Friday, August 27, 2010

I've got BIG, BIG NEWS

I’ve got exciting and humbling news to share with you all!

This has taken me a few days to write and with my wise friend Tamara’s advice that you should always wait 3 days before sending a sensitive letter to someone.....after  days of cooking, here is my sensitive letter to you all.

So for my news....

And to all my close friends who don’t know any of this, yet, I am so sorry that I couldn’t tell you in person, but I had to wait and tell everyone this way, because I didn’t want to have anyone mention it on facebook or something before I had a chance to tell everyone.
I am expecting a precious little baby.

This was not something I planned, but I am very excited about this new little baby on the way.  As you probably know....I have been dating someone for a while now; we've known each other for many years.
I know that God knew this little one would be here long before I did, and that He already has wonderful plans for this precious little life with dreams, hopes, and a little personality all their own.

I’m not condoning my actions, but I know that I am forgiven because I asked God to forgive me. My family is understanding, loving and totally supportive. My kids are all so excited! Everyone has the potential to make mistakes in life and because of the greatest gift God has given mankind, we can be forgiven. Grace and mercy are more wonderful than can be put in words.

On the other hand, this truly breaks my heart that I would be an example of what “not-to-do”, but if this reaches one girl and shows her how to avoid the mistake that I have made, I will be glad. If this reaches one girl who needs to be encouraged to be strong and do the right thing, protecting your heart from the pain I’ve had to go through, I will be so glad.

Save yourself for marriage. This is not to sound like, “do what I say not as I do”, but to say, “please, please don’t do what I’ve done and please let what I say encourage you to do the right thing”.

Sometimes we are seeking to be loved and to feel wanted and we find ourselves standing on that doorway of having sex, and in one moment of giving in you can forever change the course of your life and a child’s life . By having sex, you don’t win the guys affection, you loose that guard over your heart, you loose the control over your emotions, you’ve given a gift to someone who should have made a promise to be with you forever in a form of a promise before God in marriage, not to someone who says, “yes I love you, you mean the world to me”, and some months later they want to break up with you or you find out they cheated on you.  Then you are left with all this horrible emotional baggage to sort out. Most important, guard your heart, guard your love, and please no matter how hard it gets, guard your decisions.

In one second I didn’t guard my decisions, and I knew it wasn’t the right way. Sometimes we may know it’s not right, but we do it anyway. Don’t open the door to let crazy emotions about a guy start taking over your brain and then your life.

Years ago, I thought I was so in love in high school, and I know it changed what my future could have been. I gave up a lot of things because I got all love-crazy over a guy. Love should never make you feel “love crazy”, it should just add to your already wonderful life. I gave up things like going after my career in modeling to get married and move away with my “new” 18 year old husband.  I remember my agent at my modeling agency tell me, “ You are going to throw your modeling career away if you do this!”....and he was right. As I sat, 17 years old, in my hot, dark, tiny apartment in Phoenix, with no  money or friends, and this “husband” who said he couldn’t live without me, but now only wanted to be with his friends...I realized...this was a big mistake. If I had just dated him and said, “you know what, you don’t get to have the gift I’m saving for the man that promises to give me his life in marriage”, my heart never would have been opened to that place of hurt and seeking more of his love, and I would’ve said, “No way buddy, I’ve got a huge future ahead of me. That saying about food, “No food tastes as good as it feels to fit into your skinny jeans”...well,  “No sex feels as good as it feels to have control over your heart, your life, your emotions, and have an awesome future ahead!”

I want to speak to all the girls who write me and have written me saying that they are pregnant, and that no one is in support of you, maybe the father wants nothing to do with you or the baby...please know that more love than you can ever imagine is growing inside you. I was scared and worried, worried about what my family, friends, and people would think, especially now that I have a lot more people than normal that see what I’m doing in my life, but I knew I should never make a decision based out of fear. It doesn’t matter how  scared you are or how much you think you’ve messed things up, sometimes our greatest experiences come from things we didn’t expect. God can cause the most beautiful things to grow from a big mess of manure we think we piled up in our lives! I got married very young the first time and got pregnant with my Jordan after 6 months of being married. Even thought we were not in an ideal situation to have a baby and my marriage turned out to be very disastrous, my baby was the highlight and little angel from heaven that filled my heart with greater joy than I had ever known.
I pray that you all can take away form this, that I am human,  I’ve made mistakes. I am not a perfect character from a movie, or someone that tries to hide my mistakes and pretend that I am perfect.  And I’ve made real mistakes and I hope so much, that me being so open and honest with you will let you see how hard it is to face these mistakes. I will continue to learn from my mistakes and I truly pray that my mistakes can save you heartache as you learn from mine.

One mistake doesn't need to turn into two mistakes....I won't ever judge someone who's had an abortion, but I have seen the lifelong pain that can result from them.  Sometimes it’s hard when we are scared of the unknown one could think that an abortion is a solution, but what you truly think you are saving yourself from, could be the very thing that will save and change your life. I have a friend who was raped, and she never once thought of having an abortion, and that baby has brought her greater love than she has ever felt, that baby has healed her heart more than any counseling or man could ever attempt. God sent me my Jordan to fill my life with so much joy and love, he was my reason for smiling everyday!

My dear friend, Tamara told me, "She who has beheld the face of God should never fear the face of man"....this beauty spoke to my heart. We should never live in fear of the judgement of others, the only one who counts is God and his mercy and forgiveness are always waiting there.
The internet allows for more ridicule than I've ever experienced in my allows for people, writers, bloggers, newspapers to make up things that aren't true, take bits and pieces and twist things into "facts"...and for anyone to release their hateful, hurtful words however they like. They don’t realize how many people they hurt when they disparage others like this.
I ask that before anyone decides to leave me a judgmental comment, that they’d think about what it’s like to be in someone else’s shoes first. No one has lived a perfect life, we have all made mistakes. There is a wise book that says, “only you who are without any sin (which could be as little as a lie you told, a rude thing you said, or angry thought you had in your mind) shall cast the first stone. We will be judged in the same way we have judged others and shouldn’t we aspire to treat others as we would want to be treated. What if we all showed each other grace in this life we have so little time to live. If we all got what we “deserved”, for all our bad thoughts, unkind comments, dishonesty, selfishness, and bad choices...well, we’d all be in pretty bad shape.

Please know, that I am excited about this baby, every life is a blessing and I can't wait to show you this little precious one when he or she arrives in January. (My post Christmas present!)
I probably won't post too much more about this on my blog here...but I will on my other, more non-make-up, personal blog

huge love, your imperfect friend and excited friend,  kandee


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Anonymous said...

Congrats sweetheart! What a wonderful gift from the lord!

Katrina said...

KANDEEEEEEE! CONGRATULATIONS!! This is such a blessing! I wish you the best, and you're new baby will bring so much joy and happiness! This is so exciting!!!

Jess-Me said...

Beautiful. and you will always be. we have many similarities. Im not famous like you but most of your life resembles mine in some sort of way or fashion. God loves you and so do all your fans

ohmygosh said...

Congratulations Kandee! That was a great letter and great story to tell. That is amazing news!:) Congratulations again!

alikelly said...

Well congrats to you! You are a beautiful person and an awesome mommy.

Blank Diary said...

Congrats Kandee!!

Unknown said...


VivaLaDarling said...

Oh Kandee Darling, you are the inspiration to my life and i love you even more for this note. Not many cud admit or even share what you did. We love you for you. Congrads on a bundle of joy on the way!! I wish you nothing but the best and eternal happiness. You brighten peoples days nd life with your experiences. your amazing!!!!

xJJbabygrlx said...

Congratulations Kandee!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!

Samelevennn said...

CONGRATULATIONS KANDEE! I'm happy for you! Your future child will be blessed to come into the world with such a wonderful mother. We'll be here with you the entire journey! We love you Kandee!

Drop by Anytime and Stay Forever said...

Kandee, you are so amazing and I am sure I and everyone who loves you on her will support you through this wonderful blessing. Congratulations, and I cant wait to see pictures! I plan on waiting till marriage :))

Megan Jae said...

Congratulations Kandee :) My heart, love, prayers, and smiles go out to you & all of your precious babies. You are an amazing mother and a wonderful, kind person who deserves all the best in the world!

Renée T. Habashy said...

This was a very brave and personal post, not to mention beautiful- thank you for sharing it. Congratulations on the addition to your family!

Kate Gene said...

I am SO excited for you! Bless you and your newest addition to your family!

Goodness... There must be something in the YouTube water... Everyone is having precious little babies! ;)

Christine said...

OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am soo excited to see your new gift when he/she arrives! :)

Unknown said...


yvonne said...

congrats! you are an amazing person and i wish you all the best!!!

Ladwina's Beauty Fetish said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so happy for you guys. What's God has for you is for you! Who am I to judge? So I don't. This is an exciting moment for you and I'm so happy for u if your happy for you. Honey I've been married almost 11 years and I we didn't plan all 3 of our kids soooo......yeah! LOL. Love and kisses.....can't wait to see your belly grow :-)

dorisa.L.V said...

kandee! you are so mature and responsible and fun and any baby would be so so fortunate to have you as a mother because your a one of a kind. Enjoy your pregnancy! lots of love to you!

Francesca said...

congratulations kanddee that is such a blessing i hope for nothing the but the best for you and your family! congratulations again aaww how exciting =)

MamaShea said...

Congratulations Mama!

Anonymous said...

congrats kandee! i wish you the best of luck. <3

finnegan said...

Oh Kandee when I read your news I got goosebumps ( the good ones) and had tears in my eyes. I am so happy for you and your beau. Wishing you and your beautiful family the best of everything good and king in this world. We love you.

Anonymous said...

Yay Kandee~God Bless you and your family! Congrats!! This is blessing! You are seriously my biggest inspiration and I wish you nothing but happiness and love because that is what you give to all of us viewers everyday! With Him all things are possible and you my friend are a wonderful woman!So excited for you~hope your feelin well☺

Unknown said...

Oh Kandee!! I couldn't be more thrilled for you!! He or she will be a beautiful, delightful, precious gift!!! Can't wait to meet your little angel!!

Julie P. said...

congrats KANDEE!!! you're going to be an awesome mother as you already are! I can't wait till your lil one comes into this world :)

niadinda said...

Congrats! a baby is always a blessing... i've very blessed through your blog/words thanks so much for being such a beautiful person and sharing your experiences with us...may God continue to bless you :)

Sylcast said...

Kandee, CONGRATULATIONS!! That's amazing news! I can't wait to see photos of you little one. Maybe you can send a little of your baby dust my way :)

S.Carter said...

Your right, everyone is human and thats why we mess up every now and then. But thank you for sharing your story and experiences with some many people. It honestly has touched me and I'm sure it will for many other. Congrats on the new addition to your loving family and like always you have God looking out for you.

nicegirltalkin82 said...

Congrats on the baby news Kandee!! That great news. I wish u and ur family the best of luck on this new baby.

Kelley Brennick said...

Congrats Kandee! Your kids are so lucky to have such a wide mom like yourself!

FeFe said...

Kandee, bless you for your honesty and the triumph of finding the love of God amongst the most trying predicaments.

I want you to know from a single/divorced 42 year old, has just made the decision a month ago to not be sexually active with the man I am seeing. At 42, sex is nothing new for me but the decision to protect my heart, body and soul, is. Thank you for confirming my decision to be true to myself, honorable to myself and to God thru my decision. The lesson for me is that it's not too late to put yourself first.

You are a tremendous force in this world whether with child or without, whether married or single or in between. You power with women, especially the young ones, cannot be hindered by a "human" mistake or decision. You baby will be so blessed to have you as their momma!

Keep on keeping it real, Kandee. We all love you for it!

Fearlessly Female xx!/pages/Fearlessly-Female/146132653344?ref=ts

Denikanika85 said...

OMG congrats!!!! that is so wonderful. children are GODS most precious gift so when they come planed or not they were meant to be with you! you are such a wonderful person how anyone can judge you for bringing life is crazy. unmarried or married GOD loves and forgives us all. your relationship status should not dictate how you are as a parent sometimes the teen moms are better moms then the grownups lol but im soo very happy for you i hope that you will share when the sex of your blessed child will be when the time comes. God bless you from one mommy to another :D

Shutterchic said...

Oh Kandee!! Congratulations. You seriously didn't have to give people any explanations. Maybe if you were younger, but not now. You know what you're doing, you're old enough and wise enough. Like you said, God will forgive you, but to tell you the truth, I don't think he has anything to forgive you about. You gave yourself for love and love has blossomed into a beautiful little bundle of joy. Again, Congratulations. I have been trying for a 3rd, so I'm right behind you! :)

nina ballerina said...

Kandee, I don't think that I have ever cried reading someone's blog before. Like many other, you're an inspiration to me, and I always watch your videos. I love the fact that you are giving us girls advice, and shared to us a little bit of your life story. We are all here to support you, and I wish you the best luck with everything, and congratulations with your baby on the way <3

Anonymous said...

Miss Kandee~you are a breath of fresh air and truly my inspiration for not only makeup but your positive/insightful attitude. No matter the situation~whether good or bad~you are incredibly blessed woman! I wish you and your family nothing but pure happiness and bliss because that is what you bring to all of your fans every single day! Congrats ~ new babies are the BEST!!!! Cant wait to see yuo preggers!!! ♥you!

MsPamIam said...

You are such a delight, I feel like you are a my sweet dear friend. I know that may seem weird to some people since we have never met or even spoken to each other but I know you get it. As your friend I say...congratulations on your new journey, I support you and am here for you to laugh with, laugh at, cry with, knit booties with or whatever and those who aren't, well it's their great loss.

Sasa said...

CONGRATULATIONS Kandeeeee :) You are a wonderfull mom....

Sylcast said...

Kandee, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is wonderful news. You must be so excited! I can't wait to see photos of your little one when he or she comes. Send a little if that lucky baby dust my way :D

Faith said...

I have two beautiful little boys and the second was born out of wedlock. We were going to get married but someone had other plans and we ended up pregnant first. I wouldn't change having him for the world even though his dad and I aren't together anymore. I believe everything happens for a reason and this seems to be the case here. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I know that baby will be loved so much.

Nadine said...


Liz said...

Congratulations and many best wishes for a happy and healthy pregnancy! Think of all the awesome adventures that are in store for your family this year! The biggest surprises bring the most joy....this will bring a ton of love, smiles and fun. Positive thoughts and warm feelings from, Liz and Savannah

Murphette said...

There is no shame in having a child out of wedlock and there's no reason to insinuate there is. There is good reason to wait until you are stable and can handle it but marriage is not a deciding factor.

Congratulations, I wish you an easy, healthy pregnancy and baby.

Anonymous said...

Congrats. My son, who is now 7, changed me life. He saved my life, like you put it in your blog. And 5 years later, my husband and I had a little "oopsie" and now I have a precious 2 year old daughter. Neither was planned, but both are adored. Had. I never had my son, I may not have met my husband and would not have my daughter. Everything happens for a reason!

Rebecca Bostwick said...

Kandee!!!! I'm so thrilled for you!! Babies are a huge joy, and I can't wait to have my own!

I love that you wrote what you did. Most girls/women I know are either very self-righteous about not having sex, or they act like it's nothing. If they do have sex, or have a baby, they shrug it off. They never admit they they may have made a mistake or taken a path they shouldn't have. I can't judge - I've never been in a close relationship where there was opportunity was before me. But you are one of the FEW women I have ever seen who would write this on her blog or say this to people. You're a huge inspiration, and I kn ow that you bring joy to many, me included!

Much love and congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats. My son, who is now 7, changed me life. He saved my life, like you put it in your blog. And 5 years later, my husband and I had a little "oopsie" and now I have a precious 2 year old daughter. Neither was planned, but both are adored. Had. I never had my son, I may not have met my husband and would not have my daughter. Everything happens for a reason!

Betty said...

Hi Kandee!!
Congratulations!!! You are unique,inspiring, and your happiness is contagious!
May you be blessed with nothing but joy, beautiful moments and lots of love!

Best Wishes,

Betty :)

MAGGIE said...

Congratulations, Kandee! I know that that baby is a gift from God. You're a great mother to your kids and they're so lucky to have you! You have a good heart so I pray that your baby will soon be welcomed to this world full of your love and inspiration. Thank you for sharing you life with us!

Kiska said...

Congratulations to you, Bobby & your entire wonderful family. Can't wait to see the new addition. I am sure he or she will be just as cute and wonderful as their mom and other siblings.

Veronika said...

congratulations! what wonderful news :) I don't think you should ever have to explain yourself but I think it's nice that you do for some of your younger readers.

Having sex before marriage doesn't always mean it's a bad decision, you just have to be responsible and careful. My husband and I lived together and had sex before we got married and now we are married and happy and using birth control until we want to try to conceive :) it doesn't always have to be a bad thing to have sex before just have to educate yourself and make smart decisions that are right for you and your partner.

Hope you have a wonderful pregnancy!

CarmenSays said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Oh wow you must be so excited! I can't imagine anything being more fulfilling than to be a mother, best wishes to your and your little one, i'm so happy for you :] xXx

Unknown said...

Good for u!!

Anonymous said...

Kandee congratsss on the new baby! Like you say a baby is a blessing! Don't worry about what ppl think or say just remember this: "stick and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me." Xoxo

kingsangel23 said...

OMG congratulations kandee!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you !!! I too am also pregnant and due in feb!!!!!!! i am lucky enough to have a husband who loves me very much but technically we were pregnant before our wedding day. We have been planning our wedding since last year and a few weeks before we found out that we are expecting I think that as long as you have some one who loves you and cares for you and your children that is all that matters. A marriage license is just a piece of paper thats what my aunt cindy says, she got married and had her kids young and things didnt work out then she met the love of life and they lived together for 15 years and didnt get married till a few years ago now her kids are all grown up and they only got married because of taxes are cheaper at their age. I am so happy for kandee i wish you the best of luck with your new little one!! And please please do a pregnancy update video maybe some tips for new mom like myself that you have learned along the way would be wonderful!!!!!!! Naomi

Unknown said...

Congratulations Kandee and many blessings for you and your baby! You're such a great, sweet person wish you happiness, always!

Lynanne said...

You are such a sweetheart. All I really know of you is from tutorials but I think you're so adorable and I'm so delighted to hear about your child and your humility before God. I was in your shoes about 3ish years ago but the Lord is amazing and has completely restored me and my husband. Now we have a precious daughter [who loves makeup, haha, so girly!] and she's such a gift to us. God is so faithful and I'm so glad you have such a repentant attitude towards this and that you're not glorifying the sin. Instead, you're pointing to the Lord and are now rejoicing over your unborn baby! I'm so happy for you! I don't know you personally but as a sister in Christ - I love you! <3


Unknown said...

Congrats! Your such an inspiration to me. I'm glad that there is someone out there that is encouraging young women to save themselves...that's something that is very hard to find these days. I wish you the best...I thank you for your words of wisdom and I hope that I can learn from your experiences because your such a perfect "imperfect" person that I truly admire...<3

camila ignacia said...

A baby is always a bless (:
Congrats !
And all the best wishes in this new path of your life

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kandee, what a beautiful hearfelt eloquent letter.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Kandee darlin Wishing you all the best!

Anemone said...

Hey Kandee...i am excited...i know you must be. Congratulations.. I think children are a blessing. I also think that child will be lucky to have such a loving mother. Just keep being happy and joyful and thank you for always sharing the happiness with us. We love you Kandee...

DoktoricaGaga said...

I just read your BIG, BIG NEWS, and i want to say congratulations. You are very brave woman. Good luck

Olivia Justus said...

Congratulations Kandee!! Your words are inspirational. You are an amazing person.

Christine Riojas said...

Congratulations Kandee!!! A beautiful baby for a beautiful mommy! God Bless you and your family. ♥♥♥

Desiree said...

You are so vary brave! Thank you for sharing this personal experience with all of us. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Kandee, I wish you and your family nothing but the best. Congratulations to you and your signifcant other. You have my support 100%

NicolaCosmeticsmile-x said...

Congractulations Kandee! You are an insparation beautiful post xx

Anonymous said...

Congrats! :) u just made me all takes a lot to share with everyone what u just shared. Good-luck and have a happy pregnancy! :)

Fancy Pants said...


Bluemariaz said...

congratulations kandee!!! eres bien bendecida con tu familia y nuevo bebe!! :) :)

Ella said...

That is truly amazing news. I wish you nothing but happiness and good health for both you and the wonderful little miracle on the way. Congrats! xoxoxox

Shannon said...

Hi Kandee, I have made it a point to comment as much as I can, because you have become my friend . . . I hope to be your friend as well. I want you to know that I (and all of us who read) love and support you. We are here for you every day. You are our friend, our sister, our mother, and much more . . . it means so much that you told us your news. I really respect you for the words you said today, and I am SO excited for the BABY!!! I think the world of you, and nothing could ever change that! You are amazing and everyone knows it! We know that you are not "perfect" and that is why we love you sooo much. You are just like the rest of us . . . we are all beautiful messes. You bring me hope and love every day. I love you my friend, whom I have never met. I hope you enjoy Texas, and that us Texans treat you better than you have ever been treated! I wish to God that I would have been able to meet you and tell you thank you for being such a great friend.

Thank you. love, Shannon

Makeup's my crack said...

Congrats! Just a little opinion, as long as you are right with god, nothing else matters. No one has any right to judge you because your "mistake" may change the world in a way only god could have planned.

I am new to the blog and just started my own makeup blog. I am having a makeup giveaway as well. If you see this please check it out.

And again Congrats on the angel growing inside you.

Melissa said...

God is sooo good! A baby is ALWAYS a blessing! Congratulations to you, your boyfriend and your family!

Paige Bianca said...

Congratulations Kandee! I am so happy for you and I really appreciate that you care enough to share this personal information with your fans :) You're the best and I can't wait to meet you at the Toronto Glaminar!

Shannon said...

Hi Kandee, I have made it a point to comment as much as I can, because you have become my friend . . . I hope to be your friend as well. I want you to know that I (and all of us who read) love and support you. We are here for you every day. You are our friend, our sister, our mother, and much more . . . it means so much that you told us your news. I really respect you for the words you said today, and I am SO excited for the BABY!!! I think the world of you, and nothing could ever change that! You are amazing and everyone knows it! We know that you are not "perfect" and that is why we love you sooo much. You are just like the rest of us . . . we are all beautiful messes. You bring me hope and love every day. I love you my friend, whom I have never met. I hope you enjoy Texas, and that us Texans treat you better than you have ever been treated! I wish to God that I would have been able to meet you and tell you thank you for being such a great friend.

Thank you. love, Shannon

Jennivere said...

You are loved and supported, Kandee, and so is your new bright blessing!

Anonymous said...

Kandee you are being used in BIG ways by God, and may He see all those who cast judgement on such a precious person! I've definitely had my same mistakes- 24, mother of precious 5 yo boy, married, divorced and more along those lines. It's is so hard not to fear the judgement of people...but we have to definitely keep dear to us what our heavenly Father thinks of us and how he UNCONDITIONALLY loves us and forgives us :)) <3 you!
Congrats sweets!

jana said...

Kandee I too was in your same situation 3 yrs ago at this time. I begged and pleaded with God to help me out as this was not what I wanted or planned on doing with my life especially at 38 yrs old! It was as time was ticking down on what to do and what was right it was just like you said. God has his plan and I am to do right by Him and no one else.I can tell you that the choice to keep her was not easy and I had a rough time even though I "chose" to do the right thing. God is good and as I sit here and typ this my 2 yr old is playing next to me and my life is forever changed for letting her in my life. I appreciate your candor and honesty and I wish you all the best. You are terrific for sharing and I wish you good health and a happy baby! They really are a gift from God no matter how they get here:)

milagro75 said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to her all about him/her!

SarahMerritt said...

I had a feeling this was why you wernt doing Glams next year!!! I am due December 31st with our second (A little boy!) Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! YAYYYYYYYY! We are here for you Kandee!

Shelby Renae said...

Congratulations sweet Kandee! I appreciate your honesty and openness about something so personal. You are a great role model, mistakes and all, because none of us have perfect lives. This precious baby is going to have such a great mom! I'm truly excited for you! Sending loads of love, Shelbs

Tchew said...

Congrats!!!! this is the most beautiful gift life can give to a woman, take care of this little sweet heart, this is such a precious present !!! A tiny star's dust growning up inside of you....;)

Stephine said...

congrats kandee! i knew after the first paragraph, haha. even though it wasn't the 'perfect' situation, they're all miracles :)

Anonymous said...

Kandee, i was one of those girls that wrote to you.
and you just warmed my heart in ways you can't even imagined. the fear that i felt have melted into a sense of relief, with a ping of joy as i too, expect my baby in April. Happy pregnancy to you! and may everyday be filled with more blessings!

i love you kandee!

Lipstick Lush said...

That's awesome!! CONGRATS!! Hopefully it can be another girl who can share your love of makeup...but most importantly I hope it is a healthy baby! Congrats to you and your family and don't feel the need to explain your life. Those without sin may cast the first stone! CONGRATS again!!

~Lisa said...

Aww, congratz!!
You are truly a fantastic inspiration.

I hope that this baby will give you even greater joy and happiness!

Btw, I read that part in the Bible before! The part about 'he who has no sin, let him throw a stone first'

Best wishes!

Samantha said...

Ohh my goodness Kandee! You are truly the world's most positive person! God knows that there needs to be more people like you in the world and He is bringing another one into through you! You are so beautiful inside and out! I, and all of your Kandee Family, hold nothing against you for this! Yes WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES! But there is no need to live in guilt! You are forgiven and clean by our Lord Jesus! I love your vulnerablilty with all of us! You are truly incredible! I will pray for you in this big joyful event in your life! :) I love you girl!

Unknown said...

I'm so happy and super excited for you!!!!

Eshe said...

Congrats be strong you are doing the right thing. Do not let anyone make you feel wrong because you choose to keep this wonderful new life. I'm glad for you and I can't wait to see you're new little one. Congratulations again.

LoveNoodle said...

Oh! Your baby will born the same month as my anniversary!
Kandee, when I read this I thought: 'Another super lucky kid will have the opportunity to have Kandee as his mom!'
I would be happy even if you announced that you are going to have fifty kids haha
You're the coolest mom ever!

Go Momshell!

Marly said...

Dearest Kandee,

I think of you as such an inspiring, positive, contagious heart full of love, role model. I just want you to know that by absolutely no means, have my feelings changed. I'm happy for you pretty girl(: I'll always stand by your side. I hope everything is going well and that the Glaminars continue to be successful. Good luck to you and your family(:

katie jo said...

Congrats Kandee! Wishing you all the best and many blessings!


Alexis the Makeup Girl said...

Kandee there is nothing for you to explain!!! You are a woman now, not a child. A woman with three children, a successful career, and a strong self-controlled mind!! Congratulations and enjoy this time and never Apologize for something that is perfectly ok !! Congrats again Momma Kandee!!! -Alexis

Fatima said...

Congrats Kandee! Wish you all the best with the lil one on the way! Do take care of yourself!

Candy Q said...

Dearest Kandee,
I know it's easier said than done but please dont feel guilty for anything. This has all been planned to be the way it is. God has bestowed the gift of all gifts. life. Never be sorry for that gift. God will never give you anything you cant handle & he knows that you are a fantastic mother to all your children. Even your smallest little one on the way. January is by far the best month to have babies (trust me im the 10th of Jan and i've turned out pretty well ;) hahahaha
Congratulations Kandee.
Much love and hugs
Candy Q

Unknown said...

Babies are a blessing, and Christ will be faithful to you!!!

Unknown said...

Kandee!!! Congratulations!!! I wish you all the best with this new blessing!! I appreciate your candidness and that you shared this intimate detail of your life with us. Take care and thank you for all of your inspiration. :)


Unknown said...

Oh. My. Gosh!! That is sssoooo exciting! Post some pictures of your bellllyyy!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Kandee!! CONGATS!! You are so blessed!

Sum Kuller said...

wowwwwww.. i am super happy for you...! don't feel guilty or bad about it love, its a blessing..!

Now be healthy and Smiling..!
lots of prayer and good wishes to YOU...!!! :) <3

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Kandee! God loves you, and I hope that no negative comments reach your heart. Sending good thoughts to you and the baby. Xoxo

Ανθία - Anthea said...

Congrats Kandee! All my love from far East Greece!

Unknown said...

My dearest Kandee, congratulations! I am so happy for you and your loved ones. And I am so greatful that the precious little person that is growing inside you will have you as a mommy. I know you will cherish this person, shower him or her with your love and will always encourage him or her to make the most of life. People's mistakes make them into the person they are, and your 'mistakes' have made you such an amazing mom!
Huge love from the other side of the ocean!

Marie said...

congrats kandee! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the baby!!! I am so happy for your!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your baby. I am so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!! Sometimes the best gifts in life are the unexpected ones..but you already know that! When I read the beginning I had a feeling. Congrats again! :D

Veronicajnunes said...

Kandee! I'm so excited for you! Congrats and good luck! You are such an inspiration to us all.

allmylife2010 said...

CONGRATS KANDEE!!!! EVERYTHING happens for a reason because God has a purpose and ur baby was not an accident....God thinks you've been such a great mother his blessing you with another baby ;)) xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

You are a wonderful mom and congratulations on this little surprise miracle....Keep your big heart open and all good things will keep happening! Hugs! Happy Mommy Day!!XOXO Your life now has a little more sparkle in it!

Rae said...

Congratulations Kandee! May God bless you and your family! I love your posting. I have been through things throughout the week.Your writings somehow like an advice to me at the right moment. Some people are so judgmental. They like to point out others mistakes.Thank Kandee for your inspirational advice.

Riss said...

you are such an amazing person. You have inspired me to not give up my dreams no matter how dumb they sound to others.
I'm pregnant with my first, and I'm due in January also!!

Syd said...

I just turned 15, and i wish i read this 8 months ago before having sex for the first time.

Anonymous said...

You are a wonderful mom and congratulations on this little surprise miracle....Keep your big heart open and all good things will keep happening! Hugs! Happy Mommy Day!!XOXO Your life now has a little more sparkle in it!

Rae said...

Congratulations Kandee! May God bless you and your family! I love your posting. I have been through things throughout the week.Your writings somehow like an advice to me at the right moment. Some people are so judgmental. They like to point out others mistakes.Thank Kandee for your inspirational advice.

OneWay_Jesus said...

Congratulations Kandee! Thank you so much for sharing this and encouraging girls to wait till their married. You are a beautiful person outside and in and I will pray that the Lord continues to bless you and your beautiful little family. I am SOOO excited for you!

Anonymous said...

You are a wonderful mom and congratulations on this little surprise miracle....Keep your big heart open and all good things will keep happening! Hugs! Happy Mommy Day!!XOXO Your life now has a little more sparkle in it!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you too! :)
The Baby's gonna bring to you&your loved ones so much joy&happiness :D

I'm 20 and still a virgin, simply because I feel I have to protect myself from guys that are only lusting over my body. That said, I have friends that eventually became young moms and never once have I judged them! Instead, I've started self proclaiming myself as the baby's god mom. hahaha. If any one judge you because of that, they are the shallow ones that got to get over themselves.

I'm real excited and hope your pregnancy goes well!


ktalarczyk said...

Aww Kandee, I'm so excited for you!! I have been reading your blog for about a year now, and I can tell that you are such a warm and caring person, and your kids mirror that aspect of you. The fact that you are going to have another one just makes me so happy, because I know that you will be a great mother to him or her, and that they will be just as sweet as you are. God Bless :)

Michelle Anne said...

First of all congrats on the brand new baby! (: And second, I just loved what you said about everything, and not many would have the courage to say the things that you did/do. You are an amazing person! Congrats again. (:

The Answer Girl said...

Your letter just made me cry! I am 9 weeks pregnant w/ my 2nd child. The father is also the father of my 15 month old son. He walked out on me when I was 5 months pregnant, but after our son was born, put me through emotional hell- court/custody/not paying support. I made the mistake of falling for him when he said he would move in with us. After I told him I'm pregnant again, he stopped taliking to me, but I still have to see him everyday when we switch off taking care of our son. On top of that, my family stopped talking to me because they don't like him. Children are a blessing, even when it's so hard to see through the mess :) Thank you for making me feel a little less alone.

VeryCherie said...

Congrats!!!! This post made me smile :)

Amy said...

That's amazing! Congratulations!

TK said...

YAYYYY. I love babies! Congratulations, Kandee! :))

Libby's Pink Vanity said...

Congratulations on your new addition!!

Keat ' Cameo said...

Congratulations Kandee^^
Wish you all the best.

the6ftmommykat said...

oh my goodness, you know your morals tell you how you should live your life but just like you say in some of your earlier blogs and posts noone is perfect and just a precious gift could not be more appreciated to who its givn to, regardless of the situation. You have soooooo much love in your heart that you pour out into the world that maybe "someone" ;) wanted to bless you with something noone elsee could give you. im sure i speak for your you tube and facebook fans when i say CONGRATULATIONS AND WE CANT WAIT TO SEE A BABY BUMP MUCH LOVE AND TAKE CARE

Anonymous said...

oh my lanta! Congratulations Kandee :) How special for you and your family to be welcoming another one!

thank you for writing to those younger girls and being a voice of not only inspiration but of life experience (from someone other than their mom or friends). girls need more positive role models in their lives!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kandee! Lovely blog by the way. xxx

Melanie said...

Congratulations! The way that you shared your news was beautiful! Gracious, humble, sensitive, a true example. I wish you all the best!

~ ~

Laura said...

oh kandee congratulations!!!!

Betsy Dawn said...

Congratulations Kandee! Listening and watching your videos brought me out of a funk when not much else did. I have learned so much from your makeup tutorials and love the advice you give to your fans. I am glad you realize that the positive feedback and comments are the only ones that matter. You are going to need to remember that once those hormones kick in! I hope you keep us posted on the pregnancy and again congratulations!

Betsy Dawn said...

Congratulations Kandee! Listening and watching your videos brought me out of a funk when not much else did. I have learned so much from your makeup tutorials and love the advice you give to your fans. I am glad you realize that the positive feedback and comments are the only ones that matter. You are going to need to remember that once those hormones kick in! I hope you keep us posted on the pregnancy and again congratulations!

*ms.angela89* said...

*Congrats Kandee!
I send you my love, I cant wait to hear more. :) You deserve it, your a great mommy. <33 I will continue to support you.

xoxo- Angela

misscrystaleyes said...

OMG KANDEE!! My baby is due in January too!! congrats!! You are truly an inspiration! I tell all the young girls that i come in contact with the same thing!! You are so brave!!

CourtChaosx said...


D said...

Congratulations!!!! What a beautiful gift! Bless you & yours

jeana said...

Hi Kandee, I have never commented before, but wanted to say that what you have written here is everything I went through too. I had a baby at 17 and got married at 18. We have been married for 8 yrs now and man has it been HARD. We now have 3 boys and are doing really well, and I pray the same for you and your little ones! God's grace is sufficent, for his power is made perfect in weakness. (2 Corinth 12:1-10)

God uses failure to bring about good—He uses them to drive us to Him, to prepare us for future success, to get our lives back on track, to help us see ourselves more clearly, to help us see others more compassionately.

"Failure keeps us humble, and humility is a good thing in God's Kingdom. Without failure, we would quickly forget who is really in control, who is really invincible and omnipotent. We'd start to think of ourselves more highly than we ought.

Blessings to you and yours!

misscrystaleyes said...


Jess said...

First of all, I wanted to say congrats! You're a beautiful person inside and out. Your words touched my heart.

WondrousAutumn said...

Congratulations Kandee!

I love and THANK YOU for having such a positive outlook on this!
The Lord is going to bless you for having the right attitude on this.
And thank you for posting your blog on being imperfect, there are so many people in this world that need to know those things and that NO MATTER WHAT that God still loves you for it.

Your in my prayers and I pray the Lord will continue to bless you for this little bundle of joy on the way!

Hugs, kisses and blessings to you!!

WondrousAutumn said...

Congratulations Kandee!

I love and THANK YOU for having such a positive outlook on this!
The Lord is going to bless you for having the right attitude on this.
And thank you for posting your blog on being imperfect, there are so many people in this world that need to know those things and that NO MATTER WHAT that God still loves you for it.

Your in my prayers and I pray the Lord will continue to bless you for this little bundle of joy on the way!

Hugs, kisses and blessings to you!!

Anonymous said...

I recently discovered that I am infertile. I tried for 2 years for a baby with an abusive partner, I hope you won't judge me for this, but I have a feeling you could understand. I didn't try from choice, but that's what happened. I am devastated. obviously. My heart is broken, and I can't help but be envious of your baby! I am also so happy for you! You are a great mother, and will continue to raise children in the best way possible. I am praying for you, and I'm so excited for this gift you will receive! All the best my darling Kandee. You are my rock, and my idol. You deserve happiness like no other! SOO MUCH LOVE, Jess

PinkJasmines said...

Thank you for always sharing and being open Kandee. I know that as long as you continue to trust in Jesus, you will always be blessed. No matter what anyone says, good or bad, you will never be separated from God's love and I know you know that.

What a luck baby you will have! Congratulations

Unknown said...

Kandee, congratulations on the new baby! I really love how humble and honest you are and how you strive to set a good example for teenage and young girls out there. The fact that you have to apologize for this "mistake" only shows how sweet and innocent you are. You totally should not seek anyone's "forgiveness' and you are not accountable to anyone but God. Of course, nobody's perfect and he who criticizes you and/or leaves you mean comments are not worth it clearly. You make great points in your post and you really warmed my heart because of your honesty and innocence as long as your humility. May God bless you and your unborn baby and I am so happy you did not care about what other people might think and are keeping this baby. Never let anyone take you down, you are a beautiful woman with a wonderful soul and it is too much for some people to handle, so keep God in your heart and praise Him for this blessing, as I am sure you already are. As you say, life is too short and we should drop jealousy and hatred and start sharing love in this lifetime because only love stays behind, in the hearts of those who love us and who will remember us.
Lots of love from Greece. xxx

Ally Does said...

Kandee!! Don't be ashamed that you aren't married it happens life is here to tempt you and sometimes it gets the best of you it shouldn't matter if you are married or not just that the baby to be is going to be loved and cared for when he or she comes into this scary world. You are not a bad example nor does this mean people should be or will be disappointed in you if anything it should make them reflect on their own lives.
You are an amazing woman Kandee and you are loved by so many!! CONGRATS ON THE WONDERFUL, AMAZING, EXCITING BLESSING!!!!!!


ashleysayduh said...

yay i am so happy for you kandee! wish the best for you and your family!

VeronicaL said...

Congratulations! I don't think you should ever have to apologize for bringing a new baby into the world. My second bundle of joy arrives in November, and we're so excited. A baby is a reason to celebrate, no matter what the circumstances!

Siimply Alexx said...

Congratulations Kandee! You are simply are truly inspiring. I wish you an easy pregnancy and also hope that you get a very healthy, beautiful, happy baby.
Wish you the best!
Alexx :)

verag21 said...

CONGRATS!! CONGRATS!! I wish nothing but the best pregnancy and better delivery..

TheAmbivalentEgotist said...


Here is too a safe, happy, healthy pregnancy!


Rachel said...

Congratulations Kandee!

thelatinsiren said...

Dear Kandee,
Firstly, Congrats on the new of the new little one! I'm so excited for you and may he or she bring infinite happiness to you and your significant other, your kids and the grandparents -to-be! Your big, big news is wonderful and I wish you a healthy pregnancy in bringing your healthy and happy little person into the world.

Second, man girl, You and I have lived the same exact life! Everything that you've mentioned to your fans and friends I have been through myself and much, much more. But it's the way in which you describe your tragic, upsetting, or sad moments that really touches me. It's never with hate or animosity, but with love, understanding and growth. Your learning experiences have become our learning experiences.

I don't think in anyway you're glorifying unwed motherhood nor do I think you're glorifying premarital sex, In any way. You are simply telling us the news but with the knowledge that young girls do look up to you. I personally thank you for your courage and strengh in knowing that because I myself have two daughters and would be proud to know they looked up to someone like you.

You've become the beacon in which people have lived their own lives. I can say that your presence online has caused all of us to find ourselves, to do for ourselves and to do for others, to find promise in our futures & surroundings. To be grateful for the time we have and the grateful for the people that we invite into our lives. You've also taught us to know that in our own way, we are all guiding lights to someone. Every single one of us has someone who looks up to them, needs them, loves them, prays for them and thinks about them and because of that we are all connected.

We all have the power to make a difference and to bring positivity to someones life. You have managed to do it by just being you and god bless you for it, dear. You've touched a part of my heart that I had never experienced. I look forward to your videos like looking forward to advice from the most amazing older sister and I know by the time that video ends, It will have been the best advice a person can give.

Durring dinner I was explaining to my 4 year old daughter, Marsdyn & my 9 year old daughter, Camryn how to turn a positive into a negative and that there is actual power in positivity. So, nevermind the negativity because as they say, you get what you give. You have no reason to address or explain the reason in your actions to the nay sayers. Instead do what you do best, Kandee. In the happy times, take every happy moment in, remember every detail and hold it dear to your heart and in your memories. In the trying times, hold that lump of coal in your heart, pressure that rock into diamond and share it with the world.

You have given us your heart and we all love you, your Kids, your parents, and anyone else who has ever graced one of your videos because you have become part of our families. Your news is our news, your hurt is our hurt, your worry is our worry, your happiness is our happiness, your success is our success.
We all consider ourselves blessed to have a friend like you.
*Jade Gomez-Lopez

kitkat741 said...

congrats Kandee!!! So happy for you!!! can't wait to meet you tomorrow!!!

Unknown said...

I am SO glad you are here to tell the TRUTH. We are all only as sick as our secrets. The fact that you are REAL and SWEET and TRUE to YOU (and God) is an inspiration to me. You are beautiful inside and out. Much love to you and the new little baby-deliciousness. xox

Jessica said...

congratulations!!!! can't wait to see the little one!

tigger95 said...

Tears have poured down my cheeks, the biggest smile ever appeared on my face when I READ "im expecting a precious little baby"

I am so so soo happy for you, you are a wonderful mother, and makes me miss mine even more. My mum died 3 years ago when I was 11, Im turning 15 in October!

I hope your little baby brings more joy and happiness into your life than ever. You have so much courage and bravery! You inspire me so much, I cant even put it in words!

I hope your precious eyes read my words, because that would be enough for me, to know you took 20 seconds to read this means so much to me.

I love you so so so much Kandee, and I thank God that I found you, and that your part of my life. All I have to do is think about you and your kind words when Im sad, and that will make me happy again.

Your baby will be getting the best mama in the whole world... and that, is the best gift anyone could have - a mother.

Lots and lots of huge love from Sarah in London, 15. xo

I did you for my inspirational figure project in Religious Studies! I dont care if my teacher didnt like it. I loved it!!

I have to sleep now,its 3 am in London!!! :) And hello to the baby in the baby garden!!!

Anonymous said...

Kandee, Congratulations :D
By reading this I see that you have the most giant heart that iv ever seen in a person. Now i think you are my idol, you are a great, funny, hilarious person, although i don't know you D:
But, I wish you a lot of happiness in your life.
I know that this baby is gonna be lucky and that God knows why he did this.
-Daiia'C :)

Kristen said...

Kandee!! First of all CONGRATS on the baby news! Yes maam...this is such exciting news! A precious little baby in the world is always so exciting.

Second of all your sincerity and humbleness is so beautiful. I appreciate everything you said in this post. God always forgives no matter how big or little the sin. He is so gracious and merciful and our unlimate mentor and He is always on our side. So thank you for everything you put in this post.

I started following you on youtube a few months ago and I am in love with all the videos you make. You are an inspiration :)

**"Liza"** said...

Kandee Congratulation! I wish you have a easy pregnancy, may you and your little pea will stay healthy always. Having a baby is a blessing no matter if it is plan or un plan. I never plan my two boys but they are my pried and joy. Congrats again!!!

Unknown said...

Kandee, I am a Catholic. You are a perfect example of what TO do.

You're expecting a baby. You didn't plan it to happen right now, but it did. You're keeping and going to raise your baby, give it life, love and a beautiful family.

You're taking responsibility for choices you've made. You're a great example of whats called "being an adult."

Blessings blessings blessings.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kandee. You are SO BRAVE to admit when you think you have done something wrong. Most people can't even admit their wrongdoings to themselves let alone the whole world. This new baby is such a miracle and a blessing :) I admire you so much for your faith. You make me want to be a better mommy, person, and Christian. We all love you :)

Mercedes said...

Congratulations on your newest lovejoy!!! Its always such an amazing blessing to bring another little person into this world. I am OVER the MOON EXCITED for you!

Anonymous said...

Wow Kandee, just when I didn't think it was possible to love & respect you any more than I already did you go and post this! I have so much respect for you for being so honest and open about every part of your life. You are an extremely amazing woman and this child is lucky to have you as a mother!! I wish you all the luck,love,joy & happiness in the deserve it!!

Wanda Scott

Anonymous said...

Wow Kandee, just when I didn't think it was possible to love & respect you any more than I already did you go and post this! I have so much respect for you for being so honest and open about every part of your life. You are an extremely amazing woman and this child is lucky to have you as a mother!! I wish you all the luck,love,joy & happiness in the deserve it!!

Wanda Scott

Julie Lockwood said...

Congrats, Kandee! That's so wonderful!

Cookie Plushie said...

Congrats Kandee. Your amazing, and this baby will be too. Love ya Xoxo

xWHLo said...

Congratz kandee! =] xx

Anonymous said...

He who began a good work in you, will finish it!
You have been given many gifts, Kandee. Perhaps the most eternal, is your heart to spread love and acceptance. It is these beautiful seeds you sow into your children every day of their little lives. They in turn, will go onto sow that love and acceptance into the lives of those they touch. That is amazing grace! May The Lord Bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you, and give you His precious peace.

Courtney said...

Kandee, I never ever want children but you seem like such an amazing and insirational mom! Congratulations on your new baby! I just know that it will be oh so welcomed into your life...

Arabella said...

What wonderful news! please don't feel you have to justify yourself to ANYONE for your actions.
I got pregnant at 19 and although the situation was not right, the father was an idiot and i had no where of my own to live, i gave birth to the most beautiful wonderful intelligent fantastic daughter who will be 9 in october.
I now have another daughter by a wonderful man and she will be 3 in september.
Nothing i have done has been the 'right way' in societys' eyes, but i have done everything with love and happiness and that is all that matters!!!

Michelle Murray said...

Aw a baby! How wonderful! I had my first child out of wedlock and let me tell you it changed my life for the good! I've had four more since then with the same man my husband. Whom I married after having my first. Neway people always think I'm crazy b/c I have some many children and I just say to them that they are a gift from God. Why would God give you another gift? You never know what will come of this preious child. I know your a busy lady but It's better to have your hands full than empty ;)Don't be nervus God will make a way. I wish you all the best!

Beloved Bee said...

Congratulations! I know your life will be filled with much more happiness than you could imagine! You will have a beautiful family and I wish you the best of luck. I will keep reading your other blog to keep up with that part of your life :)

Creatively, Kimberly said...

Kandee, you have the sweetest, most precious heart!
Do not worry about what others will think of you or your life.
From one Christian to another, you are NOT of this world,
and other's judgements on you/your life do not matter.
You have something so special in your heart and you know
something that many people don't, so it may be har for them
to understand..(that "something" is the Lord!)..
I hope you can keep that with you and remember that
when you are feeling doubt. God's plans are so much bigger than our own!
People might think we are crazy, but it doesn't matter
We can rejoice in knowing that He has the perfect plans for us,
He knew a long time ago that you were going to get pregnant,
HE planned it It may not make sense now, to you or anyone else,
but that's just the way it is.
Please don't ever stop smiling or having faith and hope.
This is just another miraculous blessing in your life.

Lots of love always,

Creatively, Kimberly said...

sorry if i commented twice :)

Beata said...

Congrats Kandee! That is very exciting!

You have noting to be ashamed about with regard to sex without marriage. Waiting for marriage is unrealistic for a lot of people. So why damn ourselves and others for it? No need...

This type of shame is what we sometimes pick up from religion or religious upbringing. You have nothing to apologize or be ashamed about, to anyone.

Again, Congrats and much happiness to you!

Unknown said...

congratulations, girl! you deserve to love and be loved, and i am so happy for you. <3

Yourz Truly Jess said...

Congratulations!!! A baby is such a blessing I am happy to see you comforting everyone who is expecting and have no one in support of them! Your new baby will bring you lots of joy and happiness!

thelatinsiren said...

Dear Kandee,
Firstly, Congrats on the news of your new little one! I'm so excited for you and may he or she bring infinite happiness to you and your significant other, your kids and the grandparents -to-be! Your big, big news is wonderful and I wish you a healthy pregnancy in bringing your healthy and happy little person into the world.

Second, man girl! You and I have lived the same exact life. Everything that you've mentioned to your fans and friends I have been through myself and much, much more. But it's the way in which you describe your tragic, upsetting, or sad moments that really touches me. It's never with hate or animosity, but with love, understanding and growth. Your learning experiences have become our learning experiences.

I don't think in anyway you're glorifying unwed motherhood nor do I think you're glorifying premarital sex, In any way. You are simply telling us the news but with the knowledge that young girls do look up to you. I personally thank you for your courage and strength in knowing that because I myself have two daughters and would be proud to know they looked up to someone like you.

You've become the beacon in which people have lived their own lives. I can say that your presence online has caused all of us to find ourselves, to do for ourselves and to do for others, to find promise in our futures & surroundings. To be grateful for the time we have, to be find Blessing in having our families and be happy to have the friends that we invite into our lives. You've also taught us to know that in our own way, we are all guiding lights to someone. Every single one of us has someone who looks up to them, needs them, loves them, prays for them and thinks about them and because of that we are all connected together.

We all have the power to make a difference and to bring positivity to someones life. You have managed to do it by just being you and god bless you for it, dear. You've touched a part of my heart that I had never experienced, not only that but you've given me the ability to believe in myself and belief is an important tool in life. I look forward to your videos like looking forward to advice from the most amazing older sister and I know by the time that video ends, It will have been the best advice a person can give.

Durring dinner I was explaining to my 4 year old daughter, Marsdyn & my 9 year old daughter, Camryn how to turn a negative into a positive and that there is actual power in positivity. In the laws of attraction negativity attracts negativity, positivity attracts positivity and the internet is littered with negative people. But if we hold true to being loving , Helpful, and good people; we break the bonds of negative attraction.

So, nevermind the negativity because as they say, you get what you give. You have no reason to address or explain the reason in your actions to the nay sayers. Instead do what you do best, Kandee. In the happy times, take every happy moment in, remember every detail and hold it dear to your heart and in your memories. In the trying times, hold that lump of coal in your heart, pressure that rock into diamond and share it with the world.

You have given us your heart and we all love you, your family, your parents, and anyone else who has ever graced one of your videos because you have become part of our families. Your news is our news, your hurt is our hurt, your worry is our worry, your happiness is our happiness, your success is our success.

We all consider ourselves blessed to have a friend like you.
*Jade Gomez-Lopez

thelatinsiren said...

Dear Kandee,
Firstly, Congrats on the news of your new little one! I'm so excited for you and may he or she bring infinite happiness to you and your significant other, your kids and the grandparents -to-be! Your big, big news is wonderful and I wish you a healthy pregnancy in bringing your healthy and happy little person into the world.

Second, man girl! You and I have lived the same exact life. Everything that you've mentioned to your fans and friends I have been through myself and much, much more. But it's the way in which you describe your tragic, upsetting, or sad moments that really touches me. It's never with hate or animosity, but with love, understanding and growth. Your learning experiences have become our learning experiences.

I don't think in anyway you're glorifying unwed motherhood nor do I think you're glorifying premarital sex, In any way. You are simply telling us the news but with the knowledge that young girls do look up to you. I personally thank you for your courage and strength in knowing that because I myself have two daughters and would be proud to know they looked up to someone like you.

You've become the beacon in which people have lived their own lives. I can say that your presence online has caused all of us to find ourselves, to do for ourselves and to do for others, to find promise in our futures & surroundings. To be grateful for the time we have, to be find Blessing in having our families and be happy to have the friends that we invite into our lives. You've also taught us to know that in our own way, we are all guiding lights to someone. Every single one of us has someone who looks up to them, needs them, loves them, prays for them and thinks about them and because of that we are all connected together.

We all have the power to make a difference and to bring positivity to someones life. You have managed to do it by just being you and god bless you for it, dear. You've touched a part of my heart that I had never experienced, not only that but you've given me the ability to believe in myself and belief is an important tool in life. I look forward to your videos like looking forward to advice from the most amazing older sister and I know by the time that video ends, It will have been the best advice a person can give.

Durring dinner I was explaining to my 4 year old daughter, Marsdyn & my 9 year old daughter, Camryn how to turn a negative into a positive and that there is actual power in positivity. In the laws of attraction negativity attracts negativity, positivity attracts positivity and the internet is littered with negative people. But if we hold true to being loving , Helpful, and good people; we break the bonds of negative attraction.

So, nevermind the negativity because as they say, you get what you give. You have no reason to address or explain the reason in your actions to the nay sayers. Instead do what you do best, Kandee. In the happy times, take every happy moment in, remember every detail and hold it dear to your heart and in your memories. In the trying times, hold that lump of coal in your heart, pressure that rock into diamond and share it with the world.

You have given us your heart and we all love you, your family, your parents, and anyone else who has ever graced one of your videos because you have become part of our families. Your news is our news, your hurt is our hurt, your worry is our worry, your happiness is our happiness, your success is our success.

We all consider ourselves blessed to have a friend like you.
*Jade Gomez-Lopez

lil said...

Thank you very much for posting this. You are a beautiful person who, yes, makes mistakes like the rest of us, but you are getting back up and you're taking responsibility. You are such an encouragement, and remember, God works everything for good to those that love the Lord. Everything includes a sin. This baby will always be your reminder! You are a very courageous woman, and I wish you the best life with your new child. Thank you so much! You should name it Lillian Elliott if it's a girl!

erika rawrr said...

Hi kandee, I am very happy for you and your little baby on the way,congratulations!! When u told us a little while back that u wouldnt be able to do glaminars anymore because you were going to be super busy, I had a feeling that this was the reason, looks like my intuition was right :) I really hope you will keep on makeing youtube videos, I love watching you!! I was also wondering, i am saving up to go to your toronto glaminar, I live in montreal, which is about 7hours away so the trip with the cost of the courses, hotel and everything is going to cost me at least 1300$, so I was wondering if after going to your glaminar I would have to go to beauty school or take any other course to make my dream come true and become a professional mua!! Right now it just seems like a far away dream... I feel lost and I dont know what to do, where to go, how to start, in which direction to focus myself... I know how to do makeup on myself well, but when it comes to doing it on others, it seems a little more difficult for me... I wanted this message to be read by you only, so I would really love it if you answered me here:, I cant wait to meet you in toronto and be blesses with your guidance because right now i feel like i am in the dark tunnel and you are the light shining on the other end, I am soo looking foward to meeting you, you are such an amazing inspirational person kandee :)
Take care of you and your love ones, Lots of love and hugs!!!
Erika xxxx
p.s. please dont publish this message, it was for your pretty eyes only

Noelle Reese said...

CONGRATS!!! I am so happy for you!! Will your DBF let us see how cute s/he is? Please say yes. :-) I can't wait! I LOVE babies!! Mine will be 3 in October and I already miss the baby stage! So bring her or him on! Ignore the judgemental people, no one can bring you down! Your a Mama x 4!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new baby! I'm very confused by your post because you write "I'm not condoning my actions". I think this is in reference to having an unplanned pregnancy. I understand life happens and you can't plan for every little thing, however, instead of telling people to wait for marriage, why don't you advocate the use of birth control, like condoms and pills, instead of abstinence?

Anonymous said...

omgosh Kandee!! Congrats!!! I can't wait to see you and your wondering blessing of a baby bump in Toronto in November!!! <3
Take care of yourself!!

Amy said...

First off, congratulations.
Secondly, I have been in those shoes hun. I heard the ridicule and got the scowls and the "how could she?s" Just do the best you can to give those kids a happy and comfortable life. Yes, it is terrible that such beautiful things can come from such horrible situations but thats how life has always been, since the begining of time. You will always have my support and a shoulder to lean on if you need it. Our kids are about the same age, as well as you and I. Don't listen to those people who put you down. Your living proof that you can do anything if you are determined enough to do it. Congrats sweetheart.

*Stevie* said...

Congratulations Kandee!! Wishing you a blessed and healthy pregnancy. God has a plan for all of our lives, He knows how to bring true joy to our hearts! Lots of love :)

Perfectly_Impure said...

Congrats! No one should judge you, like you said, we've all made mistakes and no one is perfect. You seem like a wonderful person and great mom, I wish you the best on your new and exciting news.

Anonymous said...

that was so beautifully written kandee, I love how genuine and loving you always are. congratulations on the baby, we're all excited to meet him/her!

BeautifulBlondie said...

Oh my gosh! This is so wonderful! I am so excited for you! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Kandee!!! I couldn't agree more with your statements. You are a wonderful person, always so positive and supportive to everyone else! I think it is awesome that you are going to have a baby. I'm sure with the kind of person you are that you are a great mother and any child would be lucky to have you and could learn a lot from you. Don't listen to all of the mean things people have to say, in the end it will all come back to them! Congrats and good luck!!

Penny said...

Kandee, you are an amazing person. It take courage to tell us about your personal life. Your faith is...inspiring! It took a lot for you to humble yourself and admit where you went wrong. For this I have much more respect for you. I know God will bless you. Keep your faith and stay strong. I will be praying for you and your family. Love you like crazy Kandee!

Morgan Bo said...

Oh my goodness! Congratulations, Kandee! There is nothing to be ashamed of. No, you didn't plan this, but it happened with someone you care deeply about and whom you've known for a long time. This is such a blessing! You seem like a great mother and I know you'll be the same with this new little one! Once again. Congratulations!

BottledBeauty said...

Congrats, that is great news! I love your blog. I'm due in December. Hope your felling well.

Miss Cupcake said...

Congrats sweetie!!!! XOXOO

Tabitha said...

I love when you said, "God can cause the most beautiful things to grow from a big mess of manure we think we piled up in our lives!". That's what I felt when I got pregnant with my beautiful now 1 year old son Joshuah. He's been a blessing to my life. Even though his dad and I had our ups and downs he's been a blessing to not only us but to others. People do not realize children ARE gifts from God. They don't belong to us but are given to raise, teach, nurture and love. To be better than we are. To help others. I respect you Kandee for publicly admitting your wrongs. You are an example of what a true Christian is. People may say we're supposed to be perfect, but a saint is a sinner who fell down, and got up. That basically means we all sin, but as Christians we have a way to wipe that slate clean through God. It's not easy to do what you did, and you didn't have to. But you spoke to my heart and made me realize what my worth is, and how my son has a great purpose for existing. Congrats on your little blessing I pray everything goes smoothly. xoxo.

vs said...

Kandee Johnson, you are one of the most amazing and brave people I have ever seen/read about. This baby's purpose is not only to fill your heart with joy, but also to help everyone learn an important lesson. You're a messenger in the divine plan of God. We are all really excited for this one and trust that we will support you in future no matter what!! ;)

Maybe you should start vlogging about it like the shaytards!!! HAHAHAHA

Love you so much!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Kandee! I totally understand and agree with you... I hope you the best. My Maxi was born Jan.16th... try for that day ;) hehe jk. P.S I meant to tell you that I had a dream about you and you were super nice... and offered me some cookies :) hehe. yumm

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