(turquoise nails and my old yellow rose ring- which is now cracked)
As I was looking through pictures....I thought it might be fun to give you a "BEST OF" hand decoration pictures...nail polish, rings, bracelets...These are not the BEST EVER, because I can't find all my pics, but these are the best of this year maybe! ha ha ha
Glitter nails and Turquoise ring
(nails to match my "here's lookin' at you kid" ring..ha ha ha This is ring kinda hurts, those eyelashes are so sharp, they poked my other fingers and made them bleed)
You can never really go wrong with white or black nails, so I did a little of both.
Neon matte pink nails and a yummy orange sherbert and turquoise color ringThese are some of my favorites...these are not my nails, but the amazing nails of a precious girl that came to IMATS (Internaational Make-Up Artist Trade Show), to come meet me....
Look at her thumb even has my blog design on it! AMAZING....
And really, the most important thing is not what's on your hands, but what your hands are on...
No greater joy is there in your heart that when you are embracing a heart that you can fill with your love.
There is no nail polish in the world that can make you feel loved.
What difference can your hands make today in the world...will it just be to make yourself feel fancy or will it be something that can make someone else feel loved?
typing this with no polish and not one piece of jewelry on at all (ha ha ha), your kandee
I wish I could hug you! <3
Kandee you are truly a special person to me. I love how everything in you life is symbolic of something else to you in such creative and loving ways. You can see that your view of the world is a beautiful one and it shows through your beautiful personality. Our birthdays are only one day apart. I'm July 10th and we have shared so many similar struggles it's so easy to relate to you. I just finished cosmetology school and I want you to know you inspire me with makeup but also with your sparkling personality. It gives me hope that kind hearted people are still out there . God bless you and your family. <3 Jess
I could use a hug from you! you're so positive. I could use you in my everyday life. you're inspiring and I miss you so much kandee! thank you so much. for everything you do.
I am soooo in love with your orange ring! Where did you get it?
The ring with eyes has made my day, it is so cute and funny to watch it.
I am hoping this gets to you. I seen where you lost you're dad. I have also lost mine. I've had to go through it for 5 years now. Just know that you're family and friends are the best part of healing and although it doesnt quite seem like it, it will get easier. I just want to personally thank you for pushing forward and going back at it so quickly. You have me inspiration and I wish I had the strength to do the same. I don't always comment, but I read an watch absolutely everything you do. You are my friend. I feel like you know just what to say. I found out I am having a child the day that you and your sister put up a video about what to put in you're hospital bag. Now I feel more confident about that part anyways. This has taken longer than I thought. So I'll leave by saying I love you and thank you so much for posting you're life.
Kandee, Everyone is talking about Tiffany Blue but I much prefer your turquoise color from the yellow rose ring picture. Can you tell us what color and maker does this shade?
Thanks and keep smiling =)
Thanks for being so real and transparent. You can tell you really have a big heart behind your comments. Never change! Love your blog!
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