Thursday, July 1, 2010


I hear sometimes people wish that they could live a day in my life....
sometimes my life doesn't feel as glamorous or enchanted as people think...ha ha ha

I was in downtown Los Angeles the beginning of this week...then I got home late last night...
and today, it just felt like one thing after another was spiraling into a horrible, sad day....
From small things going wrong, like not being able to edit and upload the video I wanted big things going wrong.....that made me spend my afternoon trying not to cry when I had to run papers into places, so people wouldn't think I was crying!

I just felt like I wanted to run away, and that there was no where that I could run to that my problems wouldn't find me.

I have bad days. Sad days. Days when the things going wrong in my life, can begin to consume me and make me think I just can't handle this anymore. I won't bore you all with the depressing parts of my day...they are awful enough that I don't want to spread them around. ha ha ha) But I will say, I felt like I just wanted to escape, the emotions that these things bring to my life are overwhelming to say the least. I just felt, "if life is going to be this way...I just can't handle it anymore"!
Then I thought, "stop it kandee! You're not even listening to your own advice!"..."you are alive, you are breathing, you are strong"....
I needed a hug and I needed one bad! I did get a hug...but more importantly, I felt like I needed the arms of heaven to open up and wrap me in love and peace...and in that moment....I felt like, not just me, but my heart got the biggest hug from heaven....I got a God hug! Ain't nothin' like a heavenly hug. Calgon wasn't enough to take me away.....but I Called-God and he was enough!


1. sometimes we just need to take a break...stop whatever we're doing...know that we can call it a day.  Watch a fun or funny "escape for your mind" movie. And know that you might just need to rest, take a nap or sleep, and when you wake up you'll feel more refreshed.

2. Eat something yummy. Sometimes we need to feed our hearts and soul.

3. Take a moment, and cry if you need to, sometimes that's the only way we water the garden of our heart and the rainbow can come out over our soul!

4. Remember that we are alive, no matter how our heart may feel like it's breaking, we will always feel better as time ticks on, the next morning, the next day, the next night.

5. Sometimes we can be like little kids, and run to God, his heavenly arms are always open and ready to catch us, hug us, and fill us with peace and happiness. He's knows our hurt, our pain, and he can heal our hearts faster and better than anything!

6. You are stronger than you know, you are braver than you think, and you can go through more things...with confidence than you can even imagine!

I love these words:
I will, continually count it all joy when I go though hard things, things that know why? Because I will be stronger, I will have more endurance, I will be able to endure more...and I will NEVER quit! I will never quit being happy! I will never quit smiling! I will never quit being joyful!

So I say: TODAY, you will not ruin me with your heartaches. You will not ruin me with your words! You will not ruin me with all the things that have come against me and my heart! We will be victorious! And I will look back at all I've been through, and I will say: THANK YOU!

I love you all, and I stand with you, holding your hand in my heart....crying, maybe shaking, trembling and hurt....but we will make it! We will get through it! Feel my heart hugging you, holding your hand, saying, "I know what it feels like....but we are gonna make it sweet heart of yours!".....

in love and joy, your friend, kandee


marj said...

sending you a hug from florida, kandee!!

oh and thanks for the tip on the hello kitty baghaus bag! i got on the waiting list and UPS dropped it off today! ITS PERFECT!!

Anonymous said...


i love reading your posts like this. because even though i didn't go through a hard time today, i know i will. and these are what i think of! you remind me to smile and to LIVE & to please the Lord with my life.

you're such a positive influence, & the Lord will bless you soooo much girl!!

thank you!!
much love,

Unknown said...

kandee, i dont know if you read these..but you are by far the most inspirational person ive ever "met"! i found we have a lot in common after you told us your story, and i really, honestly for the first time in my life have someone, maybe not mother figure, to identify with. be it via internet, but thank you doesn't even begin to explain how helpful your words have been. you're too beautiful to cry kandee, all us girls are here for you! i'm only 16, but i'll be seeing you hopefully at a glaminar sometime next year!

much love

Tyana said...

Thank You so much for this words! You are such a great person!!!

B said...

Kandee, I was having a really bad day too. I'm right there with ya! Your words are so fitting for me today.:) Thanks so much. I always look forward to seeing what's new on your blog. You are such an inspiration and I hope to be more like you someday. You are such a kind, smart, funny, talented, loving and genuine girl. Keep a smile on your face!

Margara said...

This is so true. Each one of us has days like this and its ok. The steps u listed are totally what we need to do.
Hope ur days get better- they will be <3

Unknown said...

wow... these words are powerful! you are a very blessed person kandee and yes you and i and all of us that might be going through a rough time will end victorios in the Lord and joy will fill our hearts... thank you because you've helped me alot with these words that i just read... it will all be ok... and all the hurt will heal in the Lord's name. God loves you and wants you to start living the glorios life as of today! the Lord be with you kandee!

marivel said...

you have no idea how much this helped. i started crying because things haven't been easy for me either. i also want to hold your hand and tell you that you are a strong, beautiful woman and please don't ever lose that joy and happiness that characterizes you. thank you for your truly made my day..

twitter: mariivel

Alis said...

that was really nice. You're so adorable! <3

Cari said...

Ur such an inspiration kandee. Such a good heart. We r humans and we don't know each others problems we only see what's going out in the outside. The good thing is that we know that God is always with us no matter how bad it might be.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this blog, Kandee. Today, I found out that a boy whom I adored was not anything who I thought he was. After a two hour long conversation, I felt like breaking down and falling apart. I logged onto twitter, and found the link to this, and I felt much better. Just reading that I am not the only one who has terrible days, and goes through these things, I felt a bit better.
You are my inspiration, Kandeee. Thank you for being so amazing!

Anonymous said...

This is why I love you Kandee! You are so inspirational to me and I'm going to take your words of advice! I'm really sorry your day didn't go well and I hope it got better! Just remember how many people love you and support you! I'm one of them! <3 I just hope that I can be half as inspirational/kind/and outgoing as you are. Much love and x's and o's to you, Kimee!!!

Hershley's Sweet Kiss said...

thanks kandee!! i really need to read this post...i had a horrible day yesterday....i mean real bad. and i wanted to just stop trying to get something done...but after i cried on my boyfriends shoulder for about an hour i realize that God does everything for a purpose. and im ready for this challenge. So just like u said...Im breathing and im alive! I live in sunny florida! and i have a roof over my head at night. Things will hurt by i will become stronger! LOVE U KANDEE!! i added you to my blog as one of my favorites for followers to find out how amazing you are. bye bye and we will get through anything!

Anonymous said...

I like the fact that even if your videos are all happy, and uplifting, you are willing to share that sometimes you have days when you feel like life gets though. But at the same time, you still push through the barriers, because you know that life is worth it :)

You actually remind me of my teacher, always happy, always talkative and bubbly, but at the same time you make sure that others know you are just like them :)

Elysse said...

kandee, your words inspire me so much. Thank you from my heart to yours. -Elysse

Anonymous said...

Wow. I'm crying & out of words right now. Thank you for giving me strength with your words!

Unknown said...

Matt Ragan June 27 at 5:18pm
I think you are Amazing!!!!!! Just remember Those who created the pain of yesterday do not control the pleasures of tomorrow....forgive them, bless them and walk away....there is nothing you can do to those who hate you without cause and rise up against you that in Gods judgements they have not already done worse to themselves....they just don't know it yet....every dog has its day so to speak.

Real men love GOD!!!!

Tati said...

thanks kandee for pouring your heart out...I feel like I've been having a bad day/broken heart year. I always look forward to your blogs and your videos for a smile and a little comfort when I need it...thank you. Luv you <3

emmy said...

Hi Kandee. I just woke up (in sweden it's quite early) from a night filled with horrible dreams. I rolled out of bed with a heavy heart since I know that the dreams are twisting and turning everything that's happened to me lately, and it's been hard. I made myself a cup of coffee, sat down to read the updates of blogs i'm following, and right there, the first thing i see, is your post. I don't know if i should feel silly for confessing, but as I read I felt tears down my cheeks. I don't believe in God, but I believe that sometimes life gives us what we need, good or bad. You are truly such and amazing person, and I'm really glad I found you blog, and especially this post, this morning. Thank you, for spreading love, peace of mind and beauty all over the world!

luis said...

I love you too Kandee. For me its a honor be your friend and i need talk whith somebody for family problems whit my mather. Im from Spain and i fellow your blog and undertant perfectly your coments abaud bad days and the little thinks dont goes right. You are a soo sensitible person like me and little thinks can afect a lot at people like us.
Good bles you miss Kandee.
A big kiss and hug.

Debbie said...

Hi Kandee!

I subscribed to your blog today because I just discovered you through Youtube (I'm ages behind, I know!). Reading your blog entries, especially the one titled "Love Sharing" brought tears to my eyes. You truly are an inspiration and I want to testify that you *are* like food for the heart and soul! You are such a beautiful person on the outside and your beauty from within amplifies that.

I used to be like you: cheerful, happy, lively, hopeful and needed to always share love. Then I started to doubt myself and my philosophy when family and friends took turns hurting me. My circle of support collapsed and I turned into a cynical, closed-hearted creature. It was/is still hard being that person bc it goes against my nature. But it's been a difficult uphill battle trying to see past the brutalities of human unkindness.

Reading your blog, though, has brought light into my heart and I feel one step closer to having that sense of closeness with being open-hearted again. So......I thank you, from the deepest part of my heart and soul...for sharing all that you share just bc you want others to be happy. You are my role model and I wish only the best for you.

Keep up the good work and I look forward to getting to know you and being more inspired =]

With love & kindness,

Dee N.

Amy said...

I just want to thank you for this post. I had a really rough day and seeing this post in my google reader, really lifted my spirits up. I know that God is the fastest healer of the heart and soul but sometimes its hard to trust that everything He has planned for us in this life is for the better. It's hard to understand that all the rough patches in life are placed there because He wants it to be there. But Thankyou for the words of comfort and love. I just want you to know that you touched my heart and definitely helped me through a bad day.

makeupfetish said...

Kandee...this was very encouraging. Thanks 4 posting!

Anonymous said...

You are beautiful! I hope whatever was hurting your heart is no longer doing so. We all love you!

Samantha said...

Kandee, this blog.. its incredible! This is why you have touched so many people! You are so honest and vulnerable with us! This is what people are craving! Thank you for sharing your heart with me! You are such a great witness :) I love love love you Kandee!

Unknown said...

had a bad day, took a nap, got a headache in return. SOmetimes even taking a nap doesn't help!

enk said...

You help me more than you will ever know... thank you.

Bridal Magic said...

I love #3! That's beautiful advice.

Gemma Lawrence said...

Hey Kandee

Thank you so much for this post...was just what i was needing. I was feeling really sad yesterday and early this morning...just lots of little things getting the better of me but as always you have made me smile and I thank u for always being so open and honest and trusting us all with your heart. You are a beautiful woman inside and out and i hope i get to meet you one day.

amanda said...

I found your videos thru my daughters love of the youtube tutorials. I am an RN of almost 20 years and now I am returning to college for my Aesthetics License. I have seen many dark times like many others. You mentioned that you had a God moment hug. That is so amazing and encouraging to hear. God never promised to stop the storm, He just promised us peace to get thru it. Grab it, Cherish it and share it. Never let anyone or anything take your Peace. A very smart person told me many years ago that Love is only a four letter word until you give it away. You are a stunning example of just that thru your blogs. You are an amazing person that is a shining light to many aspiring young adults. I wish you Love, Hope, Peace and many many Blessings to you and your family!

Donyetta Carlisa said...

I have the biggest broken heart right now. I feel like I just want to melt away, I can't deal with it. Every word that you wrote meant so much to me. I will try and take your advice, because I need to go on. There was life before him, there will be life after him.

Makeup by Yolisa said...

Hey Kandee, this post was very encouraging since i find myself having more bad days now then ever before. I will def try these instructions when i feel myself overwhelmed with everything life can bring. You are a unique, intelligent, beautiful woman. :)

sending you a hug from New Jersey*

Xo Yolisa. <3

...Live.Love.MakeUp... said...

Great post!

Unknown said...

My beloved Kandee!!! I was crying while I was reading your blog. I wish I could live near you and then be able to hug you every time you need a hug and you can hug me every time I need one. I hugged you at the Glaminars so many times and it felt so good! You are the best huger ever!!! I was feeling the same way this week, really sad and feeling that my things were going all wrong.
Thank you for sharing with us and know that your message is so inspirational to me and I thank God for having you in my life. You help me every day and you give me the strength to keep going and never give up! When I'm feeling blue I remember your words at the Glaminar when we cried together and I feel you near me cheering me up and giving me the confidence to keep going. Please, know that I'm your soul friend and if you ever need a hug or anything you always have me and I'll be honored to help you out. I love you Kandee!!!!

Drea R. said...


I found you while Google-ing eyelash applications a few months, maybe almost a year ago, I started reading your blog and I got hooked, not so much because of the makeup tips, they are awesome and thanks for those, but I rarely make myself up, but because you have a beautiful soul.

Thank you for putting the effort out to try and lift us up every day. Because of you I have started to be able to pick myself up, I start thinking if Kandee can do it, why cant I... and then I do. Thank you for lending me some of your strength, because of the anonymity of the internet, you may never know how much it means to me but believe me, its a lot.

P.S. Sending tons of hugs from Albuquerque

Unknown said...

Kandee, you are such an inspiring person. I can honestly say you make me want to be a happier, better person! I love watching your videos, not just to learn even more about makeup, but because you're so adorable and funny and so fun to watch! you're such a smart person, i feel like i learn a lot from your blogs/posts. i have a "quote journal" i use and i've put a lot of what you have said in it! you've made me realize so many things, and made me feel so much better about myself. you're soo amazing, don't ever forget that!


P.S. sorry this was so long!

SidnacGlitz said...

Thank you Kandee for your encouragement....and let me tell you I have had a bad couple days. Lots of love.

Anonymous said...

These tips remind me of a letter that was written over 100 years ago to the Duchess of Morpeth by Sydney Smyth. He sends her advice on dealing with 'low spirits' and it is quite beautiful. I've googled it and you like you can read it here:

Maybe it will help you on those sad days too xx

Christine said...

Thank you so much for this Kandee.
Im having a really bad day today, and i have been crying for a very long time now. Its so hard.

Thank you for being you, you are so amazing and i feel better reading your post. Wish i could get a big hug from you <3

Love you so much <3
Xoxo your friend Christine

Anonymous said...

It's good to know I'm not the only one. Thank you for reaching out. You are such an inspiration and wonderful role model. Kandee you have been such an amazing inspiration. I love watching all your videos you have taught me so much, and helped me through hard times, after just hearing all the struggles you've been through. I would LOVE to be your friend! One thing I wish I could do is smile constantly like you do!!

Selena said...

Awwe that was such an awesome inspiration. This is my first comment left on your blog because I wanted to let you know that I've added this onto my Facebook Quotes lol:

"I needed a hug and I needed one bad! I did get a hug...but more importantly, I felt like I needed the arms of heaven to open up and wrap me in love and peace...and in that moment....I felt like, not just me, but my heart got the biggest hug from heaven....I got a God hug! Ain't nothin' like a heavenly hug."

*Human hug*

emalyce said...

Kandee, I just recently started watching your YouTube channel and reading your blog. Wow, you're so talented! I am so happy I came across your blog/channel because you are incredibly inspiring. I read through many of the comments left here, and I think it's amazing that you touch so many lives. It's even more amazing that you are open about your faith in our Lord. Many people today (famous or not) don't make known their beliefs because of fear of what others will think. Being open about Him is encouraging and I think that's where you get a lot of respect. Thank you for being an exhorter, dear sister of faith, and keep your chin up because you can't look ahead while your eyes are to the ground! *hugs*

Laura said...

I love your bad day instructions Kandee! Love #1: I get cranky when I'm tired, so I understand sleep helps when you're hurting and confused! Loved #3: Research has actually found that it is healthy to cry because it releases endorphins into your body and then you can relax more. Loved #5 the most! Because there is no comfort on earth that compares with God and His infinite love. Thanks for posting this! The truth is no one's life is "glamorous" everyone goes through hard things. But its the hard things that make a person and since you are so wonderful I know you have been through many difficult trials. Keep your head up! Nobody ever said you had to be perfect! We all love you and are counting on you to keep fighting!

Allynrawrr said...


Allynrawrr said...


Allynrawrr said...


Allynrawrr said...


Allynrawrr said...


Unknown said...

such an inspiration kandee, I was reading ur instruction and I said "hey these are not instruction for the lady gaga earphone...?...Hmmmmm"
#3 is my fave. Take a moment, and cry if you need to, sometimes that's the only way we water the garden of our heart and the rainbow can come out over our soul! such a lovely <3 sigh,,,,,
I and my mom loves you so much <3...take care of yourself same as you take good care of ur babies...:)

Parisa said...

A looooong time ago, reading your blog you inspired me to write this..

you are amazing. xx

MissKristine said...

You are such a beautiful person inside and out! I've always watched your YouTube Videos but had never seen your blog until today! What was I thinking? What an inspiration you are :)

VAL said...


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