I thought I'd put on some fun lipstick (since I haven't really worn any make-up the last few weeks). I even put on some eyeliner- ha ha ha I didn't even bother with mascara or anything else...
so you get to see all my freckles too, what a bonus!
My precious mama, made my birthday as love filled and precious as it could be! Here's how:
She made me a homemade MUD PIE for my birthday that said "Happy 3-Fun" (thirty fun, for anyone that didn't get that..ha ha)
I was so deliciously good!
I ate about 3 pieces, but I could cause' it was my birthday.
My great-grama Vi, waiting for her piece of cake too!
She decorated everything with so much fun!
AND THEN IT WAS TIME FOR PRESENTS- my mom's made me cry.
First up, Jordan got me this "I'm so in love with it"-Art screen scene, of my favorite building in all of New York City- the Chrysler Building!
(he had also brought me flowers, when he came home from helping my Grampa for the day)

And my mom made me the most amazing, priceless gift!
She made me a necklace and 2 charms with precious pictures of my dad.
She told me how she found this site, Little Windows, just a few days ago, that sells kits to make photo jewelry like this (it includes the resin kit, and the Sterling Silver jewelry pieces too) and told them that I just lost my dad and she wanted to make this for me. She asked if there was any way they could get it to her quickly, and they did! Thank you so much to sweet lady that owns, Little Windows for helping get it to my mom so she could make this "treasured gift" for me.
I cried as I opened my present...it was made with so much love from my mama. She is so amazing...and so is my dad. I won't say, "was my dad"...because he still is amazing in heaven.
My mom made my birthday, so filled with love, and with my dad's love too...
I just love her so dearly for making my day as amazing as it could be.
And on my other blog, Kandeeland you can see all the little gifts, my little babies made me too!
Alani, carrying Ellie around- it's one of her favorite things to do!
Blakey busting a move. You've never seen feet move so fast!
As you know, yesterday was a hard day. I also, realized yesterday, that it had been
exactly a month to the day that I last got to see my dad, and give him a
hug, and tell him "I love you".
I remember the day perfectly...he had
dropped me off at the airport and was holding Ellie up in the air while
she laughed. He had been singing songs with the kids in the car, as we drove up to the drop off area, and I remember thinking, "Dad, you make everything, even a trip to the airport, so fun!"
I kept forgetting things in the car, so I had to wave for
him to come back and he got out and helped me with the kids again, and I
got to give him another hug and tell him I love him again.
As tears of love for my dad, spill down my face and I wish I could crawl back inside that day and feel my dad hugging me and hear him laughing with the kids...
God fills my heart with the comfort that in heaven my dad is waiting to hug me!
And I thank God for giving me a precious mama, that made me such a precious treasure of gift.
And this song is my comfort- The HURT & The Healer
I do wish that I had more of that Mud Pie my mom made. You know I would've had it for breakfast, too.
*Thank you mama, for everything you did to make my birthday as wonderful, happy, and love filled, as it could be!
*And thank you to all of you, whether you know it or not, you have given me priceless gifts of love in each of your precious-to-my-heart, comments- you have now idea the love I feel from each of you in my heart! Thank you so much, from the bottom of my little, broken heart.
The world has trouble, the world has grief...I am not in love with this world.
I have love to share with the people in this world.
But my hope and final destiny is not just in this world...it is at home, where my dad is...in Heaven.
Yum!! I havent had mud pie since I believe the 3rd grade. Can u ask ur mom if she would be kind enough to share the recipe? Please. =)!!
Your freckles are incredibly cute, Kandee. you always look beautiful with it without makeup, and its good to see you smile again.
Wow!!! Very touching...your mom really made it soo special!! God bless you Kandee!!
Ohhhh Kandee what a wonderful post, thanks for Sharing! I'm glad your awesome mom made it a special day for you! You deserve it! This post brought tears to my eyes! Wish I could wrap you up in a hug! Love you!!! Your Trishica!
Happy Belated Miss Kandee! Looks like you had such a fabulous day which was well deserved! Xox0
Happy belated birthday :)
So glad to see the smile on your face again! Your posts bring excitement to my day. I hope you continue to heal and find happiness again. I lost my younger brother 2 1/2 weeks ago and I have been struggling to find strength and happiness everyday. Your words have been encouraging and your strength has been an inspiration. Lots of love and hugs to you Kandee and happy belated birthday! <3
p.s. I love seeing your freckles! My grandma told me when I was younger, " A face without freckles, is like a sky without stars." I treasure my freckles!
you are so incredibly strong little kandee!
happy bday again, we share the same birthday!! you are my favorite women of all times you dont know how much you make me laugh and smile, kandee u bring joy and fill my room.with love whenever i read your blog or watch your videos! i love the gifts u got espec. the one you are going to hang on your wall haha keep smiling and spread the joy and love you have!! love u!!
to see my birthday: nanas.blogg.se
Kandee! What a precious memory of your dad. Its like Gods gift before he took your daddy home. It made my cry crocodile tears. Lol! Your family is so caring and thoughtful. The gift your momma got is incredible your so blessed. I wish you a belated birthday!!!! Happy 3 fun!!!! :)
Happy birthday Kandee your a strong woman and I know times are tough right now but there are people all around that love and support you just keep on keeping on I promise things will get better.
P.s. your freckles are so pretty don't be ashamed of them :)
Thank you so much for sharing this. Even though it cannot compare to losing your dad I am hurting too since I never really had a loving family I always was a burden for my parents and I never fitted in their new marriages and grew up alone wishing to have a loving family. At last I fell in love with my best friend and had a boy together and at last I had the family I ever dream of. Thing is we are now separating and it may be permanent. I fear of losing the thing I care about the most and since I dont have a family or friends to help me through this reading you has been as having someone to cry with who understands pain.
I tell you this so that you keep blogging so you can see how you touch people's life when they most need it. God bless you and your family.
Hey kandee:) I really am sorry for what happened to you. I was reading your blog and you have prolly heard this before but I believe if you started doin all your makeup and crafts again it would cheer you up. From all your videos I've watched and all the blogs of yours I've watched, to me it seems that it is what excites you and what keeps you interested:) even with your freckles and no mascara you are a beautiful inspiring woman:) (all this is besides your kiddos cuz I can tell you Live to be a mother:)) I just would love to see our kandee happy again in her pink coral lipstick:) something that might cheer you up to look at is fortunecookiesoaps.com:) cool bath pampering stuff on there:) everyone needs that:) hope you are feeling much better Kandee:) love you and thank you for cheering me up with your Facebook and YouTube videos:)
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