Thursday, June 3, 2010

IT's OK!

i've had so many times in my life, when i was feeling awful, i'd done something wrong, i was scared, or sad, and  all i needed was someone to tell me it will be OK!
Me and my mom were talking last night about my great gramma, who's still alive, she is 90. We were talking about how she never gets upset about anything, she just says, "oh, it'll be okay"! And she tries to make everything something wonderful. If it's cloudy she'll say, "oh goody, it's going to rain", like when she found out I was going to have my Jordan (when I married at 17 and had a baby at 18) she just said, "oh goody, we're gonna have a baby!"
I want you to know, that no matter what is going on in your life, what circumstance, is making you feel sad, or upset, or hurt, or frustrated.... that IT WILL BE OK!
Everything will be ok. You will be ok. No matter what is going on, how you feel it could be the worst thing, you will make it through.
I have my mama, and she has the most gentle ear to tell things to. I can tell her anything, and she will make me feel better about it. She too, also tells me, "oh honey, it will ok, we'll get through it, don't worry!"

And I want you to know, I'm hugging you through the computer, I'm sending my love, and the next time you have one of those things where you think, "OH NO!!!!".....hear my voice saying, "it will be ok, it's alright, we'll get through this!"

huge love from my heart to yours, your kandee

PS now I'm off to the urgent care, because my ear hurts so bad I couldn't sleep last night, and it feels like my throat is swelling shut! But, I will be ok! ha ha ha


Kat Brenkert said...

Kandee i am going through the worst break up right now and reading this has put the first smile on my face in the past few days. thank you so much for doing what you do and sharing your wonderful words of wisdom with all of us. I love you and hope you get better soon.


Turentoo said...

Thank you for this post in particular as these are the words I had to hear from at least someone. Get better!

Jessica Rae said...

THANK YOU for those words! I don't get to hear them enough and I need to. I worry on a daily basis... and it becomes even more difficult when those words aren't shared with me. So again, thank you!

And feel better!

Lui said...

Thanks Kandee for always finding the right time and right words to encourage us on our daily lifes.
God bless u xxxx

Eden Angel said...

Your grandma sounds so optimistic. Now I know where you get your positivity from xx

Anonymous said...

thank you kandee!! everytime im feeling sad, your blog and youtube videos make me feel positive and better!! hugs back thru the computer! thank you :D you are amazing!

Noelle Garnier said...

I will save this post to share with some friends! (that picture is so sweet...) Your great gramma sounds like an incredible lady with unbeatable optimism ... she must be a wonderful person! You have been through so many ups and downs in your life and you are still overflowing with love. I think a lot of people would just become focused on "making it through" but you are using your experiences to encourage other people -- keep on shining!
kandee fam lil sis

...Live.Love.MakeUp... said...

Yes! Its hard but in ALL circumstances, I too try to say EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK! Because I know that there's a purpose for everything. I might not know it, but my God does!

Almost Domestic said...

I hope that you are feeling better sweet soul! Your very wise beyond your years. Your words have come at such a much needed time. I left my abusive husband a month ago. This ii scary, and heartbreaking and empowering all in the same breath. You've been posting as if you were speaking to my heart. Inspiring me to be the best person I can. Like having my own personal cheerleader. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart Kandee. You not only helped me to see my courage and strength, but you help me to save my life. Many huge hugs to you!

Anonymous said...


You'll be fine Sweety!

Take care!

Sarah said...

I hope you feel better soon, being sick is the pits but, as you say, it will be ok!!! Thanks for sharing your joy with us!!! I'm kind of excited that I got to leave the first comment!!!

Sylvia said...

Thats exgzactly what i needed to hear <3 thank you

Gardener-Sinya said...

Oh, my dear Kandee,
Your words comfort me so much!
I love your grandma and your mama and you. All of you are so nice, kind, and thoughtful.
I wish I would remember your nice words, "it will be ok, it's alright, we'll get through this!"
Dear, I am crying now. So many regrets made me sorrowful, but none says, "it will be ok, we'll get through this". I wish there's someone who will say this to me.
Dear Kandee, please do take care of yourself. You are a nice person, so God will bless you all the time.

veronikabliss said...

Omg, I hope that you feel better soon! :(

I just wanted to say thank you AGAIN for posting this. It was exactly what I needed to hear right now: that everything will be okay. Somehow! Wow, your mom and your grandma are so cool. I'm going to borrow you and your mom and grandma for a minute and pretend that you're my family if that's okay, ha ha. :)

Feel better soon. xxoo

fabulousjunk said...

Hi Kandee

Thanks for your post. Its very true, I too myself have went through bad times and people use to tell me everything would be ok, and I couldn't imagine everything being OK. But it passed and you're right things will be OK, and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.


Laura said...

hey this a cool poem from rainer rilke about believing this will be ok and just hanging in there!

…I would like to beg you dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.
: )

Shutterchic said...

I will say it again and again. I wish I had been blessed with such a positive family. 90% of all my family members are very pessimistic and negative and critical of everything. I am never fully happy even though I try. I read your blogs and re-read some of your blogs and they definitely make me feel a lot better about myself or anything that's going on. Thank you SO much for taking the time to make us all feel better. You're the greatest! I hope you feel better, it's probably just an infection... some antibiotics will do the trick :) You definitely will be ok :oD

♥Misty Lake a.k.a Shadow Cat♥ said...

Gosh! I hope you know just how lucky you are! I have absolutely NO relationship with my mother, she drinks a lot and it just destroys me..we're not able to get along and i can't tell her anything. My father is -if possible- even more distant. I'm not good enough for him and he always finds something negative to say about EVERYTHING i try to do. Both my grandmas have been long gone, they died in 1995 and 1996 when i was about 18. My father's mother didn't even try to hide her opinions..she always thought i was below my brother. He's always been the better one, the more important one. My mother's mother..well, she lived quite far away and was sick; Parkinson's disease and stuff like she was living in her own world. So yea, i've been alone basically all my life. But i'm still here and i ain't going anywhere. Have a great day Kandee, you're awesome! PS: How's your leg?

~Misty~ said...

Thanks for this post. You always put a smile on my face, even when I don't feel sad.

Hope the doctor can help you will feel better soon. It'll be ok!

Julia Kendrick said...

I say "it's okay" all the time! What a great blog post to help and encourage someone who may be having a rough day! Good luck at the doctor and hopefully you will feel much better soon. I wanted to share a site with all natural skin care that I am currently using. I love these products and they make my face feel SO soft. You can check it out at
Hope you have a wonderful day!

Kätlin said...

You're right and so is your grandmother.
Everytime when I'm feeling extremely sad or upset then I take a deep breath and I keep repeating in my head: It's going to be okey! It's going to be okey!
Yesterday one of my sisters best friends committed suicide.. We were all and we still are in a shock.. This is the last thing that should happen to a young boy. He was only 18 years old. Nobody saw it coming.. his girlfriend still can't believe it and is going crazy.. and his parents too. Nobody knows what pushed him so far.
This shows that every person should have someone who always encourages them and someone who tells that there's always hope and it will get better.. His funeral is on saturday, so I hope you all pray with us.
Can you, Kandee, imagine how many people feel better and find the strength to carry on thanks to your blog and your amazing words. There should be more people like You. So bubbly, happy, smart and gorgeous!

The Woven Life said...

You are an inspiration! I too am lucky to have best mom and my soon to be 84 year old grandmother. I've learned many lessons through their valuable prespectives. They've made me strong enough to withstand the winds yet gentle enough to yield to it when I should. It all turns into love in the end. "This too shall pass", should be on billboards across the universe!

Anonymous said...

I so needed to hear this today. :) Hope you get to feeling better!

Anonymous said...

You're such a sweet person and everytime you post, I feel like I'm reading a close friend's e-mail. I'm saying this because I just watched your serious FAQ video and can't believe that anyone would send hate out to anyone, but especially to you. Thanks for posting this reminder. Hope your leg is feeling better!

Tatiana said...

I had a baby around the same age. I had my first son before my junior year of high school. It sucked. I didn't have any friends, the father and I broke up and he was awful to me, and it was embarrassing walking around school with an enormous belly. I just pushed through it. I had my dad. He helped me realize it didn't matter what everyone else thought of me and that finishing school was important for my son too. You do what you gotta do. He helped me be a strong person I was proud of, even if I spent most lunch hours in the cafeteria alone.

Machinegunbaby said...

Hi Kandee!
I hope you will be better soon too:)
Unfortunately there is not too many people see the life as you seen it, and share it with us
i'm going to a difficult moving period, and i dont want to hurt the people i like so it is hard, but this post today helped me to realize again that frustrating and bad things will disappear , but happiness is always there, even if we dont see it now:)
i just wanted to thank you again all your encouragements.

Anonymous said...

thnks kandee...i really need these words right i'm working on my last history assignment tht will determine whether i fail or pass the entire course...and its an awful assignment tht i hardly understand, i've only been living in sweden 2 years so i dont understand half of what i'm reading from the text book....but i won't give up :) and by the end of it all it'll be ok.

Ana83 said...

Thanks for your words, it mean a lot. Since I fount your blog and youtube videos i have to check everyday if its something new, because always put a smile on my face. You are special. Lots of kisses from Spain!

Publisher said...

You are so right! Everything does end up being ok in the end, its just initally we panic and get anxious, but if we sit and work things out, they do work out to be ok. great to hear such positivity - you would make a fantastic friend. wish you were in australia!!!!

Dannii xx

soleil1111 said...

Kandee, you are SUCH an inspiring person. I read your blogs every single day and im always touched with the words you type. I want to be just like you when i grow up :)

Stevista said...

Hi Kandee!

I love your blog (and your youtube videos of course), so how could I not pass on the Sweet Blog Award to you?!? :) Become a follower of my blog if you like it! ;)


Jodz said...

I hope you are feeling better soon.

{:miss v:} said...

You're always so encouraging! Thank you!

I hope you feel better soon!

FaithHopeLove said...

Hi Kandee
I agree with you. I feel the same way. Everything in life is a lesson, opportunity, experience and in the end i have found over the course of my life that we really dont need to worry, your mom is very wise. I find that everything does always work itself out, so i really try not to worry because i trust that it will be okay. things have a way of resolving, healing, ended up the way they are meant to be - and sometimes we dont quite know why one thing happened until a long time later when something else occurs that makes us say - Oh, thats why that happened that way, so that this can be feel me. :-)
let me go to my quote box , I think you need one, hold on........................................... as always, the one i pick is meant for my friend kandee at this moment. This is a quote or really just a note that a good freind of mine sent me when I was in the middle of a really hard custody court case with my son. "If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. In Happy moments, praise God, in difficult ones, seek God, in quiet moments, worship God, in painful moments, Trust God and in every moment thank God."
Talk soon Kandee,
Your Friend,
PS Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Ur nan is a smart lady

Unknown said...

hi kandee
i'm sorry you're going through a lot of pain, but you will INDEED BE OKAY! i promise!
your fans love you kandee and always will~
take care
brittany from seattle

Abigael said...

Kandee i love that even though you are feeling ridiculously poopy you are still sitting there trying to support us and make us feel awesome! i really admire that about you YOU ARE AMAZING!! im sending hugs and prayers your way! feel better soon <3

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee! I was talking to a customer of mine, and he told me that he was on YouTube. He has no arms and no legs. I hope you enjoy! Feel better soon, love from Ontario

Bronte said...

Thank you Kandee for this post :) it really made my day. I send you all the get well hugs and happiness <3 Feel better soon!

Unknown said...

You're a great person, Kandee. Hope you feel better!

Jen said...

thanks kandee! this came at an important time in my life. i really appreciate your post.

AngelSmiles said...

Is it a coincidence that you posted just what I needed on the day I got layed off???

Hope you feel better soon. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well but it'll be okay.

Birdie said...

Hey - hope the doctor fixed your ear up! Having done the ear infection/ache bit with my kids a few times, I found something really great that Hyland's makes. They have a package of ear ache (homeopathic) pills, which dissolve under your tongue so you don't even need to swallow if it hurts to. They're not made to cure whatever the problem is, just to make it bearable until you can get in to see the doctor. They were my lifeline during 2am "mom, my ear hurts!" screams while the man was deployed and I had 4 kids from 1-12 I would have had to wake and take to the ER with me and whoever was hurting that week!

Cali ʚϊɞ said...

this is such a great post!! i have a mom like that too, but her line is usually "this too shall pass" and she's always right! when i feel like the world is falling down around me, she always makes me feel better :)

thanks for sharing this!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Kandee..thanks so much for sharing that with us.. i really needed something like life couldnt be any worse and i really am about to break work no friends i am lost....

mermaiddelsol said...

reading this instantly made me feel better...i was feeling a little sad this morning...thank you my ray of sunshine! xoxo ~patty~

Publisher said...

Your a great inspiration - thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Dedde_ said...

As many has said before me: thank you so much for being so positive! I read your blog as much as I can, whenever I can and you always inspire me.

Much love and care from me!
/Daria from Sweden <3

Ashers said...

This post brought me to tears. I'm 18, and losing the home I grew up in, and I have been scared for days. But you, and especially this post, brought me happy tears! Because it will be okay!!!!!!

Thank you kandee!!

Gardener-Sinya said...

To Ashers,
I read you comment, and I want to encourage you. I am also deeply touched by Kandee's this post, and feel better after reading. I know you will be all right, and everything will be ok. You know what? I believe that God never leave you. God loves you. Best wishes.

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee,

I've been reading your blog for a while now but have never been able to work up the nerve to actually leave a comment before now. The last two and a half years have been not so great for me and there are still times now when it feels like nothing will ever get any better. So I guess I just wanted to say thank you for all your blog posts and for making me feel like I can cope with things because it means more than I could ever say. I think you're pretty incredible and hope you feel better soon.


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