haters ! us cancer girls attract a lot, i mean a lot of envy ! you must love yourself and that's that.
bye !

Unknown said...

these people try to hurt you and pull you down, why?
Because you're above them!

Jennifer P~ said...

And it crazy because we will all have to deal with haters! everytime someone is progressing in life there are more haters trying to bring us down! We should all try to be more loving nonjudgemental people, who are more positive and who speak positively about others. and that will help us get on the road to happiness.

God is the only one who knows what he does and why he does it!

Anonymous said...

Kandee I love you so much! You are one of my biggest influences and I love that you posted this. The timing couldn't have been more perfect in my situation I am in right now!

pollyjane said...

When I saw this I couldn't believe that you get hate. I mean you're beautiful, talented and so kind. you show God's love and you're so generous. I couldn't think a mean thing up about you if I tried.

and why should we judge eachother anyway? no one is perfect, and to hide behind a screen while doing it shows lack of courage and that someone doesn't really know you.

God bless Kanddee, I hope you keep ignoring those haters!

Unknown said...

I'm following you for a few month now (this blog and youtube) and I have to say: You're an amazing person. You made me laugh, cry and think about a lot of things. Your words made me respond on an emotional level and I only know so little about you as a person in real life. But the few pieces I got to know made me really respect you and will do so in the future.

SamRaz said...

I love you Kandee your the best. I always look to you for smiles both on my face and in my heart and you never let me down. You reassure me that I am beautiful, and loved no matter what. You are the best Kandee!

butterfly2454 said...

It is so true that hurting people hurt others I know I do that sometimes and I realize that the hurt that I have inside me at that moment causes me to hurt another person and it's really sad because I know I truly dint wanna hurt them, what I truly want is to be happy and to make other peoples lives happy who are around me we all feed off eachothers energy so it's important to be a person that is happy that others will want to be around and to brighten the lives of those around us instead of having a bitter attitude and infecting the people around us with it. And it's funny like even knowing HOW I should always be there are times where I cannot always carry that good behavior out but it's something that I need to work on, I know I'm not perfect and will never be but that's not gonna stop me from trying to be a better person each passing day :)
urbso sweet kandee (maybe that's why ur name is kandee!) lol I love that you are a little bubble of joy floating around the world :)

Helga Þórey said...

You are so wonderfull Kandee your soul is like a bright rainbow and your heart must been made of gold with losts of dimonds in it !

I love reading your blog
I´m inspired by you every single day ! and that you inspired one person (they are ofcours lot more)
must kick many haters asses ha ha

Written with lots of love and warm hugs

Unknown said...

Reading your blog has really been helping me get through some rough times lately. Thank you! You always put a smile on my face and brighten up my day! You're kids are so lucky to have such an amazing person for a mom!

Natalie Bromage said...

So true kandee! You inspire me so much, Lots of love to you xoxo

Bows N' Beauty said...

Kandee you are sooo right!!! Again!!! I used to listen to the negativity more than i did to all the positive stuff people would tell me. I paid so much attention to the mean people until i realized they were people i didnt really need around me at all. they wanted to see me down all the time and deep down inside i was very sad. Then all of a sudden i blocked them away outta my head and outta my heart. when they kept being mean to me all i would say is that there is something inside them that is bothered so much about me and couldnt figure it out thats why they kept coming back with their negative comments. there is obviously something these people LOVE about you but cant be kind enough to say so,,,so they let their ego get the best of them so all they say are mean things...i too feel sorry for the sad, hurtful, mean people of the world! God knows the truth and maybe someday the truth will set them free. Much love!!

p.s. cant wait to see you at glaminar!!!

Amorette said...

Thank you so much for this Kandee! I really needed to hear this today! It was like a God given gift that I would stumble upon these amazing words of wisdom today...I don't know if you remember me but I met you at Disneyland this memorial day name is Amorette and you met my mom! You are seriously the most kindest genuine person and I have always admired that about you! You are truly beautiful inside and out! It doesn't matter what haters say because their opinions don't matter! Keep doing what you're doing because you're wonderful!

your friend and fan,

Rue said...

That's it, as long as you know the truth it doesn't matter; it's sad that some people honestly have nothing better to do. I mean why not try bringing people up instead of down? It irritates me because that's how my cousins are they're always meab to me no matter how nice I am to them and you know what I don't care Because that's their problem not mine as long as I know I'm a good person there's nothing mean to say! I always feel inspired by you you're such an inspiration, Thank you for all your brave words and warm heart! Ignore what the haters say!!!

Trishica said...

Well said! I'm sending you some extra love and positive energy!! Like you said people who are not happy or comfortable with their own lifes seem to be negative, mean and often times try to cause a stir of negative emotion within other people so they don't have to be alone in theire own misery. It's sad, but the good news is it's easy to rise above it.. you are so good at staying positive and all I feel when I think of you is happiness. I know I'm not the only one! Keep on being you, never let someones mean words settle inside, you are way to awesome for that :0) Loves,

Tish said...

Great Message and I 100% agree...People often times go out of there way to be mean post mean things on twitter etc only to be hurtful to others and they are the first ones talking about what God loves (REALLY).... Haters are like bag garbage.....I take my garbage out I don't play around in it because it's nasty and discarded items I don't need or want in my life

Love the positive message

Unknown said...

well spoken my lovely! lots of love and kindness flying back at ya chick!

Anonymous said...

Your insight is incredibly inspiring and motivating. What you just said really hit a personal note with me...girls and women can be cruel at best sometimes, its nice to know that other people experience the same negativity and handle it with maturity and dignity. Your positive inner beauty definitely shines through to the people who support you and admire your passion. Thank you!!!

Lucille Loren said...

Sweetie, don't you think it is kind of funny when people expend so much time and energy hating you!
Their loss.... their negative energy.... their karma!
You are totally awesome...
xx Lucy

Bree said...

Most of the time people hate because they are jealousy! You are an amazing person, Kandee. It is so go that you don't let people affect you by the lies that they tell. It is best to just brush your shoulder off. It is way more productive. I commend you for the way that you handled this, your positive energy! Keep that up girlie! It sets you apart from many people. Keep loving like you always do! I am so glad to be apart of the Kandee Family!

Your friend and Fan,


GuGhostAB said...

You r absolutely right. They're not worth it, so we spend our time and love to those who do not know the joy and love!

You're very nice and loving. Thank you share your thoughts and feelings with us.

Big Hug and infinite love from me = 0)

Tasha said...

Thank you Kandee!! I've had possibly the worst 2 years of my life, and every time I think I am at my lowest, you post something like this. It seems you are the voice of Spirit reminding to keep my head up, and make my own reality. Thank you so much for your inspirational words. People tell you all the time how much you inspire them, and I'm no different. Happy days to you and yours!!

Sara said...

Yes you are right, there are a lot of mean people out there who would just waste their time and energy on hating people. But we shouldn't be like them because if we do the same, then there's no difference between them and us.

iEartheAngel said...

Hey Sweetheart..
I found this & thought of you & what you must be going through..

'So many gods, so many creeds,
So many paths that wind and wind,
While just the art of being kind
Is all the sad world needs.'

- Ella Wheeler Wilcox




Nikita said...

Your words could not have come at a better time : )

Chelsea said...

I <3 you Kandee, and seriously! Talk about no lives! These people are so stupid, and they are pathetic like you said. I'm glad you're choosing to ignore them. :-D Keep up the good work!

tam3103 said...

Hi Kandee,
I recently subscribed to you on youtube and enjoy reading your blog and watching your tutorials and other videos. You are such a positive person! I have never heard or read a single hurtful, hateful thing from you which lead me to appreciate that although you absolutely don't have to share an ounce of your life with anyone, you DO...for those whose lives you've touched and made feel more 'normal' because they can relate to you...keep doing what you are doing! Remember there will ALWAYS be haters, but without them, we would never be able to REALLY appreciate those who love and support us, quirks and all :-)

Christine said...

I absolutely agree with you Kandee, they are not worth spending any time on.
You have so many people here and on youtube that loves you and adore you <3 We are your family and friends and we only want the best for you.

xoxo Christine

Live/Love/Life said...

I admire your strength. I know when I had some haters on my blog, I cancelled my blog. I try not to be so personal anymore because of it either. I felt my space had been violated and I was hurt. I am now blogging again but don't know which direction to take it. People are so callous and should always think before they speak or write.
Thanks for being you.

~ said...

So happy to have you as a "Friend". Your encouraging words and beautiful spirit inspire me daily, and keep me sane on the tough days! I genuinely believe that God brings people into our lives for a reason, and I believe he brought you to Youtube because you could be an angel for so many people, and we could be angels for you! Thank you for everything you are and everything you do.
a fellow Make up artist & "friend" Andria

TaTi said...

A happy and smiley day, is never lost kandee, a sad and hated one, stays there forever!
This life is so short you don't really have time to be sad, unhappy or mean to others...
I think the best response to all those be even more happy!! =o)
I <3 you kandee, all people do mistakes, I did many in my life, none is perfect, but you showed me things no one has ever did and that's one of the reasons none of them will affect my way of seeing you.. You are a star brightening my life every day..
we <3 u,

Unknown said...

Wow... this is a huge wake up call for me. My hater unfortunately is someone very dear to me who I love. Makes me really think. Thanks Kandee

Z said...

Dear Kandee,

Even if we don't know each other in person, you are like an older sister I've never had!

I would like to share with you a story written by Paulo Coelho, you might like it :)

Changing attitude

“Over the course of one year, give a coin to each person who offends or upsets you,” instructed the abbot of a young man who wanted people to follow a spiritual path.
For the next twelve months, the boy gave a coin to each person who offended or upset him, as he was instructed. At the end of the year, he returned to the abbot to find out what the next steps were.
“Go into town and buy food for me,” the abbot responded.
Once the boy left, the abbot changed his clothes, disguised himself as a beggar and went to the gate. When the boy approached, he began to insult him.
“Good!” said the boy, “for a whole year I had to pay the people who upset or offended me, and now I can be offended for free, without spending anything!”
Hearing this, the abbot removed his disguise. “He who does not take insults seriously, is on the path to wisdom.”



Anonymous said...

i just don't respond..basically don't give in to the haters. IMHO they are just looking for attention.
you are beautiful in so many ways. keep it up!

Loren J said...

Aww thx kandee,ya im in high school right now,nd is it hard or what? anyways what you said has truly made my day,thx for bringing happiness in our lives,prayin 4 u always,nd told let those haters get 2 u,ur the bestest nicest person ever :) nd a great role model 4 me :)

Isa Beltran said...

Ur amazing Kandee... I felt just like this a few yrs ago. My husband had this crazy girl that he dated for 2 months... when she found out us getting together....she went nuts. She stalked me for 3 yrs.....and would write me all these crazy things... about me...about him...even as far his was nutty! We called the police to file a stalking report. Can't do much... but atleast its on their books. If u heard some of the things she was nutty. But then after I felt bad for her... most who hate others ...actually really hate themselves... took me yrs to realize she was a miserable person and she had to some way make others feel like her. I don't have time for that! I'm a mom to 4 kids...happily married to man of my dreams. We both love God and well were stinking happy! So I just tuned it out like u said.... she stopped talking to us...she is still M.I.A in our lives.... and we couldn't be happier!

Fleur-de-Lis said...

Thank you for your honnest words* You are completly right***

Deanna said...

word Kandee, I love this poetic passage, you are so gorgeous inside and out, your one of my fave gurus on youtube/blogspot, god bless you

Flora D. said...

i love you are one of my teacher in make-up <3

Ava said...

Hi Kandee...In my experience, when i had haters trying to hurt me with mean words i laught at them (right in their face) and said "yes that's right, may be i'm ugly or stupid or fat and so on, but that's me and you couldn't say anything, that will hurt me" and countinue laughing. :) and they are so confused, because they don't have what more to say. But inside my head i know who i am and i don't take their comments as good criticism because they're saying these things only to hurt me, not to trying to help me or give me some good advice or recommendations! You're awesome person and artist and if they don't like you it's their loss!!! Ava

Unknown said...

That's very true, always have a kind word for someone.
Have a good day Kandee!!

Publisher said...

You poor thing Kandee! You are awesome, dont let those 'haters' put you down. They will get what they deserve. We have no right to judge anyone, if someone doesn't agree with you or like you - they should keep it to themselves.
You are doing great Kandee and thats what matters. Keep up the good work!

Stevista said...

Well said Kandee!!!!

Unknown said...

i wonder what thay can say about you? you are so nice and kind. you dont desirv what crule people say, you havent done noting but beeing nice, awsome and butieful...and wise ofcourse:) i also hope you will write a post about all the people that loves you! hope you have a golden day// sweden girl

Miranda said...

Im Dealing with haters in my life right now so this couldnt have came at a better time! Sure sometimes you just want to scream but it helps to vent to friends and family about what going on..Your also a big help thanks soooo much for all your thoughts prayes and kind words Kandee keep them coming
<3 Miranda

Michael said...

I agree so much with this. I have a journal on livejournal and everything was fine and dandy until I had my son. At this point, I'd been journal-ing online for about 6 years and had not one problem. Suddenly, all of the 'moms' were attacking me. Mothers attacking mothers?! C'mon now, i thought we had better things to do! and then it spread to other cowards who hid behind the computer screen. The sad thing was, not one of them were creative enough to come up with a new insult... it was ALL THE SAME INSULT! Really original. You have to laugh it off!

I love you, Kandee! you're amazing!

Take everything day by day . said...


You're such an inspiration & i love your personality. Dont worry about the Haters, they only have one thing over you - they can kiss ur butt & you cant :) lol

Keep up the good work chick !

Love Always
Amber x x

Sarah Hope said...

You are the most inspirational person I know Kandee I always read your posts especially the posts that are uplifting (actually every post is uplifting) even hearing your voice in your videos your always so positive. After reading I always feel like I can conquer the world....

Well done Kandee you deserve all the positive that you get in your life and as for the negative as you said it doesn't even factor in.....

Your my idol you really are....

Anonymous said...

Kandee, I think you are amazing, and I can totally relate to what you mean here. (I came across your blog a few months ago when I was studying a theatre make up course - your 'Queen of Hearts video led me to here:))
Anyhow, I spent way too long worrying about what people wwere saying about me a few years back and I actually let it affect my happiness. Since I realised that these people were in fact just sad and actually quite pathetic themselves, and since I have grown to love myself a bit more, I have felt free from this worry. It is difficult sometimes to shrug it off, and sometimes I have to tell myself- THEY DON'T MATTER! But when I look at my little boy, my lovely boyfriend, and the happiness that I have in my life, I realise they really DON'T matter.

Thank you for continuing to inspire me every day! :)


Ireland xxx

Beansieleigh said...

Wow!.. Your heart really went into to this post, Kandee! I think your follower count speaks for itself. People LOVE you, and love what you say and stand for. As for me, I grew up with miserable people, haters you could say, whom I was able to escape from, once I was old enough; but whom STILL leave me needing to constantly remember I'm better than how they treated me, and better than what they say. Their own personal misery cannot hurt me, can't even touch me, if I don't LET it!.. Great post, and hope you have a great weekend!

Madelon said...

You are so right about haters...

Unknown said...

To the wonderful amazingly beautiful Kandee, you are just the most amazing person I have ever come across! I think you inspire so any people across the world with your words and your videos xx I have told so many people about you and to watch all your videos most of all the one about making your dreams come true. If I'm ever down I always check out one of your videos or check your blog and you have always without a doubt put a smile on my face. I could say so much more but I don't think there is enough space Lol :) In a nutshell I think you are truly amazing and thanks heaps for putting a smile on so many peoples faces x

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee,

I've watched many of your videos and have really enjoyed them. I've also stopped to think how much you share of yourself, your time and energy to make the videos and place them out there to share with others. From what I've seen in the way of comments, which I only read to see if there is clarification on a specific point, is that 99% of the people absolutely think you're smashing in every way. I never leave comments only because I'm always in a hurry. This post touched my heart. Keep being Kandee!

Many blessing! Oh, I hope your leg is healing well. I was sorry to hear that it happened.

My best,

Vonvon said...

Thanks for this post, Kandee!

Recently I also experienced an unpleasant hater incident online. You are right, most of these people don't even know who you are (I am) really, and it's just like a cult/group psychology where one hater starts, everyone would just follow blindly.

Apparently there was a second incident too, but like you said, just IGNORE and live our own happy lives!


Mimi said...

Thanks Kandee. I needed to hear that, especially after receiving some recent 'hate'. Have a 'sweet' day!

Sarah said...

Kandee! I think your great, and you have a lot of people who feel the same way! You bring joy into so many peoples lives with your smile, positive attitude and kind words. You are a inspiration to a lot of people. Keep your head high and forget about all those mean things that stupid, lonely people say and remember that you are loved!

Gandhali said...

aww i know, it's just so sad, i think it's just that the more famous you get, the more people are jealous of you, and the more they start hating you ... but you're awesome, kandee, and nothing can change that!

oh, and i'm one of those introverted people, who, if anyone says mean things to me, i'll get very very upset about it, and be sad for aages! i wish i could change that about me, but i just care way too much about how other people see me! i just want to fit in! :(

about the "kandee must be mad" thing, are you talking about the lemon-on-skin video? cos i don't really think she meant to be mean, she was just letting everyone know her personal experience, she also said in her video that she didn't really want to make you mad... so i hope everything's okay with that :)

wow, this is the longest comment i've ever written, but i love that you're gonna be reading this!!! eee, kandee knows i exist!!! :O hahaha!!! i wish i was an actress so i could get my makeup done from you!! but naw, i'm a graphic design student :D and i'm loving it, so that's all that matters, right?!!!

AmyD said...

wow, this is the first time I have ever posted but I just wanted to say, even if someone was all the things that the "haters" say it is not their job to judge!
Keep hanging in there and you ARE beautiful (fearfully and wonderfully made, says the Lord)......

Amy in Ohio

Anonymous said...

Kandee, I just cannot imagine *anyone* being mean to you! You're a tree covered in sweet blossom, that the countless thousands who appreciate you love to stop at and admire and drink in the sweet aroma.

The Hip Housewife said...

Hi Kandee! I follow your blog, youtube and facebook. I don't know how anyone could say anything mean to or about you. I don't know you personally, but just from reading what you write and watching you on youtube and you seem like such a happy and nice person. Someone that could easily get along with anyone. It's a shame that people are mean just to be mean. Just to hurt someone's feelings so they can feel good about themselves. I was treated the same way when I was younger and even a little now. I am glad you write posts like this. Oh and your confidence post totally gave me a little "boost" :D
Thank you for putting the happiness back out into the world!

Deez Nailz - Canadas most fabulous hand model said...

Very well said! You are an amazing lady -

You are wonderful, beautiful, talented, creative, have a good heart, and it doesn't matter what anyone live your life amazingly!

Anonymous said...

thanx for writing such an inspirational article. this really shows that you're a good role model for many young girls who look up to you. i personally try to have the attitude to ignore what haters say about me and thats the best way you can get on with your life. when I was younger they used to hurt me.. but now its all good. :)

Mim Claire said...

Hate takes up waaay too much energy. I prefer to reserve mine for laughter, because nothing beats a good giggle!

I also love what you say about walking away - so TRUE! <3!

mermaiddelsol said...

you're right kandee...jealousy and envy are the ugliest...just ignore, ignore, ignore...and simply smile. you're a beautiful human being. period. xoxo ~patty~

Caro said...

You are a great lady, with fantastic skills.

We all love you.

Don't worry, be happy!!!

Unknown said...

Well said, Kandee! Love ya!

Aryka said...

No worries Kandee, you're great! They must have something missing is their lives. Why would someone subscribe to your channel if they are just going to say mean and hurtful things. It seems weird to me. But anyway sticks and stones, right? Keep on keeping on. Hearts, Aryka

Marimoy said...

I like this post. A lot of times it is really hard to ignore too, because so many of the "haters" are people you love and who are supposed to love you! *sigh* Thanks for this!

♥Bunny♥ said...

My gosh, I know how to feel. I recently had the same problem. But you are right, there is no time for these kind of people. I love your attitude! Keep it up, and you are such a talented person!
Cheers from Down Under ;)

Unknown said...

Oh Kandee, I am so sorry. Words have so much power - as you know. They can cause some serious damage. I admire your *not* reading the crap, wasting your time or energy.

So, I have to ask, what does your "friend" gain by telling you what awful things are being said? Seems pretty useless to me.

I would suggest telling your friends to stop telling you that which you don't wish to hear about in the first place.

Peace and Grace.


K said...

Hey Kandee.
Your posts always have perfect timing.
I just wanted to say that in you entire post you did not hate on anyone, you did not say mean things about these people who hate on you, you only stated your feelings and how sad it must be for the haters to spend so much time on hating. This make you the bigger and better person. It shows your true colors. Kandee I think you are an amazing person with a wonderful warm heart. Whenever you are feeling blue just look back at all the wonderful people who you have inspired and touched in some special way. You are an angle in disguise.

Love Katie

Anonymous said...

Well said! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kandee! I think you will like this. It's very funny and gets right to the point.

Haters just have bigger problems than we we should not let them take up space in our brain. The opposite of love isn't hate, it's neutrality. It takes too much energy to why waste the engery to get upset by it...

You are beautiful and amazing and millions of people love you as a makeup artist and an inspirer and a best friend.


Becky Mekhail

Anonymous said...

Amen-I totally agree. Hurting people hurt people. Just ignore and concentrate on the people who you love and love you back. We will go through many trials and pain in our lives we just have to cling to the truth and not let anything else bring us down. Life is too short to let others ruin it by untrue statements.

Unknown said...

you re gorgeuos Kandy, such a good person! kisses from Argentina (south america)

Hatšepsuta said...

Love you Kandee <3
You are wonderful person.

Meghan said...

It's easier to say something nice to someone and make their day better than put that negativity out there in the universe and worry about getting it back ten fold! I don't know about some of those people out there, but my mom taught me that if you don't have anything nice to say - don't say anything at all. It's okay to question or disagree with someone but for heavens sake you don't have to be rude & nasty!

Unknown said...

Kandee, You are pretty much the most loving beautiful person, so i dont know why anyone would ever say anything mean to you! What youre saying is so true, mean people just want to hurt someone else to take the hurt away from themselves but it actually wont take the pain away like they think it will so they just keep trying harder and harder and hurting people more and more. Thank you so much for that post Kandee, i thik its something good to be reminded of. Never let haters get to you!

PeculiarRoyalty said...

I absolutely agree!!! I love your blog so much its so inspiring!!!

EBianca1 said...

you are absolutly right. Think of how Britney Spears feels! I love her I think she is amazing yet everytime I talk about how much I admire her peoples first comment is always "she's crazy, not talented etc..". Funny thing is she is making hella money and is world reknown. Its all part of being in the spot light. One thing to keep in mind is these haters are reading and following up on your life so that should tell you a little bit about how their life is going! Don't show how it affects you thats why they keep doing it. I love your make-up video you did for the "slave for you" video. I went out and bought all the mac products you used!

Anonymous said...

You're such a sweetheart Kandee ! All the haters are just jealous =)

olivejuicemomma said...


You are an inspiration. God has given you many talents and you are a great encourager. Stay fast and true to His side and everything will work out. You're awesome! You go girl!!

sparklejett said...

Kandee you wonderful soul, you! I know you hear it all the time but it bears repeating: you are an angel on this earth and you bring joy to more people than you can know! I am so blessed to be attending the Glaminars next weekend *thank you again for this incredible opportunity!*

Whenever I get faced with sadness and upset, I think of you and your radiant energy and it helps me to realize all the good that people are capable of this in this world. Thank you for that!

...Live.Love.MakeUp... said...

Ant look where you are now! Everything that they made fun of is what makes you sooo unique and BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE the way you dress! Is sooo UNIQUE and DARING! And you rock everything well!

...Live.Love.MakeUp... said...

And look where you are today! Everything that they made fun of you about is what made you who you are today! I love the way you dress that's what makes you- you and thats what makes you unique! You have such a style! And you wear it well, and proud!

Rachel said...



All you need is love.
Kandee you're happy and there are people out there that resent that. They are hungry ghosts and want suck up the life of others.


All you need is love.
Don't let the hungry ghosts suck up
The life energy.

Katie said...

This is really sweet, thanks for posting this. :)

behappywhateverforever said...


Jessica said...

Thank you so much Kandee! I love reading your blogs because I can relate to them in so many ways. I have struggled for the last several years with my fiances brother and his wife. We all work together in a salon and have alot of mutual friends. They have spent so much time judging me and gossiping about me mosty working off of assumptions. It has been so hurtful! I finally started to stand up for myself and try to prove them wrong, and make them realize they are just being mean. This only made it worse though. They know I am sensitive so it only fules their fire and makes them want to affect me more. Finally I am to the point in my life where I am able to not be so affected, and not take things so personally. It's so hard not to be hurt, when the things they say are so untrue. But I know I am a good person, fiance and mother. Your blogs and your sisters have really helped to change my perspective. So thank you so much for your inspiration! Also looking to God for strength is starting to heal everything in my life! Lots of love, Jessica

Megan said...

Kandee, thank you for writing this message. I JUST started my blog, and it's all because of your inspiring words. I have practically zero friends and your blog has just lifted my spirit. I wanted to say thank you, and I hope you don't stop writing in your blog, or making youtube videos because you are BEAUTIFUL and I really enjoy watching them. You are you and that's what makes you such an attractive person (as you said in another blog haha). =) You have taught me to have confidence and just be myself. Thank you, thank you, THANKS!!!!!!!! =)

xo, Megan =]

Unknown said...

I wounder what the mean people can say about you? You have done nothing but being nice, awsome and helpful. And wise of course=) I really hope that you will post something about the nice, warm and good harted people that loves you! You are one of the best, and you know that you are making the world a better place. Have a golden day// Sweden chick

Alyson said...

I just lovbe you Kandee!! A whole freking lot and I wish you were my bestest friend and I could hang with you all day long and babysit your babies!! Thats how much I love you!

Kim said...

I recently started a beauty related blog and youtube channel , and this was always my fear. I find it amazing how many people take the time to be so hateful online. what is the point? Im out enjoying the day, and these people are being miserable sitting at their computer. You are the bigger person for ignoring!

Anonymous said...

Kandee, you are completely right.
We only benefit from keeping joy in our hearts and spreading love around!

I've been following your videos and blog for over a year now, and I've seen some mean comments left. There you are, giving people all kinds of great makeup/life advice, and they just seem to care to spread their little black smoke around, dont they.
Don't you ever worry about that! You are extremely beautiful, kind, such a precious person!!
Thank you for keeping everybody's hope up everyday with your encouraging words!!
We love you!

texasbeautyjunkie said...

GIRL!!! ITS SO TRUE!!! it takes more effort to say something nice then to say something negative. Its ignorant and lazy to speak negative things about others and even more childish when you know NOTHING about the truth!!! Speculation/assumption and opinions are natural. But its what you do with it that matters. There is alot of energy and time wasted on hate. Its a choice you make, its your perception on things.
Everyone can keep posting away with hateful stuff, its only going to make you shine even brighter.

Kara Jae said...

Hey Kandee!
My name is Kara and I'm a huge fan of yours! When I was looking at your blog about bullying and people hurting others, I really took interest to it. I created a platform two years ago called Promoting Prevention: Stop Bullying Before it Starts. I tell children how to stop bullying, and how to help others when they see someone being bullied. And then they become a "Kara's Kindness Kid". Kandee you have been so inspiring and I admire that you tell people to go for their dreams and not to care about what others think because the best person you can be is yourself!

Lots of love,
Kara Jae

AmyC said...

I'm so glad you don't listen to the haters Kandee, it's just pettiness and jealousy! I've had people say things about me that weren't true before and it wasn't until I realised how sad they were that I was able to ignore it. There are so many of us who adore you and look forward to your next video and blog post!xxx

Anonymous said...

Even if you don't post this comment that's fine. I really meant this more for you anyway just didn't know how to email you. :) Scroll down to her #32. :) I thought your post and hers really fit well together today.

Be well Kandee and here's a ((((HUG)))) from me to you. Your true heart shines through in every post, twitter and video. God is proud of you to that I have no doubt.

I really hope I could meet you one day...I think we could be good much in common.

Anyway I've taken enough of your time! Have a good one~ Missi

Anonymous said...

Hey girl, I'm sorta new to your youtube channel and blog, but I can totally understand where you are coming from. Ironically, one of your top subbies is my boyfriends ex girlfriend, and she tries to make my life a living hell. Stalks my youtube, does some weird shit. Always trying to one up me.

But then I got to the point where I just grew tired of her, and now I don't know what the hell happened to her, and honestly i dont care. I got tired of always being insecure, and i realized that he chose me over her for many reasons, and i shouldnt be so threatened by her. She'd post rude and fucked up shit on her page about me, and i would go for it like a fish and a worm.
But you are so right, people are so fake online sometimes, they post ridiculous things that are so obviously not true.

Jus gotta move on ^_^

I have. Dont take shit girl!!! you are amazing and beautiful and funny and nothing anyone says will change that!!!!

Forget Me Not said...

your so nice and genuine and i dont understand why people feel he need to put negative comments on things you say, you dont say controversial things and make accusations about other people. You are gorgeous and always have nice things to say. You give people GREAT advice for free. If they dont like what you have to say or dont like how you talk then they can turn off the video or stop reading the blog and move on to something that they want to watch. We shouldnt care about what they have to say but it is hard to not let it get to you sometimes. sometimes the best thing i can do is feel sorry for them like you said they must be really hurting in their own lives if the only way they can channel things is to say mean hurtful things to people they dont even know. keep on doing what you are doing!

Victoria Rocca

FaithHopeLove said...

Oh Kandee - BIG HUG I was off of work today - going to run my errands on my day off and i turned on my computer to see the weather and of course your blog is on my yahoo board :-)
I had to stop and write you before I left today
Your attitude is the right one, its doesnt mean that you dont have a heart and soul that can feel hate, we can, however, yes, your right we can hit delete, put up our compassion and loving shield to bounce back those comments and know that those who say them feel lost and unhappy and is why they do this, its not that we are better, we are all children of god, some have just lost thier way, and we pray for them and then we can focus our mind on goodness and yes your right you can reach out to your freinds and family here who send thoughts of love to you all the time, just like that boomerang you send it and then we send it back.......can you feel it? Yes, I know you can. Let me go to my box and see what I can find for you today kandee, hold on............................Well now insnt this interesting. This is a quote or a prayer really from Marrianne Williamson. It says. "When something or someone makes me feel bad inside and I know it really has nothing to do with me, I pray for a miracle. I pray dear lord please let me be willing to see this differently, and allow me to remember who I am" you did just that kandee already, you are way ahead of the process to heal your heart. Again BIG HUG love your freind Stephanie
Oh and PS - you can still havea great day, so have a great day kandee

Oh and kinda interesting - another quote was puled out atthe same time today that I didnt think realted to todays blog, but I do find it interesting and still believe its meant for you, maybe you can use it at one of your glamminars to inspire - its a quote from oprah - its says "Find a way to get paid for doing what you love. Then every day will be a bonus"

Anonymous said...

Kandee, you are amazing. You are such an inspiration to me. You helped me realize my dream of being a hair stlist/ makeup artist and just yesterday i started a blog about my life and the journey i am taking through it all.

You mean something to millions of people and thank you somuch for sharing your kindness and joy with te world. You truly are a gift from GOD and I wish you all the best in you future.

Keep inspiring and sharing your love for life with others. You make a difference and I am so appreciative of that.


my blog is

it would be awesome to hear what you have to say about my very first blog.

Love you Kandee!

Unknown said...

Your name suits you so are so sweet! ; )
I have this awesome quote written down and it is so important to remember: "The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves." -William Penn
Basically goes along perfectly w what you are writing about. Jealous people DO affect others but not nearly as bad as they affect themselves. Such hurting hearts w no other way to spread their "disease" then to try and harm their own kind. They just don't know any better. Kill em w kindness Kandee. : ) That's the BEST thing to do. Brush your shoulders off! ha ;)

Riya~ said...

thank you for sharing! everybody sometimes needs a reminder! ^__^ fans always out beats the hater!

asianlashes said...

thanks for this post i really appreciate it<3

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee,
I love reading your blog. You are a bright Ray of sunshine that always makes me smile. I do not often comment but I wanted you to know you have another fan that loves you! Life is too short to be saying negative things about people, my mother always taught me if you have nothing nice to say then do not say anything. Mean people used to bother me but once you get older you hopefully grow to realize that the only opinion that counts is your own about yourself. Keep up the great work and I hope your leg is feeling better every day.


Laura Lu said...


Miz Eclipse said...

You've nailed it, Miss Kandee. I'm a clinical counselor in-training, and I will never forget my favorite professor's mantra:

"You must be one hurting person to want to hurt me."

It's true, isn't it? When we're right with ourselves, we're not compelled to hurt others. It's an important lesson for all of us to learn.

Thank you for doing what you do--it's appreciated more than you know! :)

✿M.I.T.C.H said...

Hi Ms. Kandee, I'm just a new follower but even though i'm new, i can say that youre really are an amazing person and you definitely inspire me and a lot of peeople with this post. I too has a cyberstalker/real-life-hater who's dying to pull me down in the eyes of many. Its been two years since she started and until now she's stil an avid hater.
From the moment she hated me, I never fought back, instead i ignored her to show her that no matter what she does, i wont stoop down to her level.

So to you, to me, and to all of us who have haters in real and cyber life, let's just pray for the souls of our haters--that someday, may they find some peace of mind so they'll be able stop hurting and ruining other people's lives!

DLS Makeup said...

I have learned that when people do this...Usually they are jealous. You are BEAUTIFUL, talented, sweet and successful. Even when you feel so great about who you are what you have accomplished, mean comments can hurt. Anyone who can shake off constant comments, really isn't feeling anything at all, I would imagine. Don't let anyone take your happiness away from you. You earned it!!!!!

Envious Blog said...

Your an amazing person!
I love reading your blogs
they have alot of meaning to them and your video tips on youtube
are also helpful :]Stay truthful, yourself and God are the only ones that know you.
with much love

Vicky said...

Aw. Screw mean people! They are just jealous of your awesomeness!

Di Heuser said...

Great blog. I believe in ignoring them too. They just go away eventually. Note to self: Say thank you to Bunny for sending me to this blog.

Unknown said...

Why the haters? You're so nice.

Jenna said...

I was reading a few of the comments other people wrote to you on here and everything they say about you is true! You are such an amazing person and I really wish i could be as strong as you are and have the confidence you have. Your post just made my day!

Thanks Kandee for being YOU!

Izabell said...

The parable of the frog
A Lesson for life
There was a group of frogs ...
... who wanted to compete.
Wanted to climb a very high tower.
Many spectators gathered to watch the competition and to encourage the frogs.
Competition has begun ...
But ..
None of the spectators could not believe that a frog can climb the tower's top will succeed.
He would say things like:
"Oh, but tiring!
They'll never get up! "
"Do not be achieved, the tower is too high!"
The frogs began lemaradozni ...
... Except for a single eagerly climbed up ...
The audience shouted:
"It's too tiring! Nobody's going to get up! "
A growing number of frog thought to himself, and turned back ... ... Just the one, he proceeded steadily ...
I do not want to give up!
Finally, every one gave it to a frog, except his great ambition and perseverance alone reached the peak of the tower!
Then, the other frogs and the viewers wanted to know how he succeeded in what we all believed to be impossible.
One side went to the frog and asked how had the power to feljusson to the top.
Then it turned out that ...
The winning frog was deaf!
The lesson?
Never listen to people who are always negative and pessimistic ...
... Because they are abducting the best hopes and desires that can not hordozol your soul!
Always think of the words strength,
because it affects everything you hear or read your works!
Stay ...
And most
Be just dumb if someone says that you can not achieve your dreams!
Think about this:
Whatever you succeed if you really want!
Send this message to all those who are dear to me.
They are also encouraged you!

Unknown said...

From Australia to Canada, we think you are amazing for being a 'real' person! All your makeup tips and life tips are great for anybody, no matter the age, race or gender!

Jazmina said...

Just remember Kandee love is pouring on you from all over the world :) I say mean people are lacking that love they so much crave for therefore they act like 2 year olds when they don't get it..instead of giving love like one should they live on resentment .. I really feel bad for them..but that's not our problem to fix. Remember you gotta give some to get some back. Respect!


i cannot believe someone could even hate on you kandee. you're so inspiring. after viewing your videos and reading your blogs you have made me into a much more kind person. i used to criticize a lot of people for their choices. i didn't think it was necessarily a bad thing, i thought of it more as i was opening up their eyes. but after a few people got hurt i took a step back and reexamined myself. it's much easier to give love than to spread hate. thanks for opening MY eyes kandee!

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee -- thanks for this blog! I'm a beauty blogger and I've been wanting to start a YouTube channel for a while now, but then sometimes I tell myself it's not worth it if I'm going to get bombarded with hate from people who don't even know me! Of course, then I read stuff like this and realize I shouldn't let other people stop me due to the exact same logic -- they don't even know me!

Love your videos and appreciate all that you do for the YT/beauty community!

Anonymous said...


I remember when we were filming we talked about this. We always have your back. love you!
Sarah xoxoxo!!!

Cari said...

Hi Kandee

Everything you just said is so true. You get haters regardless if you are online or not its just to a bigger degree when you have a greater audience. You are a great person. You make me laugh with your silly but very informational videos. HATERS it's like this comedian says "if you have three haters try to get seven by the end of summer" -Katt Williams. Hilarious. You need haters cause they make you who you are. Meaning they give you all that fame and attention, they make you important. Keep doing what you do cause I TOTALLY love it. P.s. U R So Inspirational and Awesome. Its cause of you that I began my channel on YouTube, Love Cari

zodobaggins said...

Just what I needed to read after a day of dealing with horrible selfish people. I went out and ate awesome mexican food and made new friends. I bet they stayed at home stewing in their own hate!

zodobaggins said...

Just what I needed to read after a day of dealing with horrible selfish people. I went out and ate awesome mexican food and made new friends. I bet they stayed at home stewing in their own hate!

You've Got a friend said...

People who hate on others are unhappy with themselves, it's really sad :( There were two kids that made fun of me in middle school, and I ended up being home schooled because of it, and both of them ended up committing suicide. :( it's sad that they felt so unloved...I wouldn't call haters pathetic, I would call them broken. I pray that anyone who is so sad with themselves can be shown how much God loves them <3

Anonymous said...

Hello Kandee,

My name is Ingrida, I am one of your fans you could say, I've started to watch your videos some time ago for advices and tips about make up, but the more I watched your videos the more interested and fascinated by you I got, not because of your tips (witch are great), but because of who you are.
I always get fascinated by people who get though some harsh stuff in their lives. People who found the will in themselves to overcome their challenges in life always gains strength and wisdom. The fact that you decided to share with yours is really brave and inspiring. In my opinion you are the kind of person that others can look up to. You are capable of really great things. Whenever I get across with your blog, what you write there always makes me a little happier that there are people who believes in people goodness and that are capable to bring love and inspiration just by being themselves.
There are so many people who can't even make a simple conversation without acting and manipulating others, I really wish for you to always be true to yourself. Always believe in what you are doing if it brings happiness to you and others.

Thanks for every single word of inspiration and for all the make up tips, I wouldn't have learned it anywhere else hahaha

Sincerely, your friend Ingrida :)

Marcella Townsend said...

Kandee - Please know that you are loved by many devoted followers. You lift people up with your wonderful spirit and charm. Absolutely correct advice - Ignore the haters.

C... said...

Good for you. People that have nothing nice to say just want to drag people down to the same dumpy depths they've lowered themselves to. They lack class, self-confidence, and self-esteem.

beautybyella said...

I remember when I first found you on youtube (it has been a while now), and I thought, not only were you a fantastic artist but a true giver, by sharing with the rest of the world your knowledge. I was just getting started then as a beauty consultant, and thanks to your teaching and inspiration I am today a successful makeup artist. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do! Obviously haters have nothing to share or teach...they are just critics, and let's be honest who did ever erect a statue to a critic? Karma is a thing no one should mess around with!!!
For all you did for me may the good Lord bless you and your family many times over!
with immense gratitude and love,
your dear fan


Unknown said...

People are just jealous of you because you project such love, light, and kindness, Kandee. This is something they don't have, so they are threatened by it. Just keep on doing what you do. You are loved and appreciated.

Rouge said...

Hi Kandee!!! (Sorry If I write something wrong, I don’t really use English that much, I Hope you could get to understand)
I love your videos and your spirit, I think you’re amazing, and you have no idea how much your videos helps me to my life…
I live in Cancun Mexico, and obviously its really hard to find all the makeup you use (but I’m crazy about mac, so that makes every think much more easy), I die to go into the glaminars, It not easy and even if I manage to go, Ill get worry about not understanding some of the things…
Well I send you thousand kisses, keep being so nice and lovely…

Mishmosh said...

Kandee!! You are such an amazing and loveable person. You have inspired millions of people out there. Keep doing what you're doing. Can't wait to see you at Glaminar. Thank you for being you. You Rock!

People! Don't hate, Congratulate!

~ Mishmosh

Betssy said...

Kandee, thank you so much for posting this I've always had people who pick on me and say bad things about me with out me trying to even start any sort of conflict with them. If you have people talk negatively about you than it really is THEIR problem not yours ,because you really are the sweetest person. This has inspired me to just be myself and let other people talk because there is always going to be negative people like that out there.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the kind words again, Kandee! Keep being strong. <3

Unknown said...

You know you're on such a high spiritual plane that is touched by the divine. The best thing I like about you is that you're naturally hella funny and you come from such a genuine place. Continue to use this medium as your outlet...your world is limitless and the good and loving thoughts you share create nothing but more blessings and miracles.

SY said...

I love your videos! =] I don't understand how someone can hate you if they don't even know you. -_-

Sarah said...

Boo to the haters!!! We will stand as a united front and they will not beat us down!!! Thanks Kandee for sharing your optimism!!! You are such a great person and I can't imagine anyone hating you...says something about their character if you ask me!! ;)

Anonymous said...


I'll keep this short and sweet :D (you have so many comments to read lol)

Thank you Kandee for satying strong!!
In the maori language, From
New Zealand they say:

loove you heaps my Kandee cupcake!

take care
from Ashleigh Lilley
in New Zealand

Izabell said...

Dear Kandee!
I read your blog regularly, but unfortunately I do not know English, therefore, refer to the help of Google translator.
As I read the last bejegyzésedet, I stabbed it, how many of the envious, malicious ember.Hát Unfortunately, this was a very commonly experienced in Hungary within.
In this connection I wrote to you last night at the "Optimism frogs"'s translation.
I do not know whether to intelligently turned down, but the point is that, unfortunately, those people who are envious of you, it was made, because the trail can not be achieved!
You who inspirálsz others cheer you taking the life of others, and you take something, it's a wonderfully good thing.
Do not listen to anyone but your own heart!
Very good-hearted man, and therefore, these people did not even deserve to be nervous about them!
Keep it up!
Hi.: Http://

Anonymous said...

yeah when i went to beauty school there were a lot of catty 18 year old girls spending their time trying to make other people feel like crap.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

i don't know why, but when I read your posts about what you came in your life,when you are trying to send to others warm words, which are very heartening I JUST cry each time. It's maybe because a lot of these things touch me personally and when I read your post i think "heyyy that's what exactly i am/was thinking and feeling" ! And then I know that i am not alone! THANK YOU FOR BEING :* YOU R MAKING ME FEEL MUCH BETTER :)

A Snail's Tale said...

Whenever you come across some haters, just put this song out loud it's perfect!!!!!!!

love you.

FlamingAshes said...

You are a beautiful woman inside and out, Kandee. Haha, when and if I become a celebrity, you should do my make-up because you have talent! Haha, I'm hoping I can play the main character in the movie about my book that I'm almost done writing. You can check out my blog at (I hope I spelled all that right) I don't know if you have the time for that, though. Thank-you for your inspirational words and tips!

jiji said...

heay Kandee ....
ur beautiful inside out ... im glad those ppl r not getting to u ....
we all suffer from the same thing , but it hurts the most when it someone close to u (like family) ....

we r all beautiful each in her ways ... and we should love and accept each other jut the way we r ...


Stephanie said...

Absolutely love this post! I am all about positivity!

also letting you know I linked your blog in mine!


Viva La Veda said...

I just want to thank you for this post. I found your blog from youtube and I LOVE IT! You are amazing! Keep doing what you do best! and THANK YOU for being so positive in such a negative world!

Anonymous said...

I know how it is when you have haters. I am in highschool now, and I had to go through a hard time. People bullied me since I went to highschool. When I went to another school it didn't get better. Then I started to ignore them. And guess what, it helped! I pretended that I didn't care about what they did of what they say, but I did. When they said something mean, I rolled my eyes and walked away. They don't bully me anymore. The same thing goes for haters. They think they know you, but they don't. Haters have no life. They seriously think that they can say anything, wether its true or not. You just have to ignore them. They are trying to get your attention but you have to try to don't care. And if they say something mean, just think; whatever and go on. Don't pay attention to them because that is where they are looking for.
(I'm sorry about my English, I live in the Netherlands so my English is not really good :$). By the way, I love your blog! :)

Houria said...

I love you Kandee!!!U're my inspiration!You don't even know how good u are to me, through all the youtube Gurus, u're the best because you give something TRUE, REAL, without arrogance. That's why I love you! F... Haters! Look at us, we are thousands who loves you. Don't stop your channel for those jerks!
1000 kisses From France!

cris said...

Thank you Kandee, I had a really bad day and by reading your heart felt blogs you made me feel real better! Thank you and I love what your doing <3 Your a true inspiration to all

xoxo mca

rock star said...

I so totally agree with what you are saying as I had the same problem. I wrote my own songs etc and gained success as a well known musician in New Zealand, but I am no longer in the business. I have enjoyed my success, and this blog is helpful to those experiencing the same problem, took me ages to put mental block in my mind towards negative crap. Thanks heaps! I've put a link on my other blog site about this subject.

Sarah said...


I have watched your youtube videos over and over. I love your tutorials and you have serious talent {obviously}. I don't understand why people post mean things or specifically go out of their way to say hateful stuff. It's too bad that people still behave that way.

I love your blog and the positive messages you always share.

ChaCha said...

what golden words ! so true.. i too just ignore them and yes they are fools to waste their time being bullies .. theyre just jealous ..they cant stand that you have achieved more than them. the best thing to do is to ignore them and move on.
btw your such a great person and for people to say nasty things to you.. theyre so low and silly ! ^_^ xo

Maggie said...

How could anyone be mean to you? You're so nice and fun. I guess all we can do is pray for people filled with that much hate, and hope it helps them...

Julie Ling said...

You could not have said this any clearer and better! Amen to you! :)


Raleene said...

Thanks for posting this, Kandee! I've been dealing with anonymous haters these past couple of days and you've really summed up all the things I've been thinking of :)

God bless you! Continue to spread the love <3

VAL said...


enna said...

this is so true, i have alot of those people, too... mwah! thanks, you inspired me!

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