(I took this "big" view from on top of the Empire State Building in New York...sometimes you just need to have "big vision" for your dreams...here's a view to inspire you...)
dream a big dream...
people waste their dreams...by never doing anything to make them happen! Let's be dream makers....not dream wasters!
Just like each person has their own fingerprints and likes and dislikes....you have your own personal dream...and your own one-of-a-kind-talent...no one else will say they same things you will, paint a painting the way you will, sing a song the same way...or even draw out the beauty in someone by doing their make-up, the same way...
Whatever moves you, excited you, whatever you have a "knack" for.....go after it! Go after it, big time! The small details are what will make your big dreams....come true!
And don't listen to the dream-stopper lies that try to prevent your dream from happening...
your never:
*too old, or too young....(The world famous chef Julia Child, didn't start cooking until she was in her 50's)
*not talented enough...(some of the most famous people were told they had no talent! From Frank Sinatra to The Beatles!)
*have no time...(some of the most amazing inventions and books were written when people had to do them at night, because they were busy with work or kids during the day)
*you have lost hope....(whatever is lost can be found.....find your dream and your hope..and work hard to keep it alive...water your dreams & hopes, daily....no one can make them grow except you...and God...but we have to do our part!)
*too fat or thin, not attractive enough.....(Oprah has struggled with her weight, but she became the most powerful women (person) in the media...true talent doesn't have a size or a beauty rating! I've seen some "pretty" people that were the ugliest people I've ever seen, and no one wanted them around!)
*you have kids and don't know how you'll do it....(I know of an actress, that was so desired, the studio paid for her to move to Hollywood, they paid for her house in the Hills, and they paid for her to have a Nanny service at her disposal...a lot of my friends are moms, or single moms...and they have been able to make their dreams come true, with their babies right by their side!)...everyone knows, moms have incredible work ethics, they can multi-task like nobody's business....maybe you can't answer the phone when kids are yelling...but thank goodness for email and texting! ha ha ha ha
I made small decisions to help get my "big dreams" jump started...
*I made the choice to enroll in beauty school (that's all I knew to do at the time)
* I decided I was going to talk to salons and see if I could do make-up for prom
*I made flyers and put them up advertising my make-up services
*I made lil postcards and business cards to give to people, so they knew I was a "make-up artist"
*I made a little portfolio of all my friends I had put make-up on
*I made appointments with all the local photographers and advertising agencies to show them my "portfolio"...and I started getting work!
*I decided I was going to go talk to an award winning make-up artist at a hair show...
and before I knew it....I was walking onto movie sets, into the offices of MTV with my make-up kit to work, and being listed as key make-up for tv shows and commercials...and hiring my own team of make-up artists and hair stylists for jobs!
Each small decision I made, was going to have a huge effect!

So today...or even next week...start making tiny decisions to power up your big dreams!!!
Remember, every giant journey...is made up of a bunch of little steps....
typed with huge love for you and your dreams...kandee
Thanks Kandee again for inspiring me and giving me hope!!!! I still see your in my corner!!!!! Naomi
Of course I am Naomi!!! huge love...your kandee
thank you. =] i really needed this tonight. you aree seriously my hero.
I remember this post! And I loved and love it!!!:-)
wow kandee you're simply super duper AMAZING !! i just luv your posts and work .... I wish i could meet you and tell you that u are actually helping me getting my confidence back , and i'm sure you're doing this to thousands of people , I never knew someone whom i've never met could actually motivate me for something THANKS A LOT for being such a wonderful person ..so much love for you.. GOD BLESS YOU !!
Thank you for the great inspiration. I will refer to this post when I feel like I am having my doubtful days. :D
Which is why I LOVE Adam Lambert's "No Boundaries". Every single word of it is SO true. Have a listen, this vid has the lyrics too.
Thanks so much for this, its a real kick up the bum, just what i needed xx
*sniff* Kandee inspiration strikes again! I'm so glad you reposted this one because not only is it encouraging, it is also helpful the way you lined out some of the things you did to get work as an artist ... those make sense and I will start thinking about practical steps I could take to get closer to my dreams. Kandee, you're wonderful and you always challenge me to be my best!
kandee fam lil sis
I love watching your videos!! I just watched the mad hatter make up and costume one!! Amazing!!!!!!!!
I just started following your blog, but I've been watching your videos forever! You have a heart of gold! This is the first time I am reading this post and it's exactly what I needed to read! Thank you!
i love you mom
thx for being there, youre truly a rolemodel
Hey my name is yolanda from Chicago and im 17 years old and OMG! you are the such an amazing person. I watched all your videos and this post just touched my heart and i know that im going to be able to go for my dream of becoming a doctor and helping those people who dont have enough to help themselves. i never believed my self until i read this thank you so much!
Kandee, you're by far my fave! :) I love your heart and how inspirational you are!! Thank you SO SO SO much for your encouraging words!!!! Lots of love!! Jen
this post was the one that inspired me the most! thank you so much, Kandee! <3 you have no idea how your words can touch my heart and make me stronger! I hope that all your dreams will come true! <33
As always Kandee you're there with the right words just when I need them. Everything you've been through is what's keeping me going after the rug got pulled out from under me...
JUST IN TIME Kandee!!!
You are not gonna believe this:
About an hour ago I was all disappointed with life, and unbelievably angry like I had never been before!! I just cried to death!!! I sat in a corner in the dark thinking about my dreams and watching them drowning in my tears!!! And meanwhile, Kandee, I thought of everyone I know, all my fiends and how their still into their dreams, working hard to get what they want in life, and it broke my heart, 'cause I'd lost hope, I had lost control, didn't know why I was feeling like that!!
Then I thought of you, Kandee, and your words and how much you gave me hope every time I read your sweet words of love and hope and the way you always talk about "big dreams"...and I exploded with tears, I cried hard, but this one was out of happiness!! It felt really good to knew someone is still out there to rely on for "good" and "positive" thinking and it just gave me the world!!! At that moment, Kandee you gave me the world!!! And as I was crying I prayed for you and your beautiful children to get as much happiness and love as you want in life!!
Kandee I owe you ... oh, shit I don't even know how much I owe you!! But I'll absolutely pay for it someday, I WILL!!!
You always know exactly what to say to inspire people. You're the best, Kandee :)
Oh Kandee, thanks so much for this motivational post!
You have inspired us once again!
~Glitzy Nails
glitter toes
I would like to purchase a spot for the glaminar in NYC...I want to make sure I have a spot before I buy a plane ticket. Is there a way to do that?
thank you Kandee :) ur words mean so much to so many little hearts.. i can say that u have been one of my biggest inspirations and motivations to follow my dream :) i am enjoying every minute of my journey towards beeing a make-up artist.. and i really hope i can save up for the miami glaminar and meet u!! i would love to learn from the best.. God bless ur heart Kandee <3
I love you Kandee. You have the best personality.
Thank you!!! Since I started watching you, I have been so inspired!! I watch all of your videos and read all of your blogs and I am motivated to go after what I want!! I have been emailing tons of make-up artists in my area to ask them questions and to see if they do interships or anything!! I am so excited everytime I get a reply! hahaha I would love love love to go to one of your glaminars but I'm not going to be able to for your tour right now! Its so sweet of you to do those, they seem like they are so amazing!!! Your such an inspiration, and I know I write that almost everytime I comment on something you do, but it is so true! I love you!! and you are so great and such a wonderful person! thank you for everything!!
thank you i think your a very inspiring person
Thanks Kandee ! I so needed this right now ! great timing!
You are so right, too often we make excuses for not taking the next step!
Kandee, you are such an inspiration! Thank you for being the great person you are! You have encouraged me to go after my BIG dreams! I have always wanted to be a makeup artist, but just thought it was to far fetched to reach, had some people telling me it was a waste of time to try to pursue it.. well I am ready to set my dreams on fire! thank you so much! I will see you in Atlanta for the Atlanta Glaminar! Can't wait!
Kandee you are such a sweet lady! I sit hear trying not to tear up because you are amazing! I wish I could reach out and give you a big huge! I don't have "big" dreams because I am living my dream. I am a stay at home mom with three boys and a wonderful husband. I often like to question myself to see if I have any dreams hidden down deep but really my dreams are much smaller. However, my dreams still take small steps to get there. I have dreams of wearing only cloths I have made myself. I took a class several years ago at a local college to learn how to sew. Since then I have taught several teens how to sew and have made several outfits. I am still an advanced beginner but having three kids I know it will take time. I sometimes wonder why I even bother then read about dreams and remember that it is small steps that will get me there. Thank you for the love you share, may God bless you for all that you do for others hearts!
omg kandee ur surprise me with this blog about dreams!!! im just frustrating about my dreams because i though i can't realized, why? umm im just have no car, no job, no money to invest . and i have a daugther with 4 years old, i live with my husband parents, like i dont have my own house, im just sad about my life and get frustrated every day that i see my daugther and i though i can give her more than i can now.. and this is incredible because, i was crying afew hour ago, and then i read you blog about dreams, and u gave me a motivation, the problem is i dont know how to start, i ever love make up, and sice i watch ur videos u inspire me to became a make up artist,, but im still like paralized!!! i want to go a make up school, but i think i have the wall of berlin... jeje im sorry about my english!!! im from puerto rico, and it's hard to me to speak in english...love u kandee..thanx for your words!
those boots look awesome! i want so bad! i'm obsessed with boots!
Kandee! im a huge fan and i just wanted to thank you for this little boost of inspiration. this blog is amazing. Thank you
Kandee, i wanted to add my thanks to you as well. i am a mom of 3 kids under 4yrs old and your blog has inspired me to get back into taking care of me -- on the outside and on the inside. Your post has inspired me to look back on my old dreams so i can move forward with what makes my heart come alive. thanks again. God bless you!
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