Friday, August 20, 2010

Glaminars coming to an end...or at least a long pause...

I decided to do all the Glaminar dates as a final Glaminar tour, there's no way I can fit the 7 hours of learning into a youtube video, and the things that I share there are "inner sanctum" knowledge that is very special knowledge and tips that you 'll learn no where else. I love inspiring and giving the knowledge to make your dreams happen...
The Glaminars are as much about make-up...and empowering you with the knowledge, confidence and hope to make your dreams really happen.

Unfortunately due to my work schedule and my health... I'm not going to be able to do anymore Glaminars next year. Not only do putting these on cause me to work all day and well until 2 am, trying to arrange everything, email, get gift bag sponsors, try to book events and deal with awful contracts, email people, maintain all the orders, stay on top of how many seats we have left at each venue, and then stress out over missing packages and items! And I am trying to blog, film video, edit video, work other jobs, and be a single mom...I can't continue to do these, even though I love them so much!

I hope that I will be able to do them again, because I love sharing my "skills" with you in a way that is so unlike what I can share on youtube...and meeting you all is more amazing than I can even describe.

I deal with a lot of swelling in my leg, and at every break I had to elevate and wish that there was a huge ice bath to soak my leg in.
I know a lot of people have asked for me to do a GLAMINAR in San Francisco, LA and possible Las Vegas....I will try my hardest to see if I can squeeze them in before the end of the year...please comment below to let me know if there's enough interest for me to do them there.

My schedule will be changing, and I will need to find a different way to take care of my family, Glaminars are very expensive to put on, and I will need to spend my time working on other things to take care of my family.  I want to spend more time with my family...even though I only travel when my ex-husband has the kids, usually leaving right after I drop them off...I want to be able to spend more time with them and be rested!

There truly are no words to express how much I will miss the joy, love and the amazing impact that is felt by everyone at the Glaminars....I hope one day there will be a way that I  will be able to resume them again.

Please enjoy this video and kind words from Alyssa...after the Glaminar in Chicago...she was also a brave model that let me show off her "cute nose" to everyone! Thank you Alyssa and all the precious hearts that are know in my Glaminar-inspired-hearts space in my heart!

Please comment below if you'd go to a Glaminar in San Francisco or Los Angeles if I can fit one more in this year.

click here to sign up and see the rest of the GLAMINAR dates:

huge love and sadness that I won't be able to do these anymore...but excitement that I won't know what the future will hold....types with love, kandee


roxy said...

cute video

Hopefully one day you'll have a glaminar in Toronto!!


Noelle Garnier said...
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sally said...

you work so very hard kandee! it shows in how successful you are! (i was surprised that you ddidn't have an assistant do all that-- maybe that's also why your Glaminars are so awesome because you take care of every last detail.) if you were able to have a Glaminar in the LA area, I would definitely be interested in attending. Thank you for who you are and the inspiration you have been to many many people!

Keirasluckycharm said...

I would love to go if you do another glaminar in Los Angeles!

Melissa said...

Hello Kandee. My mother has introduced me to you, all your bloggy world and youtube wonderfulness! I absolutely love you! You have inspired me to FINALLY make the decision to go to beauty school to get my esthetician license. I know that my mom and I would drive to either L.A, S.F. or Vegas for a Glaminar. I almost cried when I realized I had just missed the west coast tour. We're in the Carson City area, so it's close enough for us where ever you choose. Thank you so much for even considering doing another Glaminar!

Jackee said...


I completely understand and wish you the best. You still continue to give us so much through this blog and through youtube and it is greatly appreciated.

I hope that one day you'll be able to do Glaminars again! In the meantime, take care of yourself and your family because that is most important!

Kandee Johnson said...

yeas, maybe I was thinking of doing a Lake Tahoe Glaminar, not sure if enough people would come for it though!

Rocelia said...

Please oh please do San Fransisco

Anonymous said...

Las Vegas! No one ever comes here for meetups and such. Please!!

Cortney Staples said...

I would definately attend Las Vegas!

Compact Confessions said...

San francisco!

Unknown said...

Las Vegas or LA or Denver! =)

Rosepoet said...

Would be awesome to have a glaminar in LA! I know at least 2 of us who would attend! :-P

Elizabeth Anne Photography said...

My parents live in lake tahoe! I'd go to that one for sure!!!

Me, mom, and sister said...

I just want to say you are AMAZING, and inspire all us women and I am sure men too. As you stated your health and family are important, and instead of having 1 more, maybe you should pause it now, and do for you. It will sadly be missed, but understood.

Trish said...

Please tell me there will be a Glaminar in the Dallas/Fort Worth area very soon!!!

LisaMarie81 said...

SAN FRANCISCO!!! I know me, my sister, and probably 4 of my girfrinds would go!!! Yay!!

Melissa said...

Oh my gosh! Yes for Tahoe!!! If you could get the word out to Sacramento people would drive from there.

Francesca said...

Please come to San Francisco I would definitely be interested in attending I completely understand and wish you the best! :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

KANDEE!!!!! I would love to come back to the Glaminars if you have them in LA! Thank you so much for the impact that you've had in my life! I can't say thank you enough! And I was so down last night and today about fulfilling this dream, and then I read your post and just watching myself and how excited and happy I am about makeup reminded me that I CAN do this! Oh its Alyssa btw lol

Anonymous said...

San Francisco please! My sisters, cousin and I would definitely go!

Samelevennn said...

Yes yes! Las Vegas please!!!!

If you can't make it, I understand - I appreciate all the effort you put forth to hold these Glaminars. You're a true kind soul. Your health and happiness comes first so make sure to take care of yourself!

I hope that one day you can come to Las Vegas (or somewhere else near me) so that my life can be touched by your sunshine as well...

I love you Kandee! <333

magz said...

Hi Kandee! I'm very proud of you putting your family first, great job! And I would love it if you could come to San Francisco! Much Love :)

Kang V. said...

San Francisco would be awesome!

AshLynn said...

I would love to go to one in Las Vegas...I can't go to any other location because I have no one to watch my kids for me so I could only go to one within driving distance etc...

missria said...

Los Angeles!

Unknown said...

Las Vegas would be a fun place to have one. But I would come to any of them on the west coast. I dont want to miss my change to go to glaminar.

mommaelf2009 said...

I really wish that you would do a Glaminar in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. I am unable to make it to the one in Houston due to finances. I was hoping that I would get to make it to one next year, and saddened when I learned that there wouldnt be anymore. I am praying for many blessings for you and your family. Kandee you do such a great job!! I am very happy that I found you recently on youtube!!! Keep up the good work. Be blessed!

Tatyana Ivona said...

Hey Kandee,

I love your videos and everything you do. U inspire so many of us and I wish u continue doing what u are doing. However, I am concerned about some of the products you use. I would like u and anyone applying makeup to be aware of the ingredients that are in a few common makeup brands that may be hazardous to your health. I’m sure u may know of some ingredients. Here are a few deadly makeup chemicals that may sneak into you eye shadows, lip balms, lotions, or any other skin care and make up products.

Parabans (methyl, ethl, ….)- these are preservatives to extend product shelf life. May cause allergic reactions. Some studies show a correlation to paraban usage and breast cancer. Also they have estrogenic activity that may cause hormonal changes.


Fragrances/Perfume- Ever had a headache from smelling something over a period of time or was too strong? lots of chemicals are commonly used in perfume and most are synthetic compounds. Realistically, companies cannot list all these ingredients on a bottle and just put Fragrance under the ingredients. So, you’ll probably never know the truth of what is hiding inside.

Sodium laurel or lauryl sulfate- a skin and eye irritant, so why are they putting it in skin care products???

These are a few of the many ingredients in common cosmetic products. A great website I like to go on to check the toxicity of makeup is: (you just type in the name brand and scientists rate the product hazards. THIS IS AN AWSOME SITE!!! (a cool website that lists stuff on healthy living)

We can choose what we put in and on are bodies to look are optimum best. But to do so we
have to be cautious and read the ingredients and have a good knowledge base to understand what’s going on.

Always stay smart,

reasons... said...

Yes, San Francisco Please! All of northern California, Sacramento area and down to Bakersfield definately could drive to San Francisco (a 4 hours drive is nothing, come on people, it is so worth it!!!).
So if you choose to do it, SAN FRANCISCO!!!! Please!
But you make the call!

You are an inspiration and putting your family and health above doing more glaminars is the absoulte right decision and I so totally aplaud you for it and hope for San Francisco or for 2012!


Jesi said...

Dear Kandee,
I'm so glad i signed up this year!! I cant wait I'm super stoked to meet you and learn from your experience. I am so happy you decided to come to NYC this year.
Im sure many are sad to hear that you wont be able to continue glaminars for a while but i think i can say that any who have been able to take advantage of your glaminars truly appreciate the hard work, thoughtfulness, cupcakes:), talent and character that you put in to them!
AND im sure that many can appreciate that you obviously care so much for your family and love to spend time with them as a understandable reason to retire from glaminars for a bit. And of course you must take care of you!
Thanks Kandee for continuing to spread your joy and skills despite your busy life!
Cant wait to meet you :)

audrey said...

I would drive to either LA, SF or Vegas for a Glaminar! You are amazing!

Bao said...

San Francisco PLEASE!

Nina.K said...

I hope you get better soon and wish all the best things for you if you put glaminar in LA I will try to come eventhough i live in Switzerland

Ivy* said...

Hi Kandee, it's a shame that you can't go on with the Glaminars next year but I totally understand you need to take care of many other things. I just wanted to tell you that if you could delay the last Glaminar in LA or SF it would be AWESOME. WHy... I'm from Argentina and I am planning to go to California to work the whole winter, and if I can attend to one of your Glaminars it'd be more than a dream come true!! So wherever you want in California is great, as long as you do it like in December!! And if you can't... Well there'll be some other time, I'm sure...

Take care and just keep being so inspiring!!


Jael Hicks said...

Please come to San Francisco!

Unknown said...

omg! pleasssse san francisco! =D

Unknown said...

Please come to Las Vegas! I would try to make it to LA though if you had one there. But please come to Vegas! : )

Anonymous said...

I am so very happy and blessed that You are given us the opportunity to learn from you and experience your charm and Kandeeness in person <3 You have changed so many people's lifes including my own and I thank you so very much for your hard work in putting these Glaminar's together:) I know that you will be blessed because you have blessed so many others <3 Love ya lots Kandee,strength hugs and smiles your way:) xo Gwen

Marie1021 said...

Aww, my heart goes out to you Kandee. Honestly, after your accident, I was surprised you were going to do so many Glaminars! When I saw you weren't going to do them anymore, I cried! I have been dying to go, but my husband and I are stationed in Hawaii and about to move, so I've had ZERO opportunities to go :( We kept saying "next year" and looks like thats not going to happen. If you had just one more this year, esp. in Cali or Vegas, I would do EVERYTHING I could to make it! Your health and family are first and foremost of course, and I respect how you always put them first :) I hope you start feeling better soon! Just let it be known that if you do add just 1 more Glaminar, there will be a HUGE interest in it, and not just from me! :)

Nancy Del Carmen-Cox said...

LA - check!
San Francisco - check!
Sacramento - check!
La Tahoe (hhmmm,
actually not a bad idea to get away..) - check!

I will donate food, drinks - heck! let's make a pot luck outta this! I'm down! haha! Just so long as you're health isn't compromised in any way shape or form. You're health is all you got Kandee. Your health and passion allows us to see how magnificent you are. Take heed and listen to it.

Ever consider Skype classes? You still get to teach us makeup basis in the comfort of your own home. That goes for everyone for that matter. At the end of the course, we'll all meet somewhere for a "Glaminar Graduation" while you hand out the certificates? Then, the best part - meet and greet/party!

Your traveling, board & lodging expenses will be dramatically reduced. Plus, more time with your precious babies. :)

Not sure what the whole Skype thing entails but, I've been to a few Skype classes/discussions Oprah conducted and it was great! You might want to consider and look into it.

But trust and believe that if you book it, we will come! :)

Lisa Teller said...

Kandee! I would love for you to do a Glaminar in San Francisco as I am only 30 minutes away from there! But if you decide NOT to do one there let me know ASAP because I'm going to try to make it across the country to see you.

Also, what if you had help managing and putting together the Glaminars?? I would definitely be willing to help you put together the San Francisco one and other ones if you would like. I was also considering going to school for event planning so this would be a great opportunity for me to see if its really something I'd like to pursue.
I'm pretty well organized and would love to help you plan these out! Love ya Kandee!!

Unknown said...

Please PLease Please come to San Francisco PLEASSSEEEEEEEEEEE

Tara said...

My friends and I would LOVE to have you come to Vegas for a Glaminar. Pretty please!

Nik said...

I was thinking the other day how you were pulling everything off w/o going crazy lol. I see that you are awesome at your work and have a kind heart. It is important to spend the time with your kids while they are still kids. Good Luck Kandee, I wish you all the best! <3

mishimango said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

kandee im so happy i was able to attend the seattle glaminar esp since i live only a mile from the W Hotel!
im sure hosting a glaminar is expensive, stressful, happy, fun, and overwhelming all at the same time but i had fun and everyone else had fun and we all love you.
do yourself a favor and take a break to just relax and heal your leg.
love you KJ!!
Brittany F.

CosmoFreakaLeak said...


Unknown said...

please do one in san francisco!

mishimango said...

hi,kandee!:) thank you so much for putting all of this for us. I was hoping maybe before the glaminar ends you'll do like a BIG ONE in Los Angeles....i would be happy to go...thanks so much and Goodluck with everything..i heart you...

Unknown said...

I live up near SF, so I'd love for a Glaminar up here, but your health comes first!!

Unknown said...

Kandee I'd love it if Ýou could come back to LA to do another Glaminar! But you gotta put your health and your family first girl! Maybe you need an assistant, I'd volunteer for that job!

Do whatever your heart tells you to do, and if you decide to do one more LA or SF glaminar, you can definitely count on me being there!

You are an inspiration to so many!

josie said...


You need to do what you need to do, and we all have to continually rearrange our lives in order to keep our priorities straight in life. Your top priorities are your family and your health, and you are smart enough to know that and remember it at all times.

I finally watched the video where you talk about past (and also the one about your leg…OMG, OMG, OMG…ok I’m done freaking out lol you are so, SO, BRAVE!) Aaanyway, learning a little more about you as a person, I totally understand why you’d need to step back and realize that as much as you love doing the Glaminars, it is something that’s just not viable RIGHT NOW. You are so smart and savvy that I’m sure there will come a time soon when you’ll be able to dictate your own schedule and work-pace, with which will come more freedom to do all these other things that you love so much. As it is, you are truly lucky to be doing what you absolutely love, and it really does show, and it’s something that if only everyone in the world did, we’d be a much, much happier planet!

It takes TREMENDOUS courage and I know you get that from having lived through the many bad things that happened to you, but really it’s how you chose to deal with those bad things, because had it been someone else, they would have allowed themselves to be broken down and who knows where they would be now. I’m lucky to have a friend who is just like you, she has your spirit of endurance and joy, and I just love her so, so much! I call her “Mamma Love” because she is older but oh so young at heart, and you just want to hug her and kiss her and have her make you some cookies lol She too had some bad, bad times in her life and she almost didn’t make it out, but you should look at her now!

Anyway, I congratulate you for being SO courageous in so many aspects of your life, and don’t worry, things will fall into place when they need to fall into place. The Glaminars are SUCH a great idea and I’m sure you’ll one day soon have the means and the time and the appropriate assistance to put them together again. In the meantime, build your client base and your fan base, so by the time you’re ready for them again, they’ll be a great success again!

Everything happens for a reason, even the bad things, but eventually the puzzle starts taking shape. But you knew all this, didn’t you? LOL I think you must have been like a Buddha or something in your past life, because you have wisdom beyond your years – actually beyond many, many people’s years!


josie said...

Oh, one more thing I wanted to say was that perhaps you may consider doing online seminars? I know someone mentioned Skype, and there are other ways of setting them up where you can have people sign up (and pay) beforehand, and distribute written materials and stuff like that...I'd be willing to help you do some research into this possibility if you are ever interested in pursuing it, just let me know. ;)


Unknown said...

i say SANFRAN its fun there!
but LA is close to your home i think so it might be easier but you have done glaminars in LA before so deff go with SAN FRANSICO :D

Unknown said...

KANDEE!, i wish you could come to florida there isnt that many beauty schools out here and the only one that i could go to is in bonita springs and i live in Naples FLORIDA which is kinda far.. if you came to naples my dream would come true as well as for my friends. we all watch you and you inspire us everyday. and plus, you get to see the different side of america, l.a and san fran all those places on the west coast, you should see all the variety of people down here in the southeast. it would be really exciting for you and all the people here in Florida. please and thank yoou.. -Julianna.

Trish and Aaron said...

Hi Doll! I'm sad to hear this but I hope you are able to take time for yourself, your health and your family. We will always be here to support you. I'm so happy I was able to attend the Pasadena Glaminar and I know that including me theres a few girls from that one that would love to attend a glaminar in San Fran! I Hope you are able to make that work, if so, I will be there for sure!! :0) Lots of love to you. xoxo

Unknown said...

oh BTW. im sorry about your health and everything :/ i wish there was something i could do. if you could come to Florida, i'd be supportive and help you out a lot (: im a pretty darn good hard worker! :) i hope all goes well for the final glaminar! please keep florida in mind though ;-) LOVE YA!

Unknown said...

I would love if you did a glaminar in LA or Las Vegas. I'm in Phoenix but am in LA and Vegas droping my son off to spend time with his father either place would be perfect.

Betty said...

Yay! Las Vegas! Yes, please come here! It'll be perfect: a ton of places to hold the event; people from out of town can get here easily; cheap rooms & flights; great shopping! Love all that you do for all of us!

Unknown said...

hi kandee,

Don't worry about having to pause the Glaminars for a while. Your leg needs to recover, you need more time to prepare every Glaminar, you need more time to enjoy the Glaminars and most important you need more time to be with your family.

I would say 'breath' for a moment and may be in October you can start planning one last 2010 Glaminar.

Jessica said...

of course family comes first, we will love you till the ocean runs dry kandee!

Unknown said...

**~**~**~ K A N D E E ~**~**
I completely understand why you no longer can continue doing the gaminars although I am rather disappointed I do understand why. I really do hope that I can make it to the one in toronto because I wasnt going to come until next years glaminar because I cant afford it right now. I will probably save every paycheck I get until then so I can come see you because I would really love to meet you. Idk if you got my message before but I said in there that I just want to come to meet you and all the learning and gift bag stuff is just a bonus. I know you must be feeling terrible having to give up something you love but it is also important that you spend time with you family. I myself know what it is like to have to give up things that I once loved to help raise my family and I was only 13. I really wish you the best and I can imagine what you must be going through but just remember that you have soo many people that love you and support you and no matter what happens we will be here for you. I know Ive only just recently became apart of you blog readers and youtube watchers but I am completley in awe of you. Every time I watch you its like the highlight of my day and you keep me motivated to keep moving on. I know youve heard probably all of this a million times but I wanted to tell you anyways. You are the best and I will keep watching your videos and reading your blogs for as long as I have the internet. I really hope I can save up enough money to make it to torontos glaminar because I definitley wont have enough to make it to the one in NYC on time. I will probably be saving every nickle and dime I have to come see you and I hope that says how much I really want to meet you. I am really going out on the limb just to come see you and I hope you appreciate me as much as I appreciate you. I just wanted you to know how important this really is to me and that I stand behind you no matter what you choose. I hope you have an amazing day and I hope your healh returns to normal and just try to take it easy!!!

Anonymous said...

yuu u should really try to come to san fransisco. But I'm gonna try my hardest to go to whereverr u got do themm :D I wouldnt miss iss furr the worldd! haa

galaxydreaming said...

You have done soooo well, you are amazing & touched lives all over the world. I am happy to see that you are pursuing what you need to in order for you to be well & have family time. YOU DESERVE your life also. Lots of Love from NZ

Cat said...

I truly wish you would come to Vancouver, Bc, Canada. You are a mentor to so many women of all ages and all lifestyles and I truly wish i could meet you. I am a single mom as well and i deeply believe you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to and dreams can come true. you show us all that. I hope your leg heals well Kandee. lots of luv and prayers,
Catherine L

Sewcr8zy said...

Please do a Glaminar in San Francisco! I would bring all my friends to it!

Kristen Alvis said...

Take care of yourself Lady! And your beautiful babies :D Will be looking for you on YouTube <3

Anonymous said...

Kandee Please come to SAN FRACISCO!!!! please!!

Loreta said...

Hi Kandee....sounds like much stress...i cant imagine..If you do , do glaminars in L.A..Vegas or can count me in!! I just hope your leg gets better and you rest up. xoxox

jeanette said...

Kandee Please come to L.A. cant wait to see you....!!!!

CarissaDearest said...

I think all of us would much rather you take care of you and your little ones more than anything. 1. i would totally come to san fran OR lake tahoe. but only if your in good enough shape to really be doing those! 2. i would love if you started blogging the 'adventures in kandeeland' again
<3 <3

Anonymous said...

I would be most grateful if you could do a glaminar in San Francisco or in Los Angeles I live all the way in Portland, Oregon and I am very limited with money and I am striving to become a make up artist. I hope your leg is doing better, I hope nothing but the very best for you Kandee! <3

Kyla_Lyla said...

I would be honored to go to your Glaminar in San Francisco! I really do hope you get your rest and your leg doesn't give you too much trouble. Just so what you can :) I'm sure all your fans understand, because we are all human too!

Deaette said...

Very sad to here this but I am so very glad I got to see you in Chicago it was worth it all. Family and health always come first doll and little ones are only little for a little while. You take the time you need to be that awesome mommy you are and they need and let your leg heal. We will all still be here for you. Hugs and prayers for you always.

tiffany said...

Hi Kandee, I just want to say that I admire you so much and appreciate everything you do for your faithful and loyal viewers. I truly understand how hard it must be for your and your family. Unfortunately I was unable to attend your past glaminars. I was hoping that one would be closer to me, I am in Sacramento and then I found out you wouldn't be doing anymore and now I am kicking myself in the you know what for not going to one of the past ones. If you do one in SF (I would definitely go, hands down no matter what) and possibly be able to attend LA or Vegas (I would try my hardest). If you decide not to do another one or are unable to then I completely get it and understand and I just know it wasn't meant to be and pray that you will have more when you can because I would love to attend one. With much love and encouragement to you, one of your loyal viewers....

tiffany said...

Just reading other responses and if you did a Lake Tahoe one, that is another I would DEFINITELY go to.

macbby11 said...

plzzz come back to LA!!!! i missed it in june! =/

tammy_r said...

I hope you add a glaminar is San Francisco or LA, I would go to either location.

Unknown said...

Please make a Glamanar Dvd for all the people who can't make it. You could sell it on your site and maybe even donate some of the proceeds to a charity. ;)

Anonymous said...

I am so happy I attended the Glaminar in Chicago now that these may be the last! This post made me sad, but I completely understand your reasons. Yet I am still saddened by the news. Ha Ha. Let me tell you though, I've been suffering from depression for about a year now, I just couldn't handle a lot of things anymore and I went to the Glaminar and I laughed so much, and felt so happy the whole time. Even almost a week later I still think about it and talk about it and feel happy. So just know that doing these helps inspire people and make them happy and you learn so much, not just about make up, but on life. Thank you so much for doing these Kandee! I hope you enjoy your time with your kids and doing whatever you may do!
Tons of love, Heather

Unknown said...

San Francisco Kandee plz plz plz I've been waiting and was very sad when you said you can't do anymore,
I checked the list 5 times to make sure that SF is not on there :((((
come to San Fran plz plz plz

Unknown said...

oh and one more thing Kandee, my bday is coming up and that would be the BESTEST bday gift evah plz plz plz

. said...

Yes Please do a LA glaminar! I couldn't make it when you were in San Diego.. but LA is close enough!

Anonymous said...

so i would really love to meet you in person your very inspiring as well as hopefully have you do a glaminar in san diego .. i know this will be one of your last glaminars but i would love if you could do it and at my fashion school they have a club called unzipped and i will see if we could possibly help you pay to come do a glaminar..and all that good stuff..
if you would be interested in this please send me an email at and also send me a list of all your costs and things you need for a glaminar and i will talk to the school and student activities and see if we can raise enough money for you to do a glaminar in san diego.. yay!

molly duran

xoxo- C said...

Please come to Vegas!!! Pretty please with oooey gooey chocolate goodness on top! I will be your slave for the day!

Unknown said...

Here is my vote for a San Francisco Glaminar. Please come. When you do come to San Francisco, please, please, please let me know how I can help you. Thanks!!

Amy said...

I would definately go to Vegas!

Angelys said...

Hi, I'm going to the one in NY with my friend Jessica. Can't Wait! :-)

Anonymous said...

Kandee!I have been following you for the longest and even though the glamiars are on hold-at some point do you think you could make it out here to the Bay Area in Cali???? I know a ton a people who would LUV to see you!!! Also~I'm new to the blogging world and you are such an inspiration! please follow my blog as well sine i look lame with no friends...hhehehee!

Anonymous said...

Yes!! Yes!! Pls do a glaminar in los angeles !! ii am fer sure interested :)

kandee johnson uu are awesome! ii watch all uur videos, an read uur blog an it has inspired me and makes me smile daily. love, love, LOVE uur videos and blog :D

T Lei Marie said...

Please hold a glaminar in LOS ANGELES
I am definitely interested.
Thank you Kandee! :)

butterfly2454 said...

I would love to go To a glaminar in lake tahoe!! Or any of those 3 places! I live in AZ so i'm right by all those :) I'm soooo happy you're considering it!!!! I really hope you do it!!
I vote for LA or San Fran the most! But Vegas will be cool too! :)

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee!!!

I live in riverside county, and lately I have felt very lost and am trying to find ways to build my self esteem back. It was like out of no where I just have no confidence anymore. Then I found your videos on youtube and shared them with my friends and even found that doing make up on myself and my friends and family brings me such joy and that you helped me want to pursue a career in make up! I really want to work on movie sets or tv maybe get into special effects with make up as well :)

BUT I have no idea where to start!!
So that being said I would love to go to a Glaminar in LOS ANGELES. I could even try my hardest to make it out yo san fran or vegas.

Hopefully you have the time and are feeling up to fitting one more in!!

Thanks so much :)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Even though a glaminar in SF or LA would be awesome, as I live 3 hrs away from either of them, and going to a Glaminar in Vegas would be're health is more important and not just to you, but your kids. What good are you to them if you're not healthy? Take time to heal...then, come back to us, stronger and sweeter than ever! Plus, I love little stories about your day(s) with your three little ones! I am a single mommy of three as well! I'm the same age as you and your oldest and my oldest are the about the same age! LOL. Please get better, Kandee! We want you at (hopefully) more future glaminars, in full strength. (Also, it sounds like you need a personal assistant, with all that upkeep between mommihood, glaminars, videos, editing, and blogging.)

Pink Glitter Rock'n Roll said...

LOS ANGELES!! Pretty Please with a big beautiful Cherry on top! or Santa Barbara... I can help with booking & promotion. XO! We love you Kandee!!

Pink Glitter Rock'n Roll said...

LOS ANGELES!! Pretty Please with a big beautiful Cherry on top!

Natalie Puikkonen said...


A.M. said...

Kandee, you do so much, and putting on so many Glaminars in one year, I'm sure has been a whole lot of stress. Instead of stopping them all together, why not just do one or two locations a year with 6 months or so in between. You could have a new city each year. This way you could still do the Glaminars that you love so much, but the stress level will be much lower. Also you could hire some assistants or interns or both. Whichever you decide, we'll still love and support you!!
Thanks for all that you do!
Much love from Florida.

Keat ' Cameo said...

I think that you should think about yourself, your family, and your health. Even if you love to do all those things, a pause its not that bad =)

kiss from portugal**


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Kandee, you have inspired me to always follow my dreams even though I may feel like giving up! And now you are! I know it may be hard to continue doing glaminars but you can do it! You can do anything if you set your mind to it! Never give up! I'm sorry that times may be tough at the moment but I believe that you can persevere! I believe in you! Hahaha I know this all sounds super corny but think about all those you inspired to follow their dreams! Don't give up on yours! I understand that you may need a break, and that's okay. But you can't take a permanent break! That would be dreadful! Please, please, please don't let us down.

Brenda from LA said...

Los Angeles, please! But take care of your health first - we love you!

Los Angeles

Jess Vasquez said...

Please do another in LA! I didn't have enough money when you did one in San Deigo (my hometown) or the LA one, but if you did another LA one I might be able to go! : D

FaithHopeLove said...

hi kandee, its been awhile. i am sad and sorry you will have to take a pause on what you love, but please dont worry. God will lead you and maybe this is a way for him to tell you its time for a rest, even from what you love. You have shared you heart and soul and love with so many and touched more people than you can imagine. You still will. I can only imagine how challanging it must be for you to be traveling with your leg not fully back to normal and also missing your little babies. How lucky for your Jordan to have the opportunity to go with you these last few times - it will be good memories for you and he to look back on. I want to do soemthing for you, but I am far away. Wait, I know what I can do, let me go get my box. I am going to pick out a quote for you. hold on...................okay kandee, please believe me, this is the truth. I went to get my box and i have a fan on, so when I opened the box one small quote came flying out and this is what is says, meant for you! "Beilive in the power of the process, when you are confident that no matter what happens in your life, you will be okay - when every day you believe that the same force that holds the stars in the sky is certianly strong enough to sustain Oprah. I felt like you needed one more, so I put my hands in the box and pulled this one, ironically it was another by Oprah, "We have to keep transforming ourselves to become who we ought to be"..a very sweet and wonderful girl once wrote, never give was you kandee...never give up you and your family are going to be okay. I will always watch and look at your blog. You are a freind, even if i cant type on it every day. I read and I wish you well! love Stephanie. I hope you got my letter, im not sure if you may have tried to email back, cause im sure you get soooooo many communications. No worries. If you come to San Fransico I would love to go.

Unknown said...

San Francisco :))))))

MeeKazMaKeUp said...


Unknown said...

please please please do one in san francisco i would so make the 2 hour drive to see you:D!!!!!!!!!! Love Yuo Kandee!!!!!

Anonymous said...

...i would love to have an opportunity to meet you in san francisco! you are such an inspiration! but because i'm a graduate student, it's too difficult to travel to some of the remaining glaminar locations. thus, please try to make some time for the bay area! <3...

Betssy said...

:( I was going to wait until I was 18 to go to one ,because I don't really think my parents would let me go to LA. But I hope you have some time to rest up and relax with your kids. You are such a good and loving mother, your children truly are loved. :)

homemaderecipes said...

good for you sweetheart. your family deserves all your love and attention and you need to be able to recover and rest.

you will always have your online 'family' supporting and loving you - no matter what you do.

VegasBaby said...

Kandee PLease you have to do another one las vegas las vegas I know the venues here would def be way more reasonable then any other city. I know you have an amazing family and im sure its hard to be away one more minute then you have to, but you do have a gift Kandee you really d! You have inspired me more than anyone in my whole life you helped me find this spark this passion that i kinda knew was there but you completly make me feel like I can do it and thats without going to one of your amazing Glaminars so I could only imagine what I could do by going to one:) PLease I just need a kick in the rear and I know i would
find that in your Glaminar love you Kandee

VegasBaby said...

Las Vegas Please

LVMAKEUP said...

SAN FRANCISCO please!!!!!

I would love it if you could come to the bay area for a glaminar!!!

VegasBaby said...

Kandee PLease you have to do another one las vegas las vegas I know the venues here would def be way more reasonable then any other city. I know you have an amazing family and im sure its hard to be away one more minute then you have to, but you do have a gift Kandee you really d! You have inspired me more than anyone in my whole life you helped me find this spark this passion that i kinda knew was there but you completly make me feel like I can do it and thats without going to one of your amazing Glaminars so I could only imagine what I could do by going to one:) PLease I just need a kick in the rear and I know i would
find that in your Glaminar love you Kandee

Happymomof2 said...

San Francisco Please :)

Unknown said...

Dear Kandee, I'm a 29 year old girl from Amsterdam in the middle of my second burnout but recently I got in touch with my inner self and found out the joy I'm experiencing with makeup. But then you came along and you inspired me to really do something with it and now I'm starting a course to be a make up artist! Thanx to you I decided to change my life for the better. Men If I had the money I would fly over in a heartbeat to one of your Glaminars. I think it's amazing what you do and achieved in life and thank you so much for sharing it with the world!! I feel so happy and excited since I found you on the internet, for the first time in my life I'm following my dream and taking control of my life. Your my Guru!!!
Thank you so much Kandee and I wish you all the best with your health and family!!
Love, Tanimara

Anonymous said...

LA glaminar? I'm there!

A. said...

Hey Kandee, when I read that you're looking for another means of supporting your family, it reminded me this article that I just happened to read today--,^ixic,qqqq

It's about YouTube video creators who make money by hosting banner ads on their channel. I don't know if you've ever considered it before, but with the number of viewers you have, I would think you could fare very well by doing this :)

fashiondulce23 said...

LA for sure

Francesca said...

Noooooo!!! An amazing pal just introduced me to you and you already had a glamiar in Seattle!! Darn!! But I would most definitely go to SF or Vegas to see you!!! Love always!

thornbery7 said...

Hey Kandee im hoping i can still get a ticket for hoping I'm better by then.Stupid sinus infection!!!!!! anywho i was wondering...i know this has nothing to do with this but i haven't recieved my fleet boot chain =( just wondering if you could maybe help me out with what i should do? thanks bye

Melissa Dale said...

I would be able to come to San Francisco! It would have to be after September 15th due to financial reasons. I'm sad to hear this is the last round of Glaminars, but I am understanding. Much love to you and your family!

Crimson Vixsyn MUA said...


Angela Choi said...

Los Angeles please!!!!!!

I was so sad and mad at myself for not being able to make to the Pasadena one earlier this year...

Kandee! No stress though!!! as much as you want us to be happy, we all want you to be happy. We understand and do what you think is rightta.

Huge love,


elle said...

GLAMINAR in SF please! Kandee you are so talented and sweet I know if you come to SF there will be such a demmand! You are truly a sweetheart I had the honor of meeting you at imats LA and you were so easy going and sweet to talk to, I even met you beautiful mom at the Zuca booth! So please, please please come to San Francisco> I know all of the Bay Area would love to come and see you!

evietotheelle said...

Have you ever thought about just putting your glaminars into a series of videos? Just an idea. I love you!


Unknown said...

SAN FRANCISCO WANTS YOU!!! thank you for all that you have given to us MUA in the making ;)

Kathi Khaotic said...

Oh Kandee I hope you continue these later in the future!

I was really looking forward to going to one of your glaminars as soon as I turn 18! So I do hope you continue them when you can :]

Well I hope you get all that special time with your family and taking care of yourself.


Corliss said...


I wish I could afford to go to a Glaninar; but,I would never be able to. Regardless, what's most important is your health and family. It sounds like you've helped so many people already and that's the most important thing. You've given so much of yourself. God bless and take care of YOU!

Gabriella said...

aww Kandee hope all is well :)
i was a little bummed that you won't be able to do them next year and for a while, but then again you have soo much to do for it and still do your usual things like take care of your son so your big break is well deserved :D you work too hard but are truly amazing!!

Hopefully you can squeeze just one more in LA this year..That would make my Year :))

PinkWithGlitter said...

•••••• Dear Kandee, ••••••

I totally understand your situation.
Spending time with your family is the MOST important thing in life!

But don't forget that soooo many other people from the whole(!) entire world are getting inspired by YOU,
and need YOUR help. Yes, we NEED you too!!!

If you're not able to travel around the world to talk to use, please, be so kind to supply us with as many youtube videos as you can to spread your love out there!!!

Finally, I thought you have HELP doing the glaminars, organizing everything and dealing with emails, reservations,.... ????!!!!!
You should definitely get some more help!!!! Someone who uploads your videos, is responsible for glaminars, and everything else!!

So you precious little girl can spend more time with your family and don't have to stop inspiring people all over the world!!!

•••••• Yours, Marlene ••••••

Jinxy said...

ahahah soo funny!


JoJo said...

Something you may consider... getting local college interns who may be interested in event planning, fashion, or someone interested in some management, who may want the experiences or references or be interested in the biz. willing to do this as a learning experience to help you with the "behind the scenes"... and maybe let them sit in on the Glaminar, you never know who you may touch in just a simple help request... I know because, I was an education major and I went to a local child care facility and asked if I could come and work, no cost, just to gain experience... I don't know if people out there are interested anymore in doing things just for experiences and knowledge but it was how things used to be... like wearing coats and ties and business dress for job interviews. -good luck in whatever you choose to do. I hope the pause isn't very long but do what you have to do girl. Thanks for everything you have done so far! you are very much loved and cherished!

JvpArtistry said...

La or San Francisco or Vegas it WILL be Me + 1

Jeanine Legarda said...

Kandee, I'm so happy you're thinking about doing at least one more Glaminar before this year is over. I cam to the conclusion if attending IF THERE'S ONE IN LA...thinking you were done with "tour dates"'re giving a possible LAST GLAMINAR!!!

Put me down +1. I've prayed for you, your family and the many hats you wear on a daily basis...Most of all I thank God He's using you to touch me and others. You're so talented and encouraging...really hope to go to LA for the last Glaminar. BUT family comes first...He'll give you the strength to make the right decision =)

Unknown said...

I will love to take the glaminar!!! I live in Mexico but I will travel to LA if you do it :)

Jen said...

Please, do a Glaminar in San Fran. This would be great.

Jen said...

YES!! PLEASE!! Can you do a Glaminar in San Fran. That would be great!!! I'll be the first to sign up, ok maybe not the first, but I will sign up.

Skylar Young said...



Yes! If you can't come to Phoenix please come to Vegas! I will definitely come! Do what u gotta do woman! Your so inspiring for all you do. When I feel like I am too tired or too nervous to do something I think of you and all that you do and it inspires me. Meeting you and sky diving are the 2 things on my bucket list! I just went sky diving today so now you are left !

Christine said...

VEGAS PLEASE!!! We would love to see you in SIn City!

Brandi said...

I would def. go if you came to Los Angeles!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kandee! You are, without a doubt, the most inspirational and motivational person I have ever seen. You have given me the courage to follow my dream of becoming a make-up artist. You make me feel as if I can do anything and the possibilities are endless. You always put a smile on my face and brighten up my day with your beautiful personality. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard your schedule must be and I truly commend you for putting your family and health first.

I am 18 years old from SAN FRANCISCO and it would be unbelievably incredible if you could have a Glaminar here in SF. I would be there in a heartbeat! If SF isn’t possible; I would even find a way to go to LA (But it would be waaayy cooler if you came here =D)

Thank you so much for bringing, not only your knowledge, but your never-ending encouragement to my life. I admire you so much for your positive outlook on life – if only more people could be like you!!

Pink Glitter Rock'n Roll said...

Los Angeles

AcaciaLain said...

if you are to do another one, pleeeasse do it in LA. I missed the one in Pasadena due to an illness. However if it is too hard to fit one in, I understand. Family is more important. Much love,

Alyssa Castelltort said...

Please PLease Please do a glaminar in LA!!! I am such a huge fan and i've always wanted to go to one! Please????? I am literally begging you on my knees here. PLease?

Unknown said...

Kandee! We're waiting for you come to L.A.!!! We <3 U :)

m0mmyb0t said...

One day when you can do Glaminars again, I'm sure I'll be living in New York & there will actually be a chance that I can COME to a Glaminar!! <3 Get well sweety, and take whatever time you need to be healthy! It's more important that you are healthy & well for your kids than for us! None of us are going anywhere. =]

selina said...

i would of loved to go to your glaminour .but i understand hope all will be well

Unknown said...

San Francisco! Please!

yougottabekidding said...

Please bring a glaminar to San Francisco or anywhere in the general vicinity as I'm in Sacramento and I'm DYING to get in on this training!

Unknown said...

San Francisco please!!!!!

Sarah said...


Kia said...

Hey Kandee...
I live in nor cal... willing to travel to SF if you can squeeze in some time there...


Jacqui said...

LA please

Lisa said...

I would LOVE to attend a glaminar in Los Angeles.

STM said...

Well, as I a Mom I completely understand you wanting to spend time with your children-that you cannot put off-they grow up much too quickly!!!

I would attend the Glaminar in LA.

Also, you might consider the Skype classes mentioned above, or hiring interns to help you. I am sure you would have an avalanche of responses to help you in every way with your business.

Just food for thought.

Much love to you and good for you to decide to take care of you first!

Unknown said...

I would LOVE for you to do San Francisco before the year ends. I know so many people who would go to your class.

Thank you.

Mantha said...

If you have one in San Francisco I have NO doubt that I would go.

Anonymous said...

Please do one in Los Angeles. I couldn't make it this last time, but now I am available. Please, this would literally be a dream come true. I also have about 8 friends that are interested in attending as well. Thank you

Vanessa said...

Please come to Los Angeles I would love to come see you! Please, please please! A few of my friends want to come as well.

Anonymous said...

I would absolutely come to a Los Angeles or Las Vegas Glaminar. I desperately want to attend!

You need to get a virtual assistant to take care of all the busy work so you can concentrate on the fun!

Amber Rose said...

Please come to Las Vegas!!!!!! Pretty Please!!!!

daily scoop said...

That turquoise picture in the background is awesome! Where were you in that pic?

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