Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hello Kitty Contest & Glaminars

Hello Kitty Contest video is back up on youtube, BUT youtube kindly deleted all the comments that everyone had posted! I am so sorry that youtube did that! Apparently they thought some SPAM comments were on there and pulled the video! Back it's up and ends this friday, Sept 3rd! So hurry!
Remember to watch the video and only comment on youtube!
Have fun!!!!

as you know....I won't be doing anymore Glaminars after this year, I will need to take care of my little "cupcake", you never get that lil baby time back! Maybe sometime in the future I will be able to do a Glaminar, but for now I won't be planning anymore for a very long time, if I ever do them again!

Since this is the last of The GLAMINARS...we are trying to add something very special to the next ATLANTA GLAMINAR on September 11th
details on if and what we will be adding will be coming up in the few days!

I would love to type more, but if you read my other blog: www.kandeeland.com you'd know how not-so-great I am feeling today! ha ha ha

huge love and hello kitty things, kandee 


Suleidys said...

well feel better kandee........and its good youll take a br8 the cupcake needs its mommy baker :))))))))) and I still think that cupcake should be the nickname regardless of the sex :) <3 luv you hun

Keirasluckycharm said...

Come back to Los Angeles PLEASE!

Housewife said...

Oh poop! I so would have loved to go to the Glaminars! I live in the wedding meca of the United States...Utah (and no we don't have multiple wives! lol) so I thought of having my own "Big Day" makeup buis on the side. Darn it! But on a lighter note cupcakes are way more important than makeup! So excited for you! I am so "cupcake" hungry! We must not be getting the ingredients right or something??? :) Hope you feel better soon makeup mamma!

kristieee said...

hey kandee what up

kristieee said...

hey kandee what up

kristieee said...

what happened to my other posts??? BOO hoo!1

kristieee said...

y was it down

Megan said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Hope everything is going well.

I'm always reading tips like "If you have almond-shaped eyes, do this to play them up" or "If you have round eyes, apply shadow here", etc. This might seem like a dumb question, but how do you tell what shape your eyes (or your clients' eyes) are, and what are your suggestions for emphasizing each type? Thanks, and keep up the great work!

lovebug18181 said...

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Tell me what shoes you are wearing! The silvery ones. LOVE THEM!

Kandee Johnson said...

oh yes, my silver shoes are from Royal Elastics! I love them!

Universal_Pedestrian said...

That is a purrr-fect bag that I hope I can one day own!

Universal_Pedestrian said...

I hope I can win that purrr-fect hello kitty bag!

Anonymous said...

when you're going to be back in IAH again?

Miss ♥ Nikka said...

I cant believe I missed you when you were in Chicago!

Unknown said...

I love that bag. I saw it in your blog a few months ago and pre-ordered it. The day it was shipped to my house, I was so happy. Now I use the bag almost everyday. I get so many comments on it. Usually when girls see it (who love Hello Kitty), they'll squeal. It's pretty awesome.

Jesi said...

Definitley very cute shoes!

Unknown said...

Ahhh. your soo pretty.. and i love that hello kitty bag its amazing!! <3

Unknown said...

omgg.. i hope i can win it :D i absolutley looooove hello kitty

Unknown said...

kandee.. your super duper pretty, im only like 14 but i have watched all your videos and used some of your make up videos for my prom and everyone loved it :D and i hope i can win the hello kitty bag :D

Unknown said...

the hello kitty baaaaag is soo cute.. i loved to win it cause i think it matchs soo well with my hello kitty top haha :D

Unknown said...

ive never ever entered any of your contests b4 but.. hearing about a HELLO KITTY bag im excited :D

Unknown said...


I have been following your sites for nearly a year, and I just want to say that I think you are a wonderful human being..As someone who has had their ups and downs (ugggh,lol ;)), I say don't listen or pay any attention to the negativity aimed at you..It's not worth it. You have brightened up my days with your creativity, heart, and fabulousness! :):):)..please, continue to do what you do and do MORE for yourself, your family, and for the adoring fans (particularly young girls everywhere)...I am an educated woman who considered studying make-up, but was always persuaded to go in the opposite direction. Well, that did nothing b/c I STILL am fascinated and have as much make-up as a San Francisco tranny.I love it all! You represent sweetness, love--so keep on truckin'! Te mando un beso y abrazo, Kandee (I send you a kiss and hug). :)

Denise J.

Unknown said...

I would love to win a hello kitty bag!

Unknown said...

that is the cutiest hello kitty bag i have seen i hope that i win i would be so happy if i win it. : )

mvprincesss said...

Congrats !!!! Wish you the best cuz after all you are the best. And you being so humble about it ... i think ... thats what makes you sooooooo special !!! Your baby is soooo lucky to have you as a mother !!! The world would be a better place if everybody had your positivity ... including me ... hahaha !!! thank you sooo much for everything you do for us ... i know you did alot for me even though i have never met you !!! i want to say a big THANK YOU !!!! xoxox

Unknown said...

Hey Doll face, hope that you are up to par today, you are in my prayers!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the baby kandee!!!! i just wanted to say that you have inspired me to become a make-up artist! you have such a positive attitude and happy outlook on life. you have definitly inspired me to do the same =). and last but not least... i absolutely LOVE the hello kitty bag!

Aidita said...

I love that purse!!!

Aidita said...

It's so cute! I want it!

AmélieC. said...

Awww! Some tears fell as I read that after your new precious cupcake is baked, you may never do anther Glaminar again. Although this makes me feel :( , that I may never have a chance to go to one (here in gorgeous lovely amazing Victoria BC ;) ) I think it's admirable that your priorities are in in good order and you are dedicating the next several years to be with your new little one. GFY!It's so important and vital for an infant to have their mommy and stability each day. At least until they understand what leaving for a few days means, not just in mind but in heart, so as not to traumatize them. I understand this personally from my own child-hood experience.
... But I hope dear Kandee, in 10 years from now! or more! that you can do more Glamiars!!! If not, that's okay I guess :/ ... we'll sill have your awesome videos and blogs :D !!!
Love you and bless you and all your family and loved ones!

Unknown said...

After watching your "Lemon Doctor" video, I thought you were so awesome! Who thought that lemons were....skin doctors? Anyway~ I just randomly saw this and I think it's so cute! It'd be really awesome to get one of those and stating to others how Kandee said it is the most awesomest and cutest bag that is ever made currently. Only if they had those in eastern Asia!! I really love your videos and hope for the best for you!!!<3

Wrath of Hearts aka Melissa said...

I love your positivity and fresh outlook! I love hello kitty!!!

Unknown said...

i love hello kitty want the bag!!!!

Anonymous said...

when i saw your video i was like wow so pretty and when you said that you would give out hellokatty bag i WANT one but why would you pick me out of all these people. I'm really depressed. I'm unpopular at school, and kids are picking on me because I'm ugly. I've got this huge fat nose and a big forehead. but yeah when i saw some of your videos it made me feel better about myself how to dress and put on makeup...and all the gossip still goes on about my old side but i dont care because i know i look good either in the inside or outside because your videos inspires me to let the old me go and i really took a big step. and you wouldn't know how much i love hellokitty bags i got the bed set, some colthes, well i am still in love with hellokitty but back school its tight on my parents to buy me new stuff to back to school and i really would like a hellokitty purse. thank you take care......

Elsa said...

cute bag. love it. my name elsablanca
and love ya chica.

Miss Innocent said...

love the blog!!!

Unknown said...

Sooo good 4 school.. i loveee!

Elsa said...

good luck to everyone on the hello kitty extravaganza

Anonymous said...

hi :)

Kumako said...

Hello kitty bag ;3

Elsa said...

hola chica love your videos

Unknown said...

(; !Kandee, Youtube Eye Candy! ;)

Unknown said...

(; !Kandee, Youtube Eye Candy! ;)

Unknown said...

i love your videos and that hello kitty bag!

Unknown said...

Wanna win that amazing bagg!

Hello Kitty Junkie said...

Hi Kandee! <3 the Hello KItty bag! n___n So sad u won't be making vids anymore tho... :(

Anonymous said...

Kandee YouTube is being retarded!!
I can't leave any comments on your channel for your hello kitty give-a-way
and I just found out today that it was the give-a-way!!!
I'm gonna lose :(
I always have horrible luck...
And every contest I enter I never win...
- from youtuber angiemissesluis

Unknown said...

I would really love to have the Hello Kitty bag! I have a 6 yr old daughter who I can share the bag with, she loves Hello Kitty just as much as I do & to own that bag would make our whole entire year, lls. Ttyl Kandee J =]

Unknown said...

I love Hello Kitty & it would match my Hello Kitty shirts & headbands that my daughter & I own! Huge fan of Hello Kitty!

nancy g said...

Hey...I like the purse......pick me

Unknown said...

Hello kitty! <3

Unknown said...

Me 2 yr old daughter loves hello kitty! It'll make a great get away wknd bag. Big enuff for her stuff!

nancy g said...

Hey I don't see my comments....why

nancy g said...

Omg...am slow...I been posting in the wrong place.... so I hope its not to late.... I love hello kitty

nancy g said...

I will like to go to Atlanta the eleven...maybe my boss says yes.... I need a vacations

nancy g said...

So like I was saying I was posting...at the most dangerous things to put at our pants. .. so know dat I think am the correct place.... pick me... love to have the BOLSA...means Purse....

nancy g said...

Hola...my name its Nancy G....

nancy g said...

So know.... it almost time go to sleep... let me prey. To see who gets the purse....and the comment i posted it the with purse i dont know why i said that:->....so good look to every one...

nancy g said...

Ok then.... i want my baby to start her own Hello Kitty colection... she only one...and she not letting txt..pulling the phone away frome me.....

nancy g said...

Good night...love u always...

Lucky's Luna said...

Hi I'm Jessica C. I love Hello Kitty and this bag super cute!


Elsa said...

Hi my niece had a baby boy today. She also love HK me tooo.

Elsa said...

i have to have that BOLSA/Purse
hola gatita/ hello kitty

Elsa said...

keeping my fingers cross & your the bomb girl

Unknown said...

come to FL!

Elsa said...

Today is the last day for this Hello Kitty Extravaganza. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE :)

Elsa said...

Hope you had a great day today

Unknown said...

Wow this is great. I cant wait to see that lil person.

Elsa said...

its here Friday i still have my fingers cross. Come on HK

Anonymous said...

I love you Kandee!

Elsa said...

I love cupcake so much i make them every weekend.

Elsa said...

love you blog is it hard to keep up? my mom was think of making one for her business?

Elsa said...

love the hello kitty

Elsa said...

love ya chica

Alexandra said...

who win kandee????

lovebug18181 said...

---Thank you for responding about your shoes Kandee. I LOVE your style. Its freakin awesome! You have the style I wish I was confident enough to wear. My hubby would call me a freak if I wore zebra leggings and stuff. Trying to slowly get him used to it. Teehee! Anyway I know you have a million things to do. A million congrats on cupcake. You are so cute preggo! :)

Scrapy Lucy said...

kitty kitty :))

HollerAtSnowWhite said...

My birthday is January 14th!

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