Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What to do when you feel like giving up!

you know that've lost your drive, if feels like things just keep going wrong, nothing seems to be working out...your frustrated and your hope and heart feel broken. Hope may feel like it took a vacation and forgot to tell you when it's coming back!

Well I'm gonna tell you how to get hope and determination right on your shoulder...everywhere you go, like a parrot that will keep saying: "you're gonna do great things! Don't give up! You're gonna do great things! Don't give up!"

Almost everyday things happen that make me want to give up! 
Things that make me:
1. want to stop posting videos on youtube
2. quit doing make-up
3. stop trying to go after any of my dreams
4. feel like I should just give up because it's never going to work out how I think!

Do you ever feel like giving up because nothing seems to work out?

I have some words to feed your mind....
Know that the more you do right, the harder you work, the more you try to do the right thing....the more you will be attacked with feelings of hopelessness, just give up, your wasting your time, no one believes in you, nothing at all seems to be working, so just give up!

NO! Stop right there my precious lil' partner! I get this everyday! I promise. And everyday I must battle in my mind to fight off the negative comments, the hopelessness, the thoughts of depression that always seem to be just waiting to come and camp out on our minds!

Right now say: "No! We (meaning you and your thoughts, even add me in there too if it helps!) are not going down that road. We are going to be stronger for going through all these difficulties. It's the mountains we overcome that make great success stories! We have hope, and ain't nothin' gonna stop me today or tomorrow! I've got dreams to make happen, and not setback of life or person is going to stop me!"

When you have desire on your heart, you can move the mountains of life that get put in your path. Faith and hope and some determination will get you through!

When you feel like throwing in the towel....just use that towel to dry off the sweat from your brow and keep on working even harder!

When obstacles come in your way..say I am a dream-chaser, no obstacle is too large, no mountain is to tall, no ones words are going to stop me, no amount of bad news or frustration is going to hold me back either!

The more you go after your dreams, the more you are on the path to do what you love, the more you are going to have things thrown in your way to stop you, but it just shows how much you are willing to stay strong and persevere. If we all gave up as soon as soon as something became hard, no one would ever be successful. The greatest people, who've done the most amazing things have had the hardest mountains to climb, which in turn makes their stories that much more amazing!

Thomas Edison had over 10,000 different prototypes of the light bulb before it finally was right! If things are going wrong, take heart, you are in the company of the greats! Fred Astaire was told he had no talent, so were The Beatles, and even Elvis was told he was talentless!

So if you are feeling down and hopeless, plant those thoughts of hope and determination all day long! Say: this is just going to give me an even better success story!

That's what I did, when things would just keep coming against me, and getting worse, I'd just say, this is gonna make one great success story!

huge love and hope, no go get those dreams no matter what gets thrown in your way, jump it climb over it, knock it out of your path...and keep on going!
Ain't nothin' gonna keep us down....ohhh no, we got to keep on movin'!

love and hope, your kandee


dani@callitbeauty said...

this is EXACTLY the situation i'm going through right now and you have NO idea how much your words of encouragement help.

thank you so much :)


Marie said...

i totally agree kandee !

Unknown said...

thank you Kandee..........i totally needed to read that

Carla said...

You are such a real, true, genuine person. I love the fact that you share your heart with us. God is working through you in such a powerful way. It is amazing!! Can's wait to see you in September!!

Anonymous said...

thank you Kandee!!!

Mallori said...

Thank you for your beautiful outlook on life! you are my inspiration!!!!

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate your words of encouragement, Kandee, but what if I haven't got a dream? I really need some help with this. I don't know what I want to do. I don't know what I'm passionate about. I know that I'm good at reading, writing, drawing, and music, but I'm not passionate about it. I'm really really good with it, but I just don't have that fire that you talk about when you describe how much you love doing makeup. I have no fire when it comes to what I want to do with my life. What do I do? Please, please, please help me.

SquishyAbs said...

I love you Kandee, please look at my new blog! <3 <3 <3

Laura said...

Thank you Kandee! xxx...And Merv...try reading 'Screw Work, Lets Play' by John Williams - Its about learning how to start earning a living from what you love but also talks you through some exercises which really help you explore what you want to do.

I found it REALLY helpful, I had a good idea about what I wanted but this book made me re-think a lot of things and learn some interesting things about myself.

Inside the mind of a *DREAMER* said...

Your words help me! Three years ago my life took a change for the worse. And things just sucked. I ALMOST gave up. And now things are working out and life is falling into place! THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Rose said...

The greater your dreams, the bigger the doubt- especially since you are constantly pushing yourself, testing your limits, and surpassing them in order to reach and then prepare for your next goal. I always find it a great comfort to sit back, and look at where I was a couple of months ago, even a couple of years ago and realize that I felt the exact same way I'm feeling now about another situation that I clearly overcame because if not I wouldn't be where I am today. Then, I try to visualize myself into the future looking back at this obstacle and smiling because I overcame it.

Anna said...

You are so lovely Kandee! Have a beautiful day!<3

Lucille Loren said...

Kandee, you are a true beauty. xx

Christine Riojas said...

I don't know how you do it Kandee. I can't imagine how busy your life must be, and you still manage to make time for us. "This is just going to give me an ever better success story!" I love that! Thank you Kandee!


Vera Liane Rea said...

I'm avid fan of your work and this post just goes to show how much of an amazing person you are. :) Keep it up and yes I totally agree, never should one give up especially at the hardest times because eventually it's all going to be worth it. Determination and perseverance do really pay off. :) Take care! :)

Unknown said...

I just have so much respect for you and your optimism and your story! You have been such an inspiration to me. I think everyone feels like this at some point but especially people who have the courage to take on their biggest dreams in life. I have found that the things that were hardest for me to overcome were what made me feel most grateful to have lived through them in the end. :)


Bonnie Rose Bryan said...

Wow, my blog today was about this same topic, as it applies to making art.

Great advice, Kandee!

Jessica said...

Thats how im feeling but the next question is how do you find your passion? How do you know that your on the right path?

Chanel said...

Elton John was told his fingers were too short to play the piano ... but he still kept at it and he's probably one of the best out there!

You're words are so beautifu Kandee ... so encouraging and comforting because when someone has lost all hope they can really feel alone and you make it impossible for someone going through it to feel alone!


Zizzi said...

THanks for your post! I'm on vacation from work, but start working on monday again. I hate my work and everyone there loves to gossip and thinks of themselves. THey work agains me, not with me. I leave my son at daycare every morning, and my working"friends" don't understand why I can get in one hour later than them. They don't think about that my boss has told me I have to stay at work one hour later than everybody else, because of that. I feel like I have so little time with my son, and I hate it. I think that my work is taking my sons childhood from me. Everybody at work are bad, I don't like my work and I don't know what to do! I still have 5 days of vacation in front of me, but I've already started to think about work, and I feel sick. Eventhough i'm happy and always nice to the costumers at work, I hate it. What should I do?

Nafeesa Aziz said...

i'm going through a serious mental pressure. my bf was cheating on me for a year an i didn't know. he removed my existence from the world and made me an irresistible, crazy person in front of his new girl, family, and to the world. my 6 years of relationship just broke without anything.. i'm so broken,sad, upset and beside that my only family my sis whom i thought would be by my side, lend me her shoulder to cry on to hold on to myself, she left me with nothing. what would i do? i'm so bf broke me into pieces, my soul my dreams.. i am trying hard to hold to myself but cant help it but to think of dying.

i dont know how to face this when someone erase your existence from the world or make you something which you are not.

i used to help people to motivate them to go on with their life but now he drowned me somewhere i cant even come up from this..

i wanted help from my family but they left me.. so where to go and how to cure this pain. every moment i'm fighting with myself..

i've already tied up myself and taken pills.. its hard.. i couldn't control myself. i loved him, his family, my family and everyone.. but was i've nothing , no light of hope to keep me alive..

Love to you Kandee and all...

Nafeesa Aziz said...

I really wish Kandee you were here with me or if i had a friend like you may be today i wouldn't have try to kill myself or get drowned..

Lindsey Hughes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lindsey Hughes said...

@ the girl above..mystrioushawk: hang in there. I've been through those feelings before. but don't give up on yourself. you are special and you don't need a man or anyone else to make you whole. you are you! and that is enough! Never ever build your life on someone else because they will disappoint you even if they aren't trying to. ppl in this world are lonely and hurting just like you feel right now and how I've felt.. but you know what? you can be the one to reach out and help them because you understand! that's a gift in itself! please don't give up on yourself b/c of this. there's so much more that life has for you!

much love!

praying for you, thinking about you!


Maria said...

Thank you once again for your words... I've twice in one month had a setback when it comes to education. I got accepted to a school then got a phonecall to tell me that it wouldn't be starting up because of not enough people signing up.
Then I found out what to do next after having talked to teachers and stuff and was told that if I applied to the other school I woould get in but got a call yesterday telling me I didn't have the qualifications.... So I'm pretty lost at the moment trying to figure out what to do now...
Your words really helped and I will not let anything stop me from reaching my goal and making my dreams come true.
From the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU KANDEE!!!

Cassandra said...

wow this is just what i needed right now Kandee it made me cry and it made me smile im going thro. a rough time right now 21 3 kids single mom idk. i guess im just drained i didnt sleep well last night i am ache all over and i have dark circles under my eyes sometimes when i feel i cant go on i just look a my babies and know that i have to for them and for me so im going to go doll myself up! and start this day off right.


Dana said...

You're the woman! This was great and very uplifting! Keep it up!!

Claudia Elizabeth said...

Thank you Precious Kandee ! your words help so much when I am feeling down!

Anonymous said...

"When you feel like throwing in the towel....just use that towel to dry off the sweat from your brow and keep on working even harder!"

I LOVE this quote Kandee... the whole post is fantastic, as usual!!! Thank you so much for all you do!!!

~Chrissy @

EVE-O-LUTION said...

Love u Kandee... Ur my Rockstar!!!!

LoveLakisa said...

kandee if you knew what situation i am i think i never can pursue my dreams.

MaE said...

Hi Kandee I'm in an awful situation here... I won't give it up either, here is my humble phrase to help: "don't let yourself feel like there's nothing remaining, even if it's true"

Lots of love, MaE

This is what I do when I feel sad, my work:

Sandra said...

Dont feed the fire , because the fire needs fuel to keep going so keep the fire out of your life thats not any good for you! (misery loves company always remember that, when soemone else feels down and that person wants you to feel down with them as well , keep your head up its the only way your going to make it through for your kids , nobody else is doing for your kids but you! Big HUGE HUGS AND KISSES! NIEMI FAMILY HOWELL MI

Kelley Brennick said...

Kandee sometimes reading your blog it's like you are taking the thought right from my head.. I love everything that you post and you are truly and inspiration that in the end things could be ok, just have to take one day at a time and keep on trucking along. Thank you for taking the time to write what a lot of us are thinking. I look forward to each and every post!

Tara said...

Thank you for staying Postive. You have a great attitude about things. You are so inspiring to everyone. You have been given a gift from God just keeping using and doing what you love to do. Remember that when you Smile you are always making someone's day even if you don't know it.

Hibiscus said...

I'm totally agree with u!!
I send u all the strength that u could need!
lots of kisses!!!

rudegirlonthebus said...

This is my little story.
I was working as a manager of a department of a huge retail store. I was making quite a bit of money, which was nice, but I was miserable. I then got a job offer from a competitor making the same amount of money, but it was a job looking after an entire department for the entire province of Ontario.
I left my high paid/ploppy job to go with the one that gave me more responsibility. After a few weeks of constant asking when I would get my contract, I got a call from the president saying that they only hired me because I was really good, but working for the competition. They ended up telling me that I was only going to have a sales position in their store, making less than what I promised. Not knowing really what to do, I went to work the next day, said hi to everyone and went strait to work, that way I could think. I later got called in the office and they yelled at me and tried to write me up for not talking or socializing with the rest of the employees. (They said I was being a B****) I wasn't being rude, but my job doesn't require me to be talking to other people and I was just there to do my job. I then handed in my keys and left. I went home upset because I didn't have a job anymore, I didn't know how I would pay for anything, and I knew that I would never get a job in this industry again because I had already left the 2 biggest companies in this field in Canada. Then I decided to, on a whim, to apply for school and to get myself a career. I got accepted and moved to a city and hour away to do this. I have made so many amazing friends by doing this,I'm already done my first year of studies, and My lowest mark was an A. I love what I am in school for, and I'm glad that company tried to screw me over because I wouldn't be making my life better if they hadn't.
Whenever someone asks me about the time I left that place that tried to screw me over, I laugh because the joke is on them. They toyed with one of the best employees they could have ever had, and I am going to school to get a career that Is much better than any position they could have given me.

The point is, no matter how bad things may look at the time, things will work out for you.

Makeup by Yolisa said...

Thanks Kandee so much for this post. It was well needed on my part. Just the other day my mother and I got into an argument about my future career and when I told her I did not want to pursue her dream of being a lawyer, she told me that I was foolish to think becoming a makeup artist was going to pay for anything. My ambition and drive was completely shot down. But thanks to your post I realize this is just part of the process. Makeup is something that I am truly passionate about. Although I may not have all the products and proper schooling, my talent is still growing and will get me somewhere.

Thank you so much;

Hugs && Kisses from Jersey<3

Lucia said...

You're the best frien anyone can have (even if it's virtual and we've never seen each other lol)
You have always the right words on the right moment. Today you encouraged me and you make my day


HeWearsCombatBoots said...

I sent you an award!
See it here:

And here is a link to the image:

You deserve it! Now it's your turn to give it to some awesome bloggers you love!

<3He Wears Combat Boots

Kandee Johnson said...

oh my precious hearts! To Zizzi, please message me on facebook (i can't except friends but you can message me, I'm the one with the feather earring, the others are fake kandee johnson's with my picture) mysterioushawk:
please know that if any man breaks your heart this way, HE DOESN'T DESERVE ONE MORE THOUGHT.
tell your mind right now....this awful person that woudl hurt my heart so much, doesn't even deserve to upset me like this! You will find a man that will cherish you so much he would never think of hurting your heart in such a way!
Think of him as your guiding star, leading you to your dream man, he DID YOU A FAVOR, he removed himself from your life, so you can find a real man. Every time you start to think about him STOP! And think about the dream man you want, that will adore you! think about the dream house you want, the cool furniture, the fun things you'll do on the weekends, the dream places you want to go!
God is always there to love your heart, he never has stopped loving you, it's not about religion it's about love...the sooner people realize that the happier they are. Everyone one on Earth wil dissapoint us, but God never will! He always thinks we're the bees knees (the best! ha ha)...I love you! and hear my voice every time you start to think of Mr. Wrongo...."STOP letting him wast anymore of your thoughts and time!" love you, kandee

Style of Your Own said...

that really helped me today!

seinnarisk said...

Thank you so much. I want to be a makeup artist but my family is always putting me down saying I will never accomplish my dream and that I will never amount to anything. Thank you for your words you are my idol and i thank you for your uplifting messages

Anonymous said...

hope I think that way.. unfortunalety it's really hard ! and not always simple. The life is beautiful but people make it cruel and complicated. Life is a quest.. But I must say that you are very amazing person! you make me feel much better and bring me encouragement. You are like the sunshine in the rainy and stormy day ;-) when I read your post I think "Maybe I schould try". And your words always come true. When I am trying to be a better person everything is getting to be lighter ! thank you for your post, and I am waiting for more good advices from you !

Unknown said...

Thanks Kandee!!! There have been a few roadblocks lately on the way to achieving my dreams....I needed this little pep talk! I have to say it feels so empowering to know that there is this family of dream chasers with me. I feel like all the kandee fans are support for one another, and I want all my fellow kandeefam peeps to know that I believe in all of us!!!!! hugs xxxxxooooo :)

Anna said...

I'm having so bad days, with so bad people, and hearing so bad things...And every day, at home, I go to my favorite links, and read your blog, once, twice...
You are fantastic, your words, all your support...You help so much people every day...An d I am one of them.
Thank you so much for beeing there.
You are the best!
P.D. Sorry if my english is not ok, I'm not too good with foreingh languages. :D

Laura (Recetas Trucos y Tips) said...


i love your blog and videos of youtube

i follow you

saludos desde España


natalie said...

Kandee this was the perfect day to post this very kind message up on your blog due to some complications and a lot of tears last night. God bless you!! thank you for being the strong woman you are and encouraging others. Much love and appreciation, your friend, Natalie Michelle Fetty :)

Unknown said...

it's like you know exactly what i'm going through. thank you for this. love you kandee :)

Michael said...

I am going to read this every single day so it gets stuck in my brain. I am going to print out a few copies too so I can have one in my purse and one in my camera bag so when things start looking gloomy, I can pull it out and say "uh uh!!! Kandee and I are NOT going down that road again!" Thank you, Kandee, you always cheer me up!!! Team Kandee will always back you up so never ever be afraid to tell us you need help against the haters. Also, never ever stop posting because you are such an inspiration. If you inspire even just one person, it's worth it!!! You inspire more people than you know which is why you have haters! Be water proof to them, Kandee! And, you have more people who love you than those who don't!!!!!

Unknown said...

kandee you are such an insperation i am going through the same thing at the moment and you words are so helpful :) i have recently lost my nana just before my 16 birthday and have had someone special to me breack my heart to pieces! and my family are moving away before christmas and i have given up completely but your words are so healing;) your one in a million. lots of hugs and kisses hope you and your family are well xoxoxoxoxox

anna said...

Kandee i dont know what i would do without you, youve been a big help to me. This is what im going through right now and it sucks really bad. I know i shouldnt think bad but they come into my thoughts and then i start believing them even more when i know theyre arnt ture.

Jen said...

Kandee, You inspire and help so many people including me. Have you ever thought of writing a book? I would so love to have one to keep with me and bring me inspiration when I am down. {{BIG HUGS}}

Penny Lane. said...

Thanks for this Kandee, this was perfect timing for this. I lost hope when I found out I couldn't afford to go to your Houston seminar. I was all set & made all the plans, then they were crushed, I was devistated :( I love you Kandee, you always seems to brighten my day!

Bumblee Bee said...

i just love you. this is what i needed. today has been one of those days where i felt like i was breaking down so badly that i could not motivate myself to do anything. you really keep me going, and help me remember to keep my dreams alive.

Bumblee Bee said...

i just love you. this is what i needed. today has been one of those days where i felt like i was breaking down so badly that i could not motivate myself to do anything. you really keep me going, and help me remember to keep my dreams alive.

Bumblee Bee said...

ps. what is the latest date to sign up for the chicago glaminars?

Hanne84 said...

This Too Shall Pass

If I can endure for this minute
Whatever is happening to me,
No matter how heavy my heart is
Or how dark the moment may be-

If I can remain calm and quiet
With all the world crashing about me,
Secure in the knowledge God loves me
When everyone else seems to doubt me-

If I can but keep on believing
What I know in my heart to be true,
That darkness will fade with the morning
And that this will pass away, too-

Then nothing in life can defeat me
For as long as this knowledge remains
I can suffer whatever is happening
For I know God will break all of the chains

That are binding me tight in the darkness
And trying to fill me with fear-
For there is no night without dawning
And I know that my morning is near.

...Helen Steiner Rice

This is the most wonderful poem, I thought I would share it with you. I am too going too a really really hard time, and this has helped me..I will tattoo "this too shall pass" on myself to always remind me..

Hanne84 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa Marie said...

So true! I LOVE your blog posts and YouTube videos... so don't get any ideas to throw in the towel. ;)

I also featured you on my blog today for all of my readers to see how inspiring and encouraging you are. :)

Beata said...

I really like this post. It made me feel good.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Kandee, good timing. :)

Catty Pants said...

Dearest Kandee...thank you SO MUCH for this post. I am going through a very difficult time in my life now and this post could not have come at a better time.

I am going to read this post EVERYTIME I feel like giving up. I read it this morning and tears welled up.

Thank you again. We will get through this together! What cannot kill us, will only make us stronger yes?


Daniela said...

Hi Kandee! You and your story really inspire me in always chasing my dream and never giving up no matter how difficult it might look.
Thankyou for your kind words!
Please check out my blog:

Necole E. Bluhm_WaMLady said...

Oh Kandee. You do so much for me when you share your kind words and inspiration. It's good to know that I can still be optimistic (God knows it's been a long time since I was) and I also wanted to let you know that I occasionally send your blogs to my mom (I just emailed her this one) b/c she has had a really rough life... more so in the last decade. I love her so much and it hurts me when she's hurting, b/c all I want to do is help her. Hopefully when she reads these it feels her heart and gives her the strength to keep going. I feel like something is going to come her way and it will benefit so much and make her life worthwhile (b/c she isn't feeling that at all) and if anything, she is a great mom that loves her kids and when I working, and me and my future husband have made our dreams come true, I will make sure that she is taken care of till the end of her days. I guess what I am saying is I hope she is inspired from you and I am.
Much love, Necole

Megan said...

i swear you should write a book!! i would read it over and over and over again..

Jen said...

Thank you SO much for your post, Kandee!! It came at such an appropriate time :) I love you to pieces and am SOOO very thankful to share these lil pieces of life with you <3 Tons of love and hugs!!!!!!!!!!

Dominey said...

Dear Kandee,
I stumbled upon your channel and blog and this was the first post that I read on your blog. I do not believe in coincidences: I am going through a really doubt-filled period in my life right now. I have decided to toss caution into the wind and follow my dreams of becoming a fashion designer and artist against the expectations of my family and friends...I couldn't help but cry from reading your post because it's exactly what I needed to read at this very moment. You are such an inspiration. Thank you.


Jessica said...

thank you for constantly posting up posts about not giving up. With my newborn son and hard economic times, it makes me want to give up sometimes, so it helps to read your uplifting blogs.

jacknessmonster said...


**"Liza"** said...

Gosh just waht I need for this week. It been having the same feeling of giving up things that I really passionate about. I feel like its not worth. I really want to succeed to what I am doing right now. I want to fallow my dreams and be succesful. Thank you for this motivational post Kandee. Some what it give me a push to keep on and fallow my passion.

Unknown said...

U r one sweet thing my dear...U inspire me everytime I start feeling low...lots of love..God bless u...

thornbery7 said...

Wow i was totally feeling somethings today that you talked about in this blog. Oh Man thanks so much Kandee ...I read this at the right time...God helped me to get on here and read this!your like an instument of the Lord. THANKS! I <3 you and owe you so much! you always have a friend named Francine Colorado! <3

thornbery7 said...

I poseted a poem on my blog that i wrote before i read this!

Unknown said...

may god give u all the happiness in life...never stop writing..we need your encouragement.your heart is as beautiful as you are..:)

Angie said...

I'm going through this right now. It seems like the best things, things you REALLY want, have to start small and its discouraging after a while, but you have to KEEP GOING! Its nice to know you're not alone either.

Unknown said...

you're always very encouraging and inspirational kandee.
what would the world do without you?

=D Brittany Ashley

Tiramisu520 said...

you are my inspiration!!

Teresa said...

Kandee u have no idea how much this has encouraged me, my world has been completely turned upside down in the last two days and have been completely betrayed by the man that I love. It seems like that is the worst thing that could happen to someone and I didn't think it would happen to me. I read your blog regularly and its weird that now its my turn to leave a comment. Thank you for your encouraging words.

Unknown said...

Thank you Kandee God listen to my prays I was feeling bad but now that I read your blog I know I can overcome this...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for being so wonderful. You help keep me happy.

Semi Permanent said...

you really touched my heart
bcoz i have suffered from this situation and this is not lie that right now i m going through this situation.
its right that the more you do right, the harder you work, the more you try to do the right thing....the more you will be attacked with feelings of hopelessnes
but at this time confidense and attitude matters a lot...
to give up is not absolutely right but to face it with encouragement is one of the right actions.....

Julie Ling said...

there could not be any more perfect timing, thank you for the reminders, now I am going to attack those mountains :)

you truly make a positive impact in my life!


AndreinaR said...

Hey Kandee,
This post made me swell up in tears...its something I have been feeling for quite some time now. My heart is completely broken and I feel damaged...all by a stupid boy, another person whom I thought was my everything and most of all my best friend. I am so lost, but this is the sun ray I have been looking for such a long time. Thank you for being the moment of soothness amongst the many moments I've spent wallowing

lina said...

Thank you have no idea how much I needed to hear your words of encouragement today. May God bless you and give you strength in all that you do. You are such a blessing!

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