Monday, July 12, 2010


It's STILL JULY...which means I'm still giving away goodies FOR MY WHOLE BIRTHDAY you guys, my AWESOME KANDEE FAMILY!!!!


CLICK HERE to check out their other awesome shades!
YAY! I love these!!! And you will too! They are featured here in ELLE GIRL JAPAN...!
These babies are hotter than the surface of the sun!!!!


#1. You HAVE TO BE a SUBSCRIBER to my YOUTUBE CHANNEL (click here for channel).

#2. You have to leave a COMMENT (SUNGLASSES) below the CONTEST Video on YOUTUBE!

#3. CONTEST ends MONDAY, JULY 19th.

#4. Winner must respond within 48 hours of announcing winner here on my blog, or a second winner will be chosen.

(You don't have to be a Subscriber to this blog, BUT if you are, you will be to see when the winner is posted as soon as it goes up!)

I am so happy to be able to celebrate my birthday month with you all, by giving away some presents!!!

huge love and happy sunny shades, kandee


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Amanda Esau said...

YAY I want to win some awesome glasses!! woohoo Yay birthday month!

Anonymous said...

WOO!! Now I have two birthday months to look forward too! Yay! Thanks Kandee!!! :D

God Bless and Much Love,

Anonymous said...

Yay for awesome sunglasses!! And thank you Ms. Kandee for celebrating your whole birthday month with your fans!! <3 U!

The2sams said...

Kandee you are so freaking cool!!! Thanks for being so sweet. :)

You Glam said...

Girl you are amazing ,love your videos !!
keep rocking !!!
all the Best ...

funkymacgirl said...

They look cute on the model

kiki said...

Happy birthday month :)
and thank you so much for having these giveaways :)<3

dani@callitbeauty said...

great giveaway, kandee!

quick question though, some of your comments have been flagged as spam. when i clicked "show," they weren't spam at all! just entries for your contest. will this affect your contest in any way?


Margara said...

Kandee this shows how huge your heart is. You are not only doing give aways, but the items are awesome and not cheap. Thanks so much for caring about us and for sharing such amazing products with us
<3 you

Anonymous said...

OH LA LA... they are super glasses.

fuwwe2 said...

those are cute glasses..

oilersfan77 said...

You are so freakin awesome Kandee :)
Thanks for all that you do for us:)
Much Love~

Unknown said...

Love you kandee! I am so inspired by you! You give everyone one more thing to look forward to everyday!!

Kandee Johnson said...

oh yes, don't worry, someone just goes and marks "spam" on videos, I don't mark them as spam...and they all count, whatever the random winner is, they are the winner even if it says "SPAM", it can still be a winner! have fun! xoxo

**"Liza"** said...

Yay I join, I hope this time I

deewaipio said...

Being here is so fun! Love to read your write ups and always smiling with your head up high...keep on carrying on! ;)

CHEL said...

Is this oversea?
Love you <3

Lil Ke$ha said...

Hey I was wondering where u got those stud ones cuz I want a pair what site or store sells them? PLZ RESPOND!!!!!

Sum Kuller said...

I want anything from you... even if its a piece of paper..! <3

Nadia said...

happy bday Kandee!
Sunglasses <3!!

donna_437 said...

I would love to win the sunglasses!

cArLa said...

pick me pick me (random generator)!!! already a subscriber. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I'd like to wish you happy b-day too! I miss your "big and happy day" because of holiday... ;)

I have just started with my new blog and I hope I'll as successful as you!

Have a nice day, Kandee! :)

Miss Dress Up said...

I have been looking for a pair of sunglasses that look good on me for YEARS. Not just any pair works for me, SOOOO, I hope I win! he he he. Thank you so much Kandee

omglinnea said...

Well i guess im going to leave a little note WHY i wanna win. So here we go. I havent found any pair of sunglasses that i like, and these ones i really loved! So i would be so happy if i won! :)
And btw i cant afford a pair of pretty sunglasses.
Love you kandee!

omglinnea said...

Well i guess im going to leave a little note WHY i wanna win. So here we go. I havent found any pair of sunglasses that i like, and these ones i really loved! So i would be so happy if i won! :)
And btw i cant afford a pair of pretty sunglasses.
Love you kandee!

omglinnea said...

Well i guess im going to leave a little note WHY i wanna win. So here we go. I havent found any pair of sunglasses that i like, and these ones i really loved! So i would be so happy if i won! :)
And btw i cant afford a pair of pretty sunglasses.
Love you kandee!

omglinnea said...

Well i guess im going to leave a little note WHY i wanna win. So here we go. I havent found any pair of sunglasses that i like, and these ones i really loved! So i would be so happy if i won! :)
And btw i cant afford a pair of pretty sunglasses.
Love you kandee!

Unknown said...

Kandee, you are the sweetest most lovely YouTube guru ever! I'm always so happy to view your vids and I wish you a great birthday filled with all the wonders you have given to others! You are an angel Kandee, never let anyone or anything let you down! We support you all the time! God bless u always! Happy you are doing a sunglasses contest after the Gaga earphones! I wish to win too! Take care and have a wonderful day! xoxo

Many love from Malaysia :)

Schnelle said...

really cute sunglasses! what a great giveaway ♥

Olivia Boisselier said...

Beautiful SUNGLASSES!!

Jenmarie said...

Wow, another giveaway? You're amazing. Entering :)

Emma Rosa Gonzalez said...

Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway! The glasses are gorgeous and I'm hoping I win the contest! Even though a lot of people are trying to win them I'm still going to hope I win! Thank you for being so generous with your giveaways and showing your great videos. They're really helpful. Thank you again! <3

Missekatt100 said...

You're such a GOOD person . Really<3

Anonymous said...

Kandee, you are amazing to us!!! I hope your b-day month is going really well and you arnt too stressed!!! Much love and support, love Kimee!! xoxox!!

Unknown said...

Yay, happy birthday( 9 july) happy month :D

SarahhisonFire said...

eeep, sunglasses from kandee! :o
that would make me sooooo HAPPY!
i LOVE you kandee:D

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee!!

I love your blog and videos, you have been a huge inspiration to me and I've found my love of make-up through your videos.

Have a happy birthday month and ALWAYS stay cheerful!!

By the way those sunglasses are the cutest ever.


Dora said...

I wanna be the coolest girl too!! hahaha I want to win those sunglasses!!!!

PinupgirlHolly said...

I love your videos Kandee. :)

Unknown said...

Love the sunglasses! July is my birthday month too!

Dita di Audri said...

I'd love to win some sunglasses!
Happy Birthday (Month), Kandee!

Shannon said...

Woooohooo for Kandeee!! Love your style!!! I hope to get some of them too!

Dora said...

and the winner is....drumbs.....Me!!!!!!!!!! hahaha I want to win the sunglasses!!!

Merari said...

Thanks for being so kind, Kandee! Feliz Cumple!!

Unknown said...

hello kandee
i really want to win those sun-glasses 'cause i cant buy any sun-GLASSES. and i really want those sunglasses. there so pretty and i would really like to win a contest, im hoping i could win this one for sunglasses

Unknown said...

i hope i win those sunglasses

Patty said...

cute shades!

Unknown said...

wow Your so awesome Kandee, on ur b-day month instead of receiving ur giving away!!!!!! ♥ from Puerto Rico (^___^)

lexie said...

Happy Birthday month, Kandee. I am officially celebrating my birthday week! My b-day is tomorrow and I plan on having tons of fun. I hope that you are doing fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!

Texas Gunslinger said...

Happy Birthday Month, Kandee!

I would LOVE to win these fab SUNGLASSES!


Rianne said...

Hey Kandy!!

I must've posted "SUNGLASSES" on youtube like a zillion times and I'll keep posting it untill monday.... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me win this, I never win anything and I'm soooo in love with these sunglasses!
Thank you for this contest, you're the best!


Mile said...


Stevista said...

Wow!! Another amazing giveaway?? :) I'm definitely entering!! :D


Dora said...

Sorry for the rest, but I am the one whos gonna get those sunglasses! LOL

artexana said...

awesome give-awayyyyyyyyyy XD

Creatively, Kimberly said...

yay! :D i really need a pair of sunglasses!

Dora said...

Sunglasses!! yay!!!

Unknown said...

OMG the sunglasses are so amazing i like to win those glasses but anyway jajaj never win nothing but always can try

Selena said...

Hey thanks Kandee for the great videos and the free birthday month giveaways!!!

Dora said...

thanks for the giveaways! you're awsome, girl!!
anyways! I'd like to win this contest!!!!!!
I have a question. i want to show you a picture that I took yesterday of a make up from the 1920, i had so much fun! how do i show it to you?

Anonymous said...

You're amazing Kandee!
I love your makeup tutorials!
You're just so much fun!

With love,
cassiegirl1253 (youtube)

cOoKiElUvR said...

Need sunglasses! !!!!;-D

cOoKiElUvR said...

Must have sunglasses! !!

cOoKiElUvR said...

I love you sweet kandee, u Don't give cavities; -) u give sunglasses! !! 8-D

aubrey.bechler said...

i love sunglasses soooooooo mcu and those are adorable! you are such a sweet person kandee!

aubrey.bechler said...

i love these!

aubrey.bechler said...


CH''i Hang said...

yayy birthday month! </:o) I HEART THOSE SHADES!!

AlyssaLovesMakeup said...

Hi Kandee!! I <3 those glasses!! I really hope i win cuz my friends birthday is in July! The 31st!! I wanna get them for her!! thanks Kandee for making this world a better place!!

Unknown said...

hi kandee! i just wanted to notify you that there have been some viewers flagging "SUNGLASSES" comments as spam! they are legitimate entries, and i am honestly disgusted that people would cheat like that! i just hope you can maybe/possibly look over the comments marked as spam? those subscribers deserve a chance to win too! thanks kandee and have a great day!

Dora said...

Happy birthday month, Kandee!!!

Dora said...

ok here's an other one for the contest!!!!!! I wanna win those sunglasses!!!! =)

Unknown said...


Dora said...

Hello!! good morningt everyone! Hi Kandee! I hope you have an awsome day today!!

aubrey.bechler said...

must have!

aubrey.bechler said...

you have great taste! :)

aubrey.bechler said...

Happy birthday!

liting_me said...

Hi!! Thanks for the fabulous giveaway! Erm, but just one question - can I still enter if I am overseas? =) THANKS!!!

Anonymous said...

Kandee you are so cool and inspiring, i love you!! XD

Anonymous said...

Kandee you are so giving and inspiring, i love you!! XD

Anonymous said...

Kandee you are so giving and inspiring, i love you!! XD

Unknown said...

Hey my birthday is july 16 that would be a great gift for me!! :)

Unknown said...

Hey my birthday is july 16 that would be a great gift for me!! :)

Anonymous said...

I've never been fortunate enough to have a pair of really great quality sunglasses, and I would love some. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Here I am again. Can you tell I'm excited about these sunnies? I hope I win. Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Kandee, thanks for doing another cool giveaway! I hope I am the lucky one this time. :) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I think I can... I think I can... I think I can... win some sunnies. Yay! Thanks Kandee.

Anonymous said...

Sabre! Sabre! Sabre! Aw yeah.

Unknown said...

i want those beautiful classes baby!!!

Unknown said...

i want those beautiful classes baby!!!

theonly said...

ooooh I would looooooooove to win!!! thanks 4 this giveaway, Kandee! hugs'n'kisses 4 u! :*

Anonymous said...

Oh, to have those sweet sweet Sabre sun glasses would be delectable. I hope I am so lucky. Thanks Kandee!

katariina said...

I wanna be the coolest girl too!! I want to win those sunglasses!!:))))

Anonymous said...

Nice glasses? Why yes, I would love to have some. Why thank you! :D

Anonymous said...

It's summer in the city, and I am in the city in need of some Sabre sunnies. I will cross my fingers.

Rose said...

I noticed on the youtube account on the sunglasses contest that someone or some people have been marking "spam" on some people's comments in which they are following the rules. just thought I'd point that out.

Unknown said...

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggglllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Unknown said...

crossing my fingers
hoping i win the sunglasses!

Auria said...

holy crap kandee you are such a sweetheart. it looks like your birthday was so cute, such a blast! happy belated!

Unknown said...

i have been looking for small nice sunglass and wining this will be very nice :)..i love all ur videos and muahzzz

Anonymous said...

You're the sweetest mother ever on earth kandee, Everything you do is so inspiring in every possible amazing way, i bet you heard it all before. You're an angel, god bless you love, and your kidss =) . Wish you all my lucks and may the best wishes comes true for you..

Dora said...

Happy birthday month again Kandee!! Love you!!!
I wish I would have wrote more times today but i just came back home! so, here we go!!!!!
I like the sunglasses!!!

Rachel said...

Yes! Enter me in please!!
I need a style quick fix!

Hope your birthday was happy!

Unknown said...

i wanted to ask how do you want us to respond like in an personal message or vid response?

Lovinmamabear said...

SUNGLASSES<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Belcheryl said...

I want some!!! So cute~

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dora said...

I like those sunglasses
I like those sunglasses
I like those sunglasses
I like those sunglasses
and I am going to win!!

Chels21 said...

well since im a proud australian and live in the golden country i will definitly be in need of some groovy sunnies ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kandee... I bought the Sabre Kozoi sunglasses about 2 weeks ago because I loved how they looked on you! Check out my pic from 4th of July weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I am wishing for the beautiful sunnies. Thanks for letting me play! :)

Anonymous said...

Good morning! Here's to a sunglasses giveaway contest!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kandee. I love your blog. Thanks for always sharing positivity during good times and even on your worst days. You are the best!

Unknown said...

I want sunglasses pleeeease! Love your videos Kandee...keep them coming. :)

Anonymous said...

Go Kandee, go Kandee!

Dora said...

Today is a beautiful day! just perfect to wear those sunglasses LOL yay!!!

Anonymous said...

This IS an awesome sunglasses giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Three cheers for Kandee... Hip hip horray! Hip hip horray! Hip hip horray!

Dora said...

We love you Kandee!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good vibes, all around. :) :) :)

Dora said...

Here I am... more comments...

Lovinmamabear said...


Lovinmamabear said...

LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lovinmamabear said...

Would luv to win these glasses!!

Lovinmamabear said...


Dora said...

kandee, I love the new picture you have here on your blog! sweet!!
look this is me with the sun glasses I am going to win!! 8-)

BellaBeauty said...

those shades are DOPEEE!!! love em'!!

Lovinmamabear said...

Hope I win the sunglasses!

Dora said...

I keep going!!

Lovinmamabear said...


Lovinmamabear said...


Nicki said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicki said...

keep it up kandee :)
<3 xx

Nicki said...

the glasses are really really preeetty :)!!!
thats a great give a way..
btw, who won the lady gaga earphones? or its not done yet?

kissess (L) xx

Dora said...

Good morning everyone!!!!
Have an excellent day!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you are awsome :)

KaliP said...

I absolutely love your videos! I have learned so much!

Dora said...

yay!! we are getting close!!! 8-)

Lovinmamabear said...


Lovinmamabear said...


Cannelleita said...

Omg, That is sooo intelligent. You get like a billion people to comment regularly at you blog..

Anonymous said...

Those sunglasses are soo cute! I am a subscriber on youtube and a fan on facebook. Goodluck with everyone! :)

Artistry By Zoe said...

I hope I win those glasses. Happy Happy Birthday Kandee! It was my bday month last month!

Lovinmamabear said...


CallMeMo said...

Happy birthday month beautiful(:

CallMeMo said...


CallMeMo said...

I really want to win ! SUNGLASSES !

Anonymous said...


Lovinmamabear said...

Hope I Win!!

Anonymous said...


katariina said...

Sunglasses ROCK!:P

katariina said...

Sunglasses ROCK!:P

Lovinmamabear said...


Unknown said...

I am twelve years old and I am trying to find a style that fits my personality. I think these sunglasses are really cool and I would absolutely die for them!!! They would give me an awesome head start.!!...!!

Dora said...


Lovinmamabear said...


Lovinmamabear said...

Hope I Win!!

Lovinmamabear said...

I totally need new sunglasses...hope I can win these. Thanks Kandee for sharing with all of us!

Shannon said...

sunglasses!!! wooohooo!! wanna look like Kandee!!

Diane said...


Lovinmamabear said...


Dora said...

8-) Hi Kandee!!

ELAINE said...

awesome !!!

RukiKitty said...

Hi Ms. Kandeee =]

Dora said...

OKay!!! Here I am again!!!!!!
I hope to win!!!

Lovinmamabear said...

We r almost there! :)

Dora said...

Here I am!!!!!

StarmistLisa said...

Happy Birthday Month!
It is also the birthday month of two of my other extra special favorite women in my life! My 18 year old daughter and my beautiful mother :) Enjoy celebrating! You definitely know how to do it up in style :)

Momoko Plush Tattooed Mom | Beauty and craft! said...

awwwwwwwwww I would love to win those sunglasses!
They are SO me! *__*
by the way I love you ^_^

Lovinmamabear said...


Lovinmamabear said...

@ - @

Lovinmamabear said...


Anonymous said...

Kandee, I just wanted to let you know that you are such a beautiful person inside and out and that you inspire so many people worldwide, and you just can make anyones day, with putting a smile on their face. So thanks Kandee...for all the things that you do. =)

Nadia said...

happy bday kandee<333!!

Nadia said...

happy bday kandee<333!!

Unknown said...

What a nice thing to do on your birthday:)~!! Ah hunnie now you know every girl wants to feel like its their birthday!! Thanks ;)!!!


Lovinmamabear said...

:) glasses

kimbou said...


patricia dias said...

Hey i would love to win these sunglasses

Ivo said...


Ana Silva said...

Love this sunglasses :D

Unknown said...

Those are so rad! Happy Birthday, Kandee and thanks for giving us a crack at this contest! <3

Unknown said...

Those are so rad! Happy Birthday, Kandee and thanks for giving us a crack at this contest! <3

o oh said...

Hello beautiful.. Hope I win so I can look as much as you possibly lol

Navy Morrisons said...

Oh, pick me!!! I can always use some shades!!

Unknown said...

My mom's birthday is this Friday...what an awesome addition to her birthday present! (maybe..) happy late birthday! XO

Dora said...

Oh we're so close!!!!! woohoo!!!

Dora said...

Oh we're so close!!!!! woohoo!!!

Dora said...


Anonymous said...

how do we actually contact you???
just send a comment??

Beata said...

Kandee, What time on Monday July 19th., does the contest end?



lucyfarinelli said...

can't wait to find out who wins them :))))

Lovinmamabear said...

Good luck to everyone!!!

Lovinmamabear said...


pretty1010100 said...

I wonder who's gonna win:)

pretty1010100 said...

I wonder who's gonna win:)

Mocha1980 said...

wow i would love to win those sunglasses

Lovinmamabear said...

Hope everyone had a good weekend! Good night!!

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